TG£A nl WP[-Vl
X Am tAJriHim Hik> r«/bpon*rf in reference to nay A^cie
tt;<# X ^nt "to the, DietactCoUrt on /AdKch £ M6.
K££omm bdnci fina\ On April 4* &£>16 by
jke han* SancWi V/attb lwe>el£ A\t» Anne. U^nW
W-beff fe -Hvl Motow Wby i«b +Ue Ckrk o-f +ke
^bpn^i Ortkrczdl gjotWad fjnal iVom 4Vt& X>tetwci CoUrt
/V Uacl^ it> still beira held In (bDliibrvC^n?inenneKV
awai+tina to bx> Wn4r*£ciJta ano^^^lnyXin all clue
of Criminal AppmldXwould be oUiqeclto b& t