Ci lIFE JIlSIICE LISA MAI/. CAROlYN WRKHIr — —. ClERK (IF 1111. COIIRI (214)712-3450 JITS I ICES •#3 . tllCCICrk@.5(II.LXCOLLhS.UOV DAVIO L. BRIIXWS 4ç; /yc— M0I IV FRANCIS GAVI :1(1 JMIA D(Il)GI.AS S. LANO t1l]SINI.SS AI)MINISIiAI(II{ H i/AlIt III LAW -Mn KS (214) 712-3334 ROIlIRT NI. HI I SUIRI. gayIc.IIurnpa(35Ih.tNcnurLS.gOv eoutt o( ppcaL - — LANA MIlKS Jftftb Thtuict ci cxa at a1Las Aa BROWN - OO0COMMI.RCLSIRI:CI Sl:l1L200 CK.\Ki SI000-\RF INlINSLI BIll. WIIIII 11111 DM IAN_TEXAS 75202 www:IXC(n:RIs.Gov/SIJICI,AASIx D.;VII) J. XCI 115CR (211)712-341)0 July 15, 2015 Reginald E. Hall TDCJ No. 15027683 Dallas County Jail p. 0. Box 660334 Dallas, Tx. 75266-0334 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 05-9 1-00799-CR Trial Court Case Number: F90-33988-QW Style: Hall, Reginald Eugene V. Texas, The State of I. The case has been submitted and is pending consideration. 2. The Court of Criminal Appeals has jurisdiction over post-conviction writs and habeas corpus. Please contact the Court of Criminal Appeals for any forms or information. 3. The Court has no record of an appeal on file in the above referenced name or trial court number. 4. Enclosed is a copy of the opinion in your appeal. 5. This Court does not appoint counsel 6. Neither the judges nor the staff of this Court can give legal advice. Therefore, you may wish to contact your attorney; the trial court; or the State Counsel For Offenders, Texas Department of Crinunal Justice, P.O. Box 4005, Huntsville, TX, 77342 for further information or assistance. 7. The Court does not have jurisdiction to compel the trial court to provide you with free copies of any of your trial court records. This Court does not provide free copies of any documents without prepayment of costs. Our charge is S. 10 per page payable in advance by cashier’s check or money order. 8. Your case has been set for submission on 9. Our records reflect that the x 10. Enclosed please find the copies you requested.( enclosed are 3 volumes clerk record & 3 volumes of reporter records as requested and paid for. II. The cost for the copies you requested is Respectfully, Is! Lisa Matz, Clerk of the Court 7
Hall, Reginald Eugene v. Texas, the State Of
Combined Opinion