\@,MO*W Aprii 20, 2015 Abel Acosta,.Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals Post Office Box 12308/ Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711-2308 - Ref: _Ex §arte Moncier, WRIT NO. WR-l9-590-O4 Sub: Filing of Pleadings Dear Mr. Acosta: Please Find enclosed herewith the original copies of my - l) MOTION FOR TOLLING OF THE RULES 2) "OBJECTIONS" TO NON-SERVICE OF TRIAL COURT'S "RECQMMENDATION" 3) `TRAVERSE TO RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT HABEAS APPLICATION Please File the same in the Papers of the aforesaid WRIT. vPlease Forward the same to the Court's Attention. Please Note my MOTION FOR TOLLING, as I have NO way to Serve you with other "originals" of my said Pleadings. Thank youa Sincerely yours, Daniel Dewayne Moncier #388080 Allred Unit 2101 FM 369 N - Iowa Park, TX 76367-6568 PostscriEt: _ l Please also Find enclosed herewith the original copy of my CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE to the Collin County district Attorney's Office; I Apologize for forgetting to Enter that hereonabove. Ab@§§§w§:a€:¢§§w IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS at-Austin, Texas HABEAS CORPUS CASE NO. WR-l9,590#O4 EX PARTE DANIEL DEWAYNE MONCIER,v TRIAL COURT CASE NO. Wl99-O92R-84-HC4 ¢0»¢0)¢0-)<0)¢0>' APPLICANT. APPLICANT'S "OBJECTIONS" , TO NON-SERVICE BY TRIAL COURT'S CLERK'S NON-SERVICE OF JUDGE'S RECOMMENDATION IN TRIAL COURT HABEAS "HEARING" UPON APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF`THE SAID COURT: COMES NOW laniel Dewavne Moncier, Aoolicant for the Writ of Habeas Corpus, pro se, in the above~Styled and numbered Habeas Ac- tion, who Presents this Instrument as his "OBJECTIONSf upon the' NON-SERVICE OF THE TRIAL JUDGE'S RECOMMENDATION/ETC. in the ACtiOn- below upon Applicant's APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUSl Moves this Honorable Court to ORDER the Said Court Clerk to SERVE him a copy of such RECOMMENDATION/ETC., and Shows this Court`as follows: l l. When Applicant first Forwarded his APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS to the Clerk Of the Trial,COurt, THAT CLERK "lOSt" his said Application. 2. Upon Applicant's Letter of Inquiry, that Clerk Responded by Informing him that his APPLICATION could N®T be Found, and Gave him a Separate Name (Moncica) FOR HER SEARCH FOR THE APPLICATION. 4 Paqe l "Obiections" to Non-Service of Trial Court's "Recommendation" 34 Subsequentlyi Applicant“Wrote to the Trial Judge-and Re- quested that she ORDER the Clerk to Search for his APPLICATION: that Clerk Made NO Response to his Request/the Judqe's ORDER/ETC. 4.' Howeverg on February 24, 2015, the Collin¥County,$Texas; District Attorney's Office Mailed Applicant a copy ct its RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. 5. Thereafter, on March 31, 2015, THIS COURT'§ Cler¥ Mailed ,Applicant a Postcard} Advising him that his APPLICATION'was FIbED OF RECORD on March 26, 2015a 3 II= ‘ \ 6§ Since Rebruary 24, 2015;`Applicant has Received NO Cor- respondence from the Trialbbourtls"blerki-).H T7.‘ In particular,»she?has NOT SEUED Applicant with a copy of the-Trial Judge s Recommendaqtion/ORDER,‘NOR has she/anyone ' else Informed,him:ofrWHAT WAS DECIDED at the Trial Court Level up- On his Said APPLICATION. '°III 8.,~»Accordingly¢ Applicant "GBJECTS" to his NOT Being.Served with or otherwise Being Notified of that Decision/Recommendation. 9. :.WHEREFORE¢'ALL PREMISES\§QNSIDERED,`Applicant PRAYS that this Honorable Court will ORDER that he BE so SERVED/Notified of her Said Decision/ORDER/Recommendation. 10;, SIGNED on this the¢ QSIH-, Day of April, 2015. Respectfully submitted, i~;zu; iv ' é*JzLM~P/{ fla?<¢~¢#\ Daniel Dewayne Moncier ‘#388080 . hAllred.u.nit' 2101 FM 369 N Iowa Park,'TX. 76367¢6568 _ Page 2 YObjections" to Non-Service of Trial Court's "Recommendation" 'JIN`THE=coURTLoF`cRIMINAr-APPEALS` 'at‘Austinf Texas` HABEAS CORPUS CASE No. wR-19,590-04 EX PARTE DANIEL”DEWAYNE~MoNciER, TRIAL COURT CASE NO Wl99 O92R- 84- HC4 wz pa we 69 62 APPLICANT. APPLICANT'S TRAVERSE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYfS RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF THE-SAID COURT: COMES NOW Daniel Dewayne Moncier/ Applicant for the Writ of Habeas'Corpus/'pro se, in the above-Styled and numbered Habeas Ac- tion, who Presents this Instrument as his TRAVERSE OF THE STATE‘S' RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, and Moves this Honorable Court to REVIEW his said TRAVERSE and GRANT him Relief thereupon; and Shows this Court the following: 1 li On"December 8,`2014,_Applicant'Forwarded his APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS to the Clerk of-Collin County, Texasa ~2. On January 21, 2015, after Receiving that Clerk's Notifi- cation that she could N®T Find his said APPLICATION; AND Gave him the Search Name of Daniel Dewayne MONCICA, Applicant Forwarded his COMPLAINT and MOTION FOR EQUITABLE RELIEF to the Presiding Judge of the Convicting Court: neither that Judge nor the blerh of Col- lin County/ Texas, Responded to THAT Pleading. - l Page l Traverse of Response to Subsequent Habeas Application .II.' 3. However, on February 24, 20154 the Collin County District Attorney's Office Mailed Applicant a copy of its/the State's RE- SPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS; 4. Essentially, that Office/the State is Arguing that Applir cant SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE to Present ALL of the "new"/new ISSUES Of THIS Said APPLICATION in his 1999 APPLICATION FOR`WRIT'OF HA- BEAS CORPUS. n n v iv `55 That Office/the State also Noted that Applicant has Filed subsequent APPLICATIONS in 1995 and again in 1999: unfortunately, he has no Memory of Filing such APPLICATIONS; furthermore, he has NO Copies of ANY of the APPLICATIONS he is said to have FILEd,.al- though his FIRST such APPLICATION is NOT'Relevant-here, anyway. -1-11»-” be ' Despite the Language of Article ll.O7(3)(b), Texas_Code of Criminal Procedurel NO ACTUAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, §§e'Arti- CleS lliOl and 11102 Of that.COde, WAS ISSUED BY THE TRIAL COURT, _AS RETURNABLE TO'THIS COURT,thich Fact is Proven by the simp1y Point that Applicant was NOT Returned to Collin County for a Hear- ing upon his present APPLICATION for THAT Writ. 71' HAD he been so Returned to Collin County upon a WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS (an ORDER of the Trial Court to-PRODUCE Applicant's' Body in that Court for a Hearing upon his APPLICATION), he would; |have HAD the full Opportunity to Open AND.CLOSE_his`Arguments in that Hearing per Article 11149 of that Code: v_i_.§;~, he would have ’had_the:©pportunity to ORALLY,TRAVERSE the District Attorneyfs/the State's said Argument(s) against-THIS said APPLICATION. Page 2 Traverse of Response to Subsequent Habeas Application 8i Consequently} Applicant Relies upon his Right to ANSWER any Opponent*s/Part’y's`defensive Pleadings, as Protected by the:‘ Due Process of Law and-Equal:Protection of the Law Clauses of the U. S- Constitution and the Constitution of the State of 'I‘exass IV.* BRIEF STATEMENT-IN TRAVERSE 9a ' NOT Knowing of his said second and third APPLICATIONS,& neither Applicant nor his Legal Assistant, John.Rod Thomas, Raised any Arguments/Presented any Facts to Support WHY several Issues of his present APPLICATION could NOT have been Raised in those prior Said‘APPLICATIONS¢ .lO. Now the DA's ®ffice/the State Stated in its RESPONSE} at 2, at U 5, that NO Court may Gonsider the Merits of or GRANT Relief upon a subsequent ABPLICATION unless Sufficient, specific Facts are Set forth which Establish that the current Claims/Issues have not been/COULD NOT HAVE BEEN previously Presehted in the original 'or a previously considered.APPLICATION;v 9 ,lll Then, that OffiCe/the State Went on to State, at 3, that the FACTUAL¢BASIS OF AzCLA£M IS.UNAVAILABLE l§'THAT BASIS WAS §QE ASCERTAINABLE THROUQH THE EXERCISE OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE On Or before a previous ABPLICATION'was_Filed,”AND it/the State further Statedi Z§;/ that the LEGAL BASIS OF A CLAIM IS UNAVAILABLE`IF THE LEGAL BASIS HAS NOT BEEN RECOGNIZED BY/C®ULD NOT HAVE BEEN REASON- ABLY FORMULATED FROM A FINAL DECISION of certain Courts on or be- fore such previous APPLICATION was Filed. 12¢4” Then, that Office/the State Went on to State, i§;, the current Claims/Issues COULD all have been Raised in Applicant”s L999 A§PLlCATION, AND-they should therefore be DISMISSED. v . . Page 3 Traverse of Response to Subseguent Habeas Application _13. In TRAVERSE of the DA's Office/the State's Position, Ap- plicant Points Out that this Court has HELD, numerous Times, that a VOID Sentence MAY BE CHALLENGED at ANY Time, in ANY Court. 14‘ Essentially Speaking, Applicant's FIRST ISSUE Concer ns a VOID Sentence, Regardless of the "language" Involved therewitha 15a In TRAVERSE of the said Position, Applicant Points Out that WHEREAS the State of Texas/its Prison System was ORDERED to Provide its Prisoners with an ADEQUATE Law Library OR Legal Assist- ance, THEN, AND ONBY`THEN, Could the Said §osition be Said to Hold "SOme" Merit: WHERE) AS HERE, THE STATE'S PRISON`SYSTEM HAS STRIP- PED ITS LAW LIBRARY`SHELVES OF §L£ PERTINENT LEGAL BOOKS/MATERIALS §§Q REFUSES TO PROVIDE LEGAL ASSISTANCE 93 MCRE THAN Q§E SHEPARD'S CITATION AT A TIME (ALL of which the Allred Unit Law Library Staff IS GUILTY of), the District Attorney/his_Office and the State CAN NOT STAND upon the Point that Applicant SHOULD HAVE EXERCISED REA- SONABLE DILIGENCE) because THE PRISON SYSTEM HAS MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR "LEGALBY ILLITERATE" PRISONERS, SUCH AS APPLICANT, TO, IN ANY WAY, EXERCISE ANY DILIGENCE AT ALL$. 16. In other Words, Prisoners such as Applicant MUST RELY on the Legal Knowledge and Expertise of so¢called "Jailhouse Lawyers' to KNOW about the NEED for DUE DILIGENCE, and BE ABLE TO AFFORD him the DUE OPPORTUNITY tO EXERCISE that Diligence WHEN IT IS_POSSIBLE for him to be TOLD, and therefore KNOW/"KNOW“ (just because a Pri- soner has been TOLD Legal Principles/Arquments DOES NOT MEAN that HE COMPREHENDS/UNDERSTANDS the same: essentiallv, such Prisoners QB§E FIRST §22§ fellow PriSOnerS WHO ARE SUFFICIENTLY KNOWEDGEABLE AND PROFICIENT "AT THE LAW" SO AS TO BE ABLE TO.ADEQUATELY EXPLAlN Page 4 Traverse of Response to Subseguent Habeas Application H§§E THE PRISONER'S LEGAL CLAIMS §B§, AND §§é§ HE CAN/CAN NOT DO ABOUT HIS UNDERLYINC GRIEVANCES. 17. Hena Applicant Lucked-put and Found THE ONE Prisoner who KNOWS THE LAW, and Could Put Toqether Applicant's current AP- PLICATION1 and SET FORTH his ISSUE NUMBER ONE, whiCh, aS Said, is Essentially a Challenge to a VOID Sentence. y .18. In TRAVERSE of the said Position, Applicant Points Out that as Concerns his second and third ISSUES, THEY, too, HAVE THE‘ SAME Underlyinq Reality as Set forth hereinabove at UH 16 and l7. 19. . As he has NO Remembrance of Filinq the said 1995 and 1999 APPLICATIONS, as ALLEGED by the DA's Office/the State, Applicant IS without the Ability to Say whether or not his ISSUES FIVE and * SIX SHOULD HAVE BEEN PRIORLY RAISED, or May now be Prosecuted to their Conclusions: he so Says, because he has NO-Paperwork`that~ Pertains to such "prior" APPLICATIONS, so he has NO WAY TO KNOW what he SHOULD/SHOULD NOT have RaiSed in THIS APLICATION. V; .TRAVERSE 20. IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR APPLICANT - or ANY other Prisoner - TO HAVE DILIGENTLY ASCERTAINED the Existence of the Underlyingv Premise of his FIRST ISSUE, because ONLY a "Jailhouse Lawyer" who“ READ, and who later UNDERSTOOD, House Bill No. 2335, the GTDCJ" Act of 1989, could EVEB eventually PERCEIVE that WHEN THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE OF 1989 ENACTED H.B. No. 2335, after Telling the People Of TeXaS that THEY WERE ¢VALIDLY TRANSFERRING THE CUSTODY OF §Q§ INMATES TO THE NEW TDCJ: THOSE LEGISLATORS C®MMITTED A FATAL ERROR: THEY DID NOT SO TRANSFER THE CUSTODY OF TDC INMATES TO THE TDCJ - . x 1 COnSeguentlZl ALL TDC PRISONERS ARE ENTITLED TO RELEASE/COMPENSATON! _ Page 5 Traverse of Response to Subsequent Application 21. No, GENERAL Prisoners such as Applicant HAD_NO INKLING 93 SUSPICION THAT AS 222 PRISONERS, THEIR CUSTODY THEREIN HAD §QE BEEN VALIDLY TRANSFERRED TO'THE TDCJ: after all, THE LEGISLATORS SAID that such CuStOdy HAD BEEN SO TRANSFERRED. 22. Thereforei IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE for ANY Prisoner, EXCEPT a "Jailhouse Lawyer", to have EXERCISED reasonable Due Diligence in Finding Out that the Premises Set forth in his FIRST ISSUE Exists; and it was Applicant's Good Fortune to have his Legal Assistanti John Rod Thomas/ Move into his Dorm just over a Year ago, AND his .Good Fortune to have a Friend Point Thomas-Out as a "Jailhouse Law- yer" ("Writ Writer", per Prison Colloquialism) who could PROBABLY Help}im Out about his Legal Questions/Issues (1magine his Surprise when their Discussion of those Problems Turned to WHEN he was Con- victed (1984) and Thomas Informed him that it was now Possible (he had, some 12- 18 Months priorly, Received a written "Print Outt of certain Language of H.B. No. 2335 which SHOWED that THE ONLY POSS# IBILITY FOR 222 PRISONERS HAVING BEEN "TRANSFERRED" TO'EQ§£'CUSTODY was the Provision thereof which Stated that ALL PROPERTY OF THE EQQV was TRANSFERRED TO THE TEXAS.BOARD OF'GRIMINAL JUSTICE - an Entity who has NO AUTHORITY to then "Transfer" such "TDC Custody" to the "TDCJ"), to SUE for False Imprisonment, thank;to the Opinion of §§- ang v. Johnson, 251 F.3d 65, 74 (2nd Cir. 2001), citing Spencer v. §§m£a, 523 U.S. 1, 118 S.Ct. 978 (1998), beginning September 1, 19- 89} BUT as it was an ISSUE OF FIRST IMPRESSION, having NEVER been Raised, priorly, he OUGHT to first Submit that ISSUE here, in this Court, so as to Allow this Court to properly REVIEW the Matter, AND to Allow his to EXHAUST his sole remaining available State REMEDY. . Page 6 Traverse of Response to Subsequent_Application 23. Quite simply, Applicant's FIRST THREE ISSUES are FIRST IMPRESSlON "Grounds of Error“, having NEVER been Raised before, AND NOT Being Raisable before, so his so-called 1999 and 9999 prior APPLICATIONS; BOTH Of WhiCh, even THIS APPLICATIQN, WERE FILED AFTER September l, 1989; A'DATE UPON WHICH'APPLI`CANT'S SENTENCE|OF RECORD WAS VOIDED, thrOugh NO Fault Of his Own‘i BY ACT OF THE TEXAS LEGIS- LATURE; a Matter which this Court surely Needs to Consider and Give its Opinion upon the same (not that Thomas Expects any Resolution other than what he Set forth in the currect APPLICATION at Ba§. 24. ONLY a "Jailhouse Lawyer" who has Observed and Follows -this/other Court Rules of Judicial Construction could have Found the Premises which underlie Applicant's FIRST THREE ISSUES; so fari Thomas is the only one who has so Followed those'Precepts, as De¢ monstrated by his able Discussion of the same in Applicant's Sup- po rting MEMORANDUM, as well as here, IF Briefly. 25. In the End Result, there are other Prisoners who Want Thomas to Prepare for Filing the same ISSUE as Applicant's FIRST ISSUE of THIS Habeas Proceeding; however, he is extremely Ill; as he Suffers from Ischemic Heart Disease'(his Heart Beats too slow- lyi Causing Deprivation of Oxygen to his Heart and Brain), and ALL- RED UNIT MEDICAL PERSONNEL7 as Joseph Michael Eastridge and Nefer- titi Weaver-Borton, NPsti are REFUSING to Prescribe him the appro- priate Hypotension/etc. Medication for his Heart Condition, thereby }»” CONSP_IRING against him,`w 926. 'Therefore, the histrict Attorney's Officefs/the State's POSitiOn that Applicant SHOULD HAVE FILED/SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO the First Impression Issues, which may all essentially be Raised ytg§Page 7 Traverse of Response to Subsequent Application herein at ANY Time (just as VOID Sentences may likewise be Raised)L is Shown to be utterly Ill-founded, and MOOT - particularly as Con- cerns Applicant's FIRST ISSUE. N_Ote As Stated in ISSUES TWO and THREE, the Premises thereof, though quite Correct and Unimpeachable, Pale in the Light of his FIRST ISSUE, as Applicant's obvious False Imprisonment du- ly MOOTS the Premises of those latter.ISSUESy as HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INCARCERATED after September l, 1989, SO HE SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PAROLED OR SUBJECTED TO LOSSES OF GOOD TIME. 27. _As the State can NOT Challenge its own Laws, a Legal Pre- cedent Laid down by this Court, IT WAS TO BE ASSUMED that the Leg- islature had PROPERLY Transferred the Custody of 299 Inmates to the TDCJ:_ WHO COULD HAVE ANTICIPATED that in the Legislature's Assump- tig§ that Inmates ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE STATE, their FAILED At- tempt to Transfer those Inmates Custody WOULD END IN VOIDING THEIR SENTENCES OF RECORD - NOBODY! (SO, WHO COULD HAVE ANTICIPATED that HE HAD A "DUTY" TO DILIGENTLY INQUIRE INTO WHETHER OR NOT HIS CUS- TODY WAS §§E SO LAWFULLY TRANSFERRED, or THAT HIS SENTENCE WAS XQLQ after August 311 1989, WHEN THE LEGISLATORS of the 1989 TeXaS Leg- islature HAD ASSURED THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS that THEY HAD LAWEULLY SO TRANSFERRED THE CUSTODY OF TDC PRISONERS TO THE NEW TDCJ - NOBODY! 28. Therefore, the District Attorney Office's/the State said POsitiQn that APPLICANT SHOULD ALREADY HAD EXERCISED REASONABLE DIL- IGENCE in DISCOVERING THE UNDISCOVERABLE (except by a Diligent Pri- sone/"Jailhouse Lawyer" who KNOWS and USES Judicial Interpretation Precepts) is UNTENABLE, ILL-FOUND, and MOOT. _ Page 8 Traverse of Response to Subsequent Application VI. TRAVERSE OF FACTUAL/LEGAL BASES 29. THE FACTUAL BASIS Of Applicant!s FIRST ISSUE/CLAIM is that HIS.SENTENCE OF RECORD WAS RENDERED VOID, through no Fault of his own, BY INTERVENING LAW (just as Intervening Law can DECREASE the Range of Punishment Attached to a Penal Statute, or just as the 1987 HeLaw Decreased the Time TO Parole (just as the Attorney Gen- eral of Texas Stated in an "unp ublished" AG Opinion)), AND, there- fore, HE HAS BEEN FALSELY.IMPRISONED since on and after September l,_1989, and is Entitled to instanter Release from his said "Custody"! 30. That is to Say, as Based upon the foregoing Arguments/- Presentments, at TU 9-28/ at 3-8, THE FACTUAL`BASIS OF HIS CLAIM/- FIRST ISSUE, WAS UNAVAILABLE prior to the Filing of this current APPLICATION, because THE BASES WERE`N@?COMMON KNOWLEDGE and; there- fore, WERE NOT ASCERTAINABLE TH§OUGH ANY EXERCISE OF DUE DILIGENCE. 3l. THE LEGAL BASIS Of Applicant's FIRST ISSUE/CLAIM is that where HIS SENTENCE oF RECORD wAS so RENDERED'voID, and 13 yglg, BY INTE RVENING LAW, then the Question is whether or not SOME JUDICIAL DECISION Recognizes OR Reasonably Formulates the Recognition that his SENTENCE 18 VOID AS A MATTER OF LAW:y well, l) H.B. NO. 2335, Acts 1989, if Implicitlyi and sub silentio,_ACTED to VOID his Sent- ence of Record because HE IS 999 THE PROPERTY OF THE STATE, as HELD by the U. S. Supreme Court, and Unimpeachable, therefore, AND HE WAS NOT, in ACtuality, SUBJECT TO HAVING HIS TDC CUSTODY TRANSFERRED TO THE new TDCJ, OR the TBCJ, in the first Place; 2) the Opinions of Huang v. Johnson, 251 F.3d 65, 74 (2nd Cir. ZOOl)L and Spencer v. Kemra, 523 U.S. 1, 118 S.Ct. 978 (1998)(cited by Huang) HOLD, then¢hat a Prisoner MAY SUE for False Imprisonment where his Sent- ) Page 9 Traverse of Response to Subsequent Habeas Application is NO LONGER OPERATIVE, where it has been Completed, OR where it has been Rendered VOID by Intervening @ircumstances. 32. That is to Say, as Based upon the foregoing Arguments/- Presentments, at 3v8, at UU~9-28, THE LEGAL BHIS of Applicant's \ CLAIM/FIRST ISSUE, IS AVAILABLE BECAUSE THE LEGAL BASIS COULD HAVE BEEN REASONABLY`FORMULATED BY A FINAL DECISION Of this Gourt F-:lg THAT LEGAL BASIS HAD EVER BEEN SUBMITTED TO THIS éOURT BEFOREr and THAT.COULD ONLY §§ A POSSIBILITY ii other "Jailhouse Lawyers" had ever Figured the Basis Out by Using this Court's Rules of Judicial Interpretation and Application!: i;§;, SUCH WAS §QI COMMON KNOW- LEDGE, sO, therefore, WAS EQLASCERTAINABLE THROUGH DUE DILIGENCE. 33. 'The Factual/Legal Bases of Applicant's ISSUES TWO AND THREE have exactly the same Premise as Argued/Presented above, at 3-10, TH 9-32; so the same are hereby Incorporated by Reference, Adoptedi and re-Averred as though originally appearing hereat. 34. CONSEQUENTLY, Applicantts FIRST THREE ISSUES/CLAIMS WERE -§QE AVAILABLE'PRIOR TO THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION¢ NOR COULD §§ SO AVAILABLE, BECAUSE Applicant COULD NOT KNOW Of them/OTHERS could not Know of them because HE/THEY HAD NOT YET TALKED TO LEGAL ASSISTANT John Rod Thomas prior to 15 Months or so ago - certain- ly, NO ATTORNEY OR JUDGE, who are usually the ones to Raise such First Impression Issues/Claim, has Raised the Bases for these IS- SUES/CLAIMS in any (un)published Brief/Opinion!; therefore, the DA'S Cffice's/the Stat€s RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENT APPLICATION SHOULD BE DISMISSED, as MOOT; accordingly, Applicant's current APPLICATION should be fully considered, with the Factual and Legal Bases fully Reviewed, and and he should be instantly R§ leased from Custody. ;, Page lO Traverse to Response to Subsequent Habeas Application Side Bar Commentary 35. Although Applicant can not See how it could come to pass/ but THERE IS THE ISSUE that this Court may, after all, DEEM the Bases underlying his said ISSUES/eLAIMS TO BE UNAVAILABLE, here, because they ER_E ASCERTAINABLE THROUGH THE EXERCISE OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE, Meaning DIsMISSAL of this current APPLICATION. 36. ` Should such Circumstances come to pass, or this Court Choose not to Consider/Review the APPLICATION at Bar, the Appli- cant HAS Exhausted the sole State Remedy Available, and he my di- rectly RAISE the same in a proper Federal Court, as Based upon. Huang and Spencer,‘supra. VII 37. WHEREFORE,' ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED PRE-MISES CONSIDERED, Applicant PRAYS that this Honorable Court will Review and Consider his said APPLICATION, .MEMORANDUM IN SUPPOR'T, and this TRAVERSE OF THE STATE'S RESPONSE TO HIS SUBSEQUENT HABEAS Al°PLICATION, and will GRANT him RELIEF thereupon.by Instructing the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to instantly RELEASE him from his "Custody". 38. Additionally, he PRAYS that this Honorablke Court will GRANT him such other and further RELIEF to which he is Entitled. VIII 39. I, Daniel Dewayne Moncier, under penalty of perjury, Do hereby Confirm that my foregoing Averments/Statements are TRUE and CORRECT, and freely and voluntarily Made. Cf. 28 U.S.C. § 1746. 40. EXECUTED on this the ZQC#Q Day of April, 2015. Respectfully submitted unto the Judges of the Judges of the said Court, _ Page 11 Travers to Response to Subsequent Heabeas Application ¢QM;¢// mm/~ Daniel Dewayne Moncier #388080 Allred Unit 2101 FM 369 N Iowa Park, TX 76367-6568 ~k~k~k~k~k~k~k THE STATE oF TEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT coUNTY oF wICHITA § BE IT KNOWN UNTO ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That - I, Daniel Dewayne Moncier, Being of sound Mind and fully Cap- able of Making this Affidavit, and Being personally Acquainted with that Facts Set for herein, Do hereby solemnly Say and Depose: It was approximately January 1, 2014, when I first Spoke to my Legal Assistant, John Rod Thomas, about beginning Work on my cur- rent (Filed December 2014) APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. It was then that I first Heaniof the Possibility that my Sent- ence TO THE TX DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS might be_VOID, as Render- ed so by Act of the Texas Legislature in 1989, effective September ll 1989/ because that Entity DID NOT VALIDLY TRANSFER MY CUSTODY - nor COULD HAVE VALIDLY TRANSFERRED IT - TO THE "CUSTODY" OF the new TX DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. ` Likewise, it was also then that I Learned that my two Paroles and the Taking of my Good Time Credits (prior to.September l, 1995) were also Challengeable, as NOT actually by the Law of Texas. The Filing of my said APPLICATION was Delayed because of Thomas' work load for other Inmates, and finally by his INCREASING Illness. I further Aver that the TDCJ Allred Unit Law Library has been Stripped of ALL of the pertinent Law Books/Materials/Citations that l/OTHERS would NEED to even begin to Find the governing Information that Thomas has Put together for me in my APPLICATION. I Believe that no other "Jailhouse Lawyer" has Stumbled across the Bases/Facts underlying my APPLlCATIONS Issues/claims, because of the "Destruction" of the said Legal Materials/etc. I Confirm under penalty of perjury that my foregoing Averments are True and Correct. Cf. 28 U.S.C. § 1746. Daniel Dewayne MonEier Page'12 Traverse to Response to Subsequent Habeas Application IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS at Austin, Texas EX PARTE HABEAS CORPUS CASE NO. WR-l9-590-O4 DANIEL DEWAYNE MONCIER, TRIAL COURT CASE NO. Wl99-O92R-84-HC4 CO?&O'JC&¢¢O'J&O? APPLICANT. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE' I, Daniel Dewayne Moncier, Do hereby Certify that I have For- warded a copy of my foregoing Pleadings (MOTION FOR TOLLING, “OB- JECTIONSH and TRAVERSE TO RESPONSE) tO the State's Attorney, Mr. John R. Rolater, Jr., Assistant Criminal District Attorney, Chief of the Appellate Division, Collin County District Attorney's Officei 2100 Bloomdale Road, Suite 200, McKinney, TX 75071, by U. S. Maili 'first class postage prepaidi on this the BCHQ Day of April, 2015/ t x Daniel Dewayne Moncier
Moncier, Daniel Dewayne
Combined Opinion