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E/\I‘T€?Z€Q O¢\) *7'/%/3 /4€77`0)\/ 0/\)'7/7¢&_' <£-73€ @,47,‘ `GFn/\/+`>/, was *\05(//30[//5 ` >c J333 L R.,,z l `JOSE 4,3 /Q(/{l'#Z q/ gog$ ’ R/-M’)SW uA/IT*§`¢ PECE|VED BN /l 00 F/V\'”' 655 'ch.‘ mTOchMlNALAPPEALS ,r> E/+¢c.” ' acc/mv 05 cn/`M/"\m o 6/°)°€6<'~5 011 TEM , zonec Bo,c /,;13@<3» 2630/703 szrm'w) /¢ms~;/`/\/, 75><3: 757// " ;J'OSE L3 /QM/Z_# ?/44066 /4/°)° eL/\/J‘Z -\/S*, ..... 1 E'C_ )DASO CO(,(/\/T§/ C®(,(QT/.fo 500 5657 566 )wzwz`o EL _/‘>650 75>0¢1@ 77qu ,RESP<)A/z>m~f h R E: §\4' /O/m'c 5 ,_3`43/()[ ` AA)`M~"S?B"' 9~60 70 / JAlME ESPARZA District AHorney :_., iv j NLZ-; \_}, T;_' ___ Thirly-Fourth judicial District -.i. , ..., _. __ _ ,_ _ _ L ___ MJ (E| Paso, Cu|berson and Hudspeth Counties) ii `{ ,.m.___.a~.,._-,._,_______ ______ ` - t)‘.&§>ur w May 4, 2015 Ms. Norma Favela District Clerk 103 El Paso County Courthouse 500 E. San Antonio El P`aso, Texas 7990] Re.' Ex parte Jose L. Ruz`z Cause number: 990D04252-243-01 Dear Ms. Favela, The above-named applicant has filed an application for writ of habeas corpus under article l 1.07 of the Texas Code of Crirninal Procedure. The State has reviewed the writ application and relies on the statutory denial of the writ allegations See TEX. CoDE CRIM. PRoC. art. 11.07(3)(b). Unless otherwise directed by the trial court, please forward the writ application and a copy of this letter to the Court of Criminal Appeals pursuant to article ll.07(3)(c) CCP. See art. l 1.07(3)(0). Thank you for your consideration Si cerely, §i‘ zimva Lily Str ud Assistant District Attorney lstroud@_epcounty.com cc: Jose L. Ruiz, applicant TDCJ # 914065 Ramsey Unit ' 1100 FM 655 Rosharon, TX 775 83 El Pclso Coun?y Courihouse ' 500 East San'Anlonio Street, 2nd Floor El Foso, Texas 79901-2420 ' (915) 546-2059 ' For Victims Assis|ance call (915) 546-2091 www.du-elpaso.com Cas`"e Nd f (The Clerk_ of the convicting court will fill this line m. )§ in rni:;coif)iiifit 0FCR1MINAL A;HPEALS=<)F TEXAS APPLICAT.ioN ron A wRIT oF'HABEAS Co`RPUSi SEEKING RELIEF- F_ROM FINAL FEL()NY CGNVICTION UN_DER_ CODE (j)F CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, AR'I`ICLE 11.07- S€C ,3 [‘) NAME': i-TQ'SEI- L.. _Rl//'Z i)zi-.TE OF BIRTH': 0/ ' /6__- /‘Ié_’.@ __ _ §_ PLA(:§E.oiz~-comi;NEMENT;: Tex _ 03 pr 3/-' mim.. UD;T. » z.D. . in) NUMBER 045/90 489 TI)CJ-CIDNUMBER t _`(_1`=)] T-his application concerns (check all that apply): ij a conviction iii j_par<;il;e»€ t/ a sentence ij 'zniaii'ciatoi€y“supervisiun ‘ Cl time 'fc`-i"`.e`dit El out-zo'f~`-`time appeal or petition for discretionary review (2) What district court entered the judgment of the conviction you want relief from_? (lnclude the court number and county ) LQM_MM££MMM ~ Ei Fasq _ 73><3..5 ($f); Wii'a":t \wa's»'rhe_ case numbei~..in éher. ctiai;cmir't?' //‘?7000’)'. (4‘)_ W.ha¢.was the name of the trial j udge?y ` v__U/)/'case=numb'er;? 1(*3‘)' Whatwas the-decision and:thei date iii`f.tiie:détéision?~ "Did you testifyzt`it` trial?` If yes{,_~a't` what-r:pliase of=?the:t`i.‘ial didzlyo_u.’téstifj§? i/__o_ _ _ 'Diti you appeaiifroin ¢iié>j`u,iigmen‘co"f”¢vnvi}cicii)ii? R(y..es- 1151 rio 'If you did appeal answer the following questions (»A-_), Wi'mt:c‘o_mzifofappea`i“s;didl:yi)u "` l//ik)m /1//1 " =(C_) W_er_e you represented _b_yi counsel o_n_ appeal" I__f: yes,~ provide the attorney s names »I/)ik,)ww/z¢”~~~:» ~ ~ »(i),)' w-iiat;was-ihe~deciswn and,:-che:iiace oriiieio'e_¢_is_ion‘:~' ___Mdl£zladm..i.____ "l?iil you fil¢€a»ap¢tifibri for discretionaryreviewinth (§`¢)iilrtef:€§r_iini,`nal.A_iipéal§§?¢ EJ`§ rest bli.(ll"¢ 1iii'._;.y;oii;dice-inez a_petinon for discretionai=“y¢'r"eview,,answer the-founding q_u¢».siiims:;v ._Have you previously filed an application for a writ of habeas corpus under Articlé ll. 07 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure challenging this eonviction" _l yes E(iw :Il‘“you§`:an'sw_ered yés, answer¥th'e»following:€qu_esti`ons:¢ (Al What_was' the 'C:o,\ir,i-vof G.r{i`mjinal, Aiiii¢als? writ number-if Rev'. 0;.1./i~4/~i~4 i(ll.$i :(16)', __(1"'3) what 'wasi'¢h'e decision ana.,rthe'idace afiihéi'decisibnz ‘(f.;?)l .Pleas¢:;idie,oiifyifh¢ reason that the current éla,ims:were nct§gr;¢s,;entezi and"ciin!;i;ij indtiliavefbe"en presented on your previous:i_pplication; court" 131 ;yes'; i?(no `l'f`ii”\`l dvsweredi Y¢S, elcase'»pwi§i¢e»“fh;e;_neme of~ih¢.seur'tian.¢i fh'e;~§as'é";iiumlier; If you are presenting a claim for time ci;edit, have you exhausted your administrative remedies by presenting yo_'u_r claim to the time credit resolution system of the 'I`e`xa"`s Department of Criminal _J`usti_ce_? (Tliis requirement applies to any final felony conviction, including state jail felonies) , ij yes 13 no- If'yoi`i` zi`nswe‘redi§ycs,,answer= the following q__iies_tions; (A); W.hatdat¢ did,you present,-i:heelsi`m“? __ _ _ , (B`)i I`)`id',yo'u-;re,c‘eiv¢i_a:decision.and_,_'if'y,es;;w`:iiacf was the-dac¢:_orih§~d'e¢jisioqu» ,.I~f~{you answered n‘o, please explain Why:`yolt'ha¥éii_iot_S_uliiiiittcd your claim: `R'¢.v.; 911[1:4;/"14 (171 Beginning on page 6 state conciser every legal ground for your claim that you are being unlawfully restrained and then briefly summarize _t-lie facts supporting each ground Yo`u must present each ground on the form application an`d a brief ` summary of the facts [f your grounds aii"d brief summary of the fact ve not._b.een» If you have more than four grounds, use pages 14 and 115 of- the form, which you may copy as many times as needed to give you a separate page for each ground with ground must lie no longer than the two pages provided for the ground in the form. You may include with the form a memorandum of; law if you want to present legal authorities, but.` the Court will riot consider grounds for relief set out in a memorandum of law that were ii`ot raised o'n the form 'I`lie citations and argument must be:` in a memorandum that complies with 'I`_exa_s` R_ule of; Appellate Procedure 73 `ai_id does not exceed 15, 000 words if computer-generated or 50 pages if not lf you are challenging the validity of your conviction, please include a summary ofcthe facts pertaining to your offense and trial in your memorandum_. ‘ Me/??o /\/o/’/ce of R)’_y/i/’ 75 Cow)$e//o/ dna/er znTé://)a_%ona_£ LM/ 53 am gec, 7%.2[6.7 ar z/,§.c gec, 50,5)_ si l »`Rev;; 1.6..11/"1_4/;1,4 GR<:‘)UNDLONE /%0/?/\/0 \./ 5/a.72 oF 72)<05 87¢2 5 w ,20/577 CCRT CR/Vl., f?,/’P /;75’) Dh5o/) \/ )?m///auez /MF 3'0/§177 1 __ . 1 __ C§TA c/R /7‘759 FACTS S‘UB_PQRTIN.G GROUND ONE:»; IVL'eco_/rle Pa,fo/e /`:'V/'l"<{iLM/'Ae..an , _i_/u.//i/, 510/il . F/a/)Z Mfr Fq/fnfan_ §f“éeca_(ne /,_a.j /)7¢///.€_/ Aoff _ lh£@_ma_fo/_} o/e £/0 /ea/_ //aA/A'/l»fe a_/ fn 1Kard_:/"/'quz(e Z§ - Su_PK/$D f mbe/ing 0/.2/‘//,[)7_€0/[0 //n/_e Cz/s%c/,V of Me-11.5E7ZY ~ - 11 Fr[5on y§V§/_’Pm' 0_\/2/`_0/1/_52®//9 belg§_LMM/e c/TT;‘§ZeQ;/?F M.§_A M£a./)fc/I§l._/l 0_// /0_//8 r)}:.»` Aa~£a_).’e. _UH_JE/'/'El{05 300/d 0}'/ v /0/@/9[)5 aflJ prefer/25 @j@n;/y`;< [mz_<,'.r/e /0_1///'0»/7 :0F Ke§n/e»"/" _ég pan /eJ /o //A£ Ea///)//V 0/' /77£>(,£_0 {wée(e§-z e_uas.__£o)_’a`_ 411¢;/ /ZQ./§£C/;> ///7¢/£/ goa/d /?i//£ -11 l.. //' ///€ 37 773)<05 HJmin/r/)ZL// /\/e foo/2 - 5_2¢//0/'1 /L/Z a'L¢'L /%amse/) » [,Ue;/ &00{).....… ;'Re:v,. 0‘1$/'114/14? _ 73 a/eéa_'//e_ _,0/' n/¢'O`/fé£fa_//e _`,on-M.Aeéo_/F`/)F /4;}¢ éz;ga;g w 37 71 w§e§__ Wemo blm a.?" 17//_3§ 5'0/6… nix a/F//'/”_fon » 5 v v ''''' ‘ ind mt 5_///2_-73@2/77' .. R’ev.- 0‘1¢:1:4/:;.4> GRQ UND TWO `FAC:’ITSFS`UP:I?OR?I“§'I`NG“GROUNDFTWL()`:§ R`E:v,~. 0 l~'f-'l§4/»I 4 R€.V. 0~1'/1~'41,/}¢5¢l ;GROUND' TH 'REf` E:'z ~FAGTS~`SUPPQRTIHG GROUND THREE; :l`Q Rév: 011\,¥’514/1`114» .I' 1’ R`"C_V,; -:0¢1‘.`/ 1 41114`1 GRQUNI) Folm=v .FACTS,:SUPFORTING GRQUND FOUR=» 12 Rev 01./..1:4/1:4; 113 R§Y`~:Ql'/..l"»¢¥;/:l:‘¥ GROUND ;FACTS*S_\UPPORTING 'GROUNI):: 14 Ré.v:..-O,l'.i%?l¥i/ `1»4' 151 R¢.v»: 0131’"4`/‘/14¢ wHi:REF<)REAPPucANT mrs THATTHECOURTGRANTAPPHCANT l ‘RELI,EF~ To WHICH?FHEMAY HE ENII§I`:LEDF’IN THI'S§;I’:RG(§;EEDING._ vERiEicATioN .This application must be verified or it wlll be dismissed for non compliance For verification purposes ali applicant is a personi til ' he application on his orl her own behalf A petitioner is a person filing the application eli behalf of an applicant for example an applicant si attoilleyf A'n; inmate is a person who is in custody The inmate applicant must sign either the “Oath Before a Not`ary Publio” before a notary public or thé “lr"i`rnate s Declaration” without a notary public If the inmate is represented by a licensed attorney, fha attorney may sign the “Oath Bcf`ore a Notary Public” as petitioner and then complete `Petitioner s Iilformation ” A; non-inmate applicant must sign the “'@'ath Bjéfore a `N_otary Public” before a notary public unless he ls represented by aj licensed attomey, in which case the attorney may sign the verihcat`ion as petitioner A non~inmate non~.attorncy petitioner must sign the "6_ath Before a Notary Public” before a notary public and must also conlplete` “Petitioner’ s information ’~’ An inmate petitioner ~.rnust sign either the -“Oath Before a Notary Public” before a notary public or the “Inmate s Declaration” without a notary public and must also complete the appropriate “Petitioiier s lnt`orination ” ~oAliH_'BEFoRE A,;Nofrhny PUBLK:§ 'ST»;ATE~ §)F TEXAS COUNTYOE -,_be_in_g duly sworn under oath says “l am .,the applicant / petitioner (circle one) in this action and know the contents: of the above application for a writ of habeas corpus :and, according to nly helicjf, th`e: facts stated in the application are: tille. ” 'Sign`atujre of Appii;¢jailr;j/ipa;iiii§n¢r (f‘¢i'ircie:aleij: sulB'st;i_§iBEn'.AND SWC)RN?TO‘BEFORE MlE*THi_s; , , ._jl;)l:A'Y or _. , 4,`;,;0: .._.__.,, Signature;of Notary Public Rev~; §O`~l:‘/_I`¢U:]-:¢il PETITIQNERSS»'iNFOHMAYTioN Patitioner~:*s:;printcd_»narnc:'~ `Stat;e barr namb¢r,iifapipl`i¢ahls': Addrsl§; , Tclephone:- INMATE’S DE€LARATlON l,'~,:ljo_vc‘ applig:ation are true ail&}lz¢p_rjrj¢q;_____ , ! sigaarura;a hapii¢anr» j.i>‘éation¢rt(¢lé¢iéfone)" 17 lay <):i;/»il/il PE-TITIONER?S lNFO`RMAFIT-IONF 'P¢ti,flonet’"s:print¢d nams;: z Aicldtess; raisphaiiie: F,ax-: » signed an _ _ 2a ;Si`_gflfl§afllt¢ Offl?ilivi.ii,btl¢,r 185 'R¢v__;-: 50 '1;/ `1.4/1-4~“
Ruiz, Jose L.
Combined Opinion