Wright, Finley

* s*/s Abel AcosTa, clszk. Court of cichmin^al APPeAH-S P> O.>5oy 12.3o2>. CA/rreL Srvrnok». -COUBIOFCHiHIMLAPPBLS AOVT fN)} TfXAS 7871) APR 24 2015 -AbeJAeesfe-GteTit- teAe ciaek: ENlCLQS<-t) ptegse find vVi^fVg) se T>e£er>d arrPs Ma^oo -f&r r \€asc g^g^cr STawy) 4fris lelfe/- a^d yfciu/n rf 4o tv^ a-f tv^ addv^SS sWxon b-eloi^ ., rwn, A^o4-»'»/> , FILED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS APR 24 2015 Ovnc.evh Abel Acosta, Clerk ^IKiUfv| vu*g«eo ukijt / S3-•3>iT 387£»4 , TEx^S 7S570 * ' A-8EL ACQSTQ} CUERIC CQU&T OF C&W7H0AL. APPEALS P.QBck I2-3Q6, CAPfrS-U. Station! AUST> Nl j TCVrAS 7871 > t)eA& curietc : ^Mcicsed pkase -fiod tr>^ pn H^sse do^e - sf&yvp 4-his le4fer and re4-o/n *4 *k> we.af mu acU/g&s -*- ^)SO >rgg>oe&-V 4-^^4* ^>o na*h£« "r»ov> . CbWAC^sf \cjr_ F)siLgV| VyOe^^-kT^O^Tq^o TeLFbgQ uMiT / Q3~3AT 3899 Snvyr^ H^uy 3S fcj£uJ &cSTt>^; TgXAS 75S7 APPgt-ieE tfcaH APPFAL ^O- Ol-'3-T&b83fe-CR \ft«AL-cp»use mo» mmw. UAgfctS OXJUTV .,TEXAS N\6T\Q^ Fog. exTgV^tQM OP T\Mfcr TO Plie Permort ffrg. Otfec&e~no*s)A,(a.^ review TO TU-E BQMQg^lE OUDGgS OP THE COUg-T pP cg.\Vi. APPEALS* Com-e'S, NJOOO, flVsiUES WJglfrH , fV-hfiorver and P>U»S fhis iMQ-hon fi»r 3n eyWw __7_5W5ig?i^.crc_ of S>sfWi C(oQ)daus iV> w^bich "b file 3 Pe-ii^on fg^ t)jscref''c^ayy KeVieuJ. In ^opftifcn- fyus mpVioo j appellant shcx^s S-te £ourl" 4te Xolloioiog: • . _^_ X •_ ______ lire Pe4>fio«>e^ was conuicftgdl m4-fie IT^th I>is4rtc4 Court- cf Hvwns ^.ounfyj^ "Te*as of ~\be o&eose cf acjQraMaW %€KU^j •assaoH- »r> Caose MO. \^>"54tfc2. ^led Sfaffe oT Texas US £nou?ij WJftGH-T jbas?9»Q . TH-e pg+rf**W apaesled 4o 4-ft-e 6xxf of Appeals, fi^ST SuPgeMe Judical &mJBm& . AMe~ caso- 102^ -sffAcwved. or> Febute/M 12,20 \s. _; _ '• XL ~~tbe preset deadline (of £!<>_,• 4fx Rghf<«r) -£>• D/sore-Hona^ Review >s A^ay 15, 2.015. The fefrhoner has rvsf re<)ues4erh pf appeals in afHrmtne his case uvrnl Mgych 27;2QI5> Since 4haf -hwg Pefifion^v has been aWervyrhng -tp'^atn legal reprgsenTaftcv) in rfois ryiaTKv. n)c> 3-fWney on "Hve apyagad TVrrence i4,Gaise>- Q1&125QG) has informed P^fhvnev 'fV'gf Ke uotl 1nof r-gprese^ htrvi on 4*>e Baftf-io/i -&r "Dtsc\re4-ion^/L. Reviecu. : 'M __ TWe PeTCncs records fhaf h* nevev- yecteved >n 4he fnrgt- place as ecc\e^'b^ i*w coofte in ZQI3. WtfEREfo^/ Pc4i4ioo)screficy>ayc. ReyyieuJ jn Case ^cX ^35^18^ -Va July) 17,26(5. : __„ FiN/UrY uj)gi&HT aeisiqc Texas bePAeu-vevrr o^c^i«m/gqc»v^ Mgnwi £* 6^4v»Sioy> c*P nme \o Pik a BgnTrcn Av X)t$Cr£jw\2(u Revie^ h& beer? fivtuaded by -U.S.Mad-, ccsf^e prepaid, •H/sf doss} to *kie MWne^ -for >S-Mrs, /ALan Curry- 34 |'2<3I Tnranlslin SWwgf; fejJS^Taa&TTaoa 3rd "to 4f»e Srfqjfe fia&sJwff AMor»*f .p.6. Bo* )2H05^ Aus^n ,Texas 787* U H-f>i's 2dS+ dfrjof April'-2QIS. : _^____ VJ-ui^ ^Oi£79/<70 FlN/LEV WlCfeHT, TQCT"^ Olg>7qiqQ; b^m_ prese.vHg mcaKe*-- a4ed in 4h€ 1lE"LFD£D UiOtT of H-v>e Tops Q^parpvtgivt" cf CnwivVia.1 Oustkc irt Netu Bos>W> cquqtm , Teyas .yerifi, aod d-gcla fo^ego^ sra4gywenTS are 4rMe a^^ovr TTcLFfrgP UMtT /gj~3iT M£u-> &OS70M, Tfexas "7SS7Q