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RECE~VED ~N COURT OF CRHVlll\fAl APPEALS ~\\~~ ~~~~\:..L ~\\ostl~~~~\n.~\~~ ~ ~ ~~~\1'\o\ ~,M._~~ AUG 17 2015 ~~ £\bel Acos~a, C~erk \\ ~\_\\.~\"li~ \)~""\.._~~\\\_ \\~~l~U\.\lli~t~~\b~"""S.._\ \Jt \\\\~~\\~ \\) \\\t__ \-\.D\'-SD~~ "2\\l~bE D~ ~Th ffi~\ : ~~~ ~\D, ~~~ ~h.e_ V'cJJ.x~r, Wn~', ~ ~ Ln -th.L ~\Je.d-~\ ~ ~1~erl ~ n ,,~() "D~ ~3:~f\ ~ ~ i..~ ~ D,~ru1 \\~~~~'~'\.."\. D~"'OJ\c\.~u_~, ~~ t:e (4,-\:\.th.. \t. be ~H~f\ ~(c.) ~~ \:.~~to~\)t(=~~\~~-~LUI"\ulrl~~tk.tourt t\u_ \~fu~~~~· ~ . ~~\_\\~~ \\ ~\ ~~~ ~~~\\'c..~'li"' ,\ ~\_'""S.-~n ,\S'-\.\nl \4 L~D.i"\ D~~ L(\~.£U~de.cl. L(\. 't.~~~ ~~t'\~-\:.~ ~~ ~L~~ ~tL ~\.~c.~~\) ,.., r.-~ ~~\ ~ ~ ~\.n~ o:l:. ~ \J. (:\;tl_tt_d \l.fu..t dl_\) fh ~~. -s....o~c:.... ~cAt~~~ 1\o:fu,'\ • ·\.t)d.... ~t"~~'k~~ \\i.~~dl~~~f\.0 D~\uu- adoq,,ok_ ~~\~. \ ..~~ \'ru_~~~~~~~\'~~;~r\\.-c~:wu-~Lci,~~c\i~illh~Lt\~ .. \\L~ \\~.\'tt>\ ~~ ~~\ ~~~ ~~~ ~ Ltf\mui~ ~~ O..N'U'i'l__\:_ \:D ~~~uri \)~ ~\..~~ \\w cl ~ Q.. to~~~ lc~ ~ud{~~!("\ ~~ ~~L-\ ~~ ~ to"'~~'-~ CU'\.~trS.. ~~~I~ C>.. ~t\. ~~.n:k. ~U...\:\..~ leo~~~"-~~\:.~~\-~w~ ~~ L~ -t'M.. ~~\.tt\.~ tnw-t fu.t ~ \::.~ \:.~ose_ ~ L~~-~-~ ~\ved. ~~ ~~c~\:~o.~'¥\ "~f\ ~~ ,\.Q,"'\.:~ o~~~tn'~' ~ e..J\..~ers.. ~\iA:.~ ~ ~ ULr '\:L'\(~ ~ti...~J"i\.f\ \:.'M_ ~~t\. ~~ili \::_~ hM.lit\tt ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~.:\.~ \'6 ~~utt~~ ~l~~ \\~ ~~c' ~~~~~~~~~~\n-\:.~~~~~\.~~ ~~~ ~~os.~~n.s._~ ~~t~~woWA Nu,e__ ~~eA. ~'t. \.ll_~n t'ta ~~ b~ lt-tl"\l..~ \\~~ . \ ( \.\\~··~~\.'C.~~ \.c~s ~\..),.__~"""-~ ~~ \\w--,\s.. \\~~\..~ ~ ~~' ~ ~cD:-"'- .~e.~"\::~ ~S:.M.ci. ~tnrS. 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"·' ~'~k .......-......... , ..,... ~,r,;~\~ '~'. ,.~ ..;,..~ ~<.,~\':)~,:~\~ ,i I r ~;~~\At<\(~ \..u.~~'M_\fcJler \~~-~l\S'\~l\q ~w-\i.~ v. ~\lr~ Ufu'\ ~\ 1=\'\ ~q. \\\'. ~\.Oc. ~cu~ 1\'L.I~~ ~~'~\S RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMI ~~~ ~~h~rl.. ~~ ~ ~ \:.'NL ~~~r)~Df\ ~ '~~~ cx~~~h~\~a~\~,~~~~b"~C()~~ ~~~. \.'-.J-A-.~"- """'' c.~'\.. o.\1 (;_~s&- e.J\tl-\1-.. \:,\,U,<;_ ~' \ ' ' ~~ .\\-\E t_~u~~ \)~ l~"l\\-s._~\\\_ \\~~Et\~ \JY \~Pt~ ~~~\l\\\~\\ lliMu_~~\\ \f\\\_\._'t~ . \\\4.~~ \f. \\~~\..~\..\\~\\~ \J~~t.t~l.~~ \D \\-\.E. ~\~\E~ r1..~\\"l~b \J'" \\\~\ ~, \\~~ C~J:J~tw~--s._.t)~ ()~ \Ji.~ \ \ , .... CHRIS DANIEL HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK June 25, 2015 NKRUMAN LUMUMMBA VALlER #1546714 DALHART UNIT 11950 FM 998 DALHART, TEXAS 79022 To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to Article 11.07 ofthe Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, please find enclosed copies of the documents indicated below concerning the Post Conviction Writ filed in cause number 1030025-D in the 184th District Court. D State's Original Answer Filed D Affidavit D Court Order Dated D Respondent's Proposed Order Designating Issues and Order For Filing Affidavit. IZ] Respondent's Proposed Findings ofFact and Order June 24,2015 D Other Enclosure(s)- STATE'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDER 120 I FRANKLIN • P.O. BOX 4651 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77210-4651 • (888) 545-5577 PAGE I OF I REV: 01-02-04 Cause No. 1030025-D EX PARTE § § NKRUMAN LUMUMBA VALlER, Applicant The Court has considered the application for writ of habeas corpus, the State's Original Answer, and official trial court records in the above-captioned cause and in the applicant's previous habeas proceeding. The Court finds that there are no contro- verted, previously unresolved facts material to the legality of the applicant's confinement which require an evidentiary hearing and recommends that the instant habeas application, cause number 1030025-D, be dismissed because the applicant has failed to include sufficient specific facts establishing that the current claims could not have been presented previously because the factual or legal basis for the claims was unavailable; or that, by a preponderance of the evidence, no rational juror could have found the applicant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 11.07 § 4(a) (West 2013). THE CLERI< is ORDERED to prepare a transcript of all papers filed in cause number 1030025-D and transmit same to the Court of Criminal Appeals as provided by ·-·· TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 11.07 (West 2013). The transcript shall include certified copies of the following documents: 1. The application for writ of habeas corpus (with all attachments); 2. The State's Original Answer, 3: The Court's order; 4. The indictment, judgment and sentence, and docket sheets in cause number 1030025 (unless they have been sent to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals pursuant to a post-conviction writ of habeas corpus order); 5. The Court's Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and 6. The State's and Applicant's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (if any). THE CLERI< is further ORDERED to send a copy of this order to the applicant, Nkruman Lumumba Valier, TDCJ #1546714- Dalhart Unit, 11950 FM 998, Dalhart, Texas 79022; and to counsel for the State, Linda Garcia, 1201 Franklin, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77002. By the following signature, the Court adopts the State's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions ofLaw and Order in cause no. 1030025-D. SIGNED this gB:;;;f~+---+-=U:..,__·~-------: ~J<~.c?. 2 Cause No. 1030025-D EX PARTE § IN THE 184TH DISTRICT COURT § OF NKRUMAN LUMUMBA VALlER, Applicant § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned counsel certifies that I have served a copy of the State's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order, in cause number 1030025-D, to the applicant on June 16,2015, as follows: Nkruman Lumumba Valier TDCJ #1546714- Dalhart Unit 11950 FM 998 Dalhart, Texas 79022 FILED Chris Daniel District Clerk JUN \7 2015 ·Linda Garcia T\me:_ Harrl& county, Texas Assistant District Attorney BY- Deputy Harris County, Texas 1201 Franklin, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 755-6657 (713) 755-5240 (fax) I . Texas Bar ID #00787163 garcia_linda@dao.hctx.net ''"11 ,·: . .·: . , ... ,. '. . "\.~. \ ' .. J '1 l ~i. ·, ; J • J • • \.. \_ ~ •I • .. .,1 l, t l) i.. ..,. Qc~\o~o~ 1/~o· I/ co:uRroF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF 'rf;XA:s APPLICATION FQ.R AWRIT O'F QAilE.-AS·CQRPU$ SEEKING RELIEF FROM FlNALFELONYCONVlCTJON UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDCRE~ AR,TICLE :1·:1.07 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. You must:use· the complete:form, which. begins on the following pag¢, to file an appliCation :tor a writ of habeas corpus seeking relief from': a finalfeJQri)'conyjctioll under Article)l~Q!'t of the C~de·of.Cflminal ~rpced.ur~. (:This·form·is •wt·for: d~atb..: penalty ca~es, probated sentenceswhichihave.·not been revoked,,or misdemeal1ots.) 2. The di~tr:ict'clerk of the C()UI}ty in which you w¢re c()nvi~~ed. wilf~ake !hi~ form. available to you, on req~est,. without charge. 3. Yotl must file: the entire yvri~ apptf~atlon fortilig.the groull~ shall bemo longer: than. the tWo pages .provided for tb~ claiJ11Jn'th~ forrm ' 7.; Legal ~~tatlons and arguments may be mafl¢ill a sep·arate.meooor:anduih tluit COiflplies with Texas Rule of Appellate 'Procedure 73 a.nd does not ~~.;e~d lS,~O.~ words if computer-generated or pages ifnot. · :; so 8. 'You must verify the: application by·signi9g either the Oath Before Notary Public or the.lnmate's DeClaration, whiCh are at the end.ofthis.formon;.pag~s 11 and12. You· ·may be·pro~ec.uted a net c.onvicted f()r aggtavat~d perjury ifjrou make any false : statement ofa . material facf.in. this·application~ ·· · :\ 9~ When the application is fully completect; mail.the original to. tlle:district Clerk ofthe county ofconviction. Keep copy· of the appl~cation f()r your ' a recor.as~ . 10. You··must J!Otify the distriCt clerk oftJie c()1n1ty of.con:victi()n of.ariychart'gein address after you have filed your ·application. _>· ' .. :.:. ~. ·. .•, ··.: .. • ... ·.f" . • ::~~ ~ • Rev. Ol/14/14: ---~.._.,...... __ .._... .....!·, .:;: I _.·· "-1, ~ :~ •il.~- . _ . .,_. -.,..:. .. r- ..· Case N~\:.~~\\~~ (B) What was the case number?" (C) Were YO.!! r~pre~ented by c~.UJJ~~l'on a~Re~l'.Ofye~, provicf~the attorney's name: ~W>~~\s;:e]\q~\[os~ ~ \\~~~~(\. .w (D) Whatwasthe·decision and the;($ate ofthe ~~(!i~i~nl? ,_,.,..~~~.J,.J.&.;.l._·.. ---------..,---..,.-----"- (13). Did you tile a petition for di~cretfon.tacy~w In the Co11rt Qf-Cri~inal Appeals?: 0 Y~~ . ~U) ' UY,o.ii did. file a petition fot disctetiollaiyreview, answer the following questions: (A) What. wa.s th~ ca-,~·nurnber? (14) .haye ym,a preyiouslyflled an applica.tion.for a writofhabeas>corpus under Article U~07 ofthe Texas Code-of Crimina.I PrQ¢edure chaQ_ertgi;aig [hi~ C.Q!J_vic;tU1nJ ~es. tJ' no .. . ' lfyou answered yes, ·answerthe following questions: Rev. Ol/14/14. (B) What was' the decision and:the. date of.the;decision? bt\).R t\ hl- :19 -l S " (~) Please id_¢ptify th~ re~s~n that th~.c.urrent ¢l,"jms:were I)otpres.e•lt~~ ~ntd' co11J~ ·not ha:V:e been.preserited on your previous "pplication~ ~~'S.),=o·1,IL~c\')$~~ 4X(' u\p~~snp\ttlcl L~rtvcl:~n LMCl>ktto<\ ~'t ll~ .\\os~~ 1':>j \ \t~.&:)$7.8?:?~.C \-.. \\9l{D,I Dk,.:Ed ,;M,[lqQ). \\\% \oo~clJD? D~ \~ U~t~ ~:l4J.a (1$) Do you.:c11rrentty-h~ve: a·gy jietition. or:apP,eal :p_ending in ,any other state on federal court? If you· answered yes, please•,provide the: n~p~e ofth~· ~o.u.rt ~ll~b~'>Th>.\u;t.""k~%~1w:.k.h-vlt;\:IM~~tr.()\9~~"k]}w }\~ ~tt.~~~~~~~~~~\..rut~ \\C'\c\ ~~'cUr\. \Jlblcl:e-f\ \'ruL ~W\('J'Ao-\:'s ~~~~b, \.'ru..\\~~~~ ~.r:>t~L:h¢DQ o . F'ACtl'SSliPPORTING GROUND ONE: \WL ~~~\ ~ ~~ ~~-h:l 3£k.~~~s:.~~~n8"Nt..o.r\.~-\Jl~ ~C~) ~c:&k.\~Mililc«cu~~bvik.Jnx.u~~ ~~ -~ \ ~ ~u.~k2..-~~~D~ \ Lf\ ~~~M.~ 1 OS\_('\ 'no. ue.. ~tt':il.trun'' ~ 1 ~n~~\$ll>t~~ .\\~\~;;\9~~£>~ it:lliS\\1\~ paS~ oo.\t>~DdS ~~s\\~· !>{\~ucy,l\,ltoo7, \\~D..~~D"t~~3.~M\t~\hi;\~~O..~~Q~~\_\.Dn~ll,d£lDln ~~~.l-WieA~~4\W~Sn\\n.ml£l~St'~RJ,1 UQnCo~ ~. \) .J'AA_~\@.\"r:Jru;\. ~d)sr\p?R-~M.\l'51)bl5" "d_~, ~ '<.!UU'~\:.\n_~c~ ~~ ~ ¥'\.~~~1.')~ ~~~II ,:;LDc,lo_, '3.t:. l.t L.)CQ f\bt ~\:·w\t;qo~ t\~W,~<:o r\ \\'\ .\N._~\N~~ ~s.~.b.) tq=lk_ fu~Iru::k~S\ ~n.~ •- \:.\s..~~\..n~~.\\S'D\o~,\~\\~~~~tbN:l~~D{'\~\\~~~rtiL \.\m~c\.wl.nAAiwM>\M\t)S\S>Tt.'N..~~c.rtb.\.LM-\et!~CC>C§1l.-h#oo ~~~tS ~\..~\:.~~~~D'f~tm.\t)~;bt:>J.S.l~~.\So\.liL~\\~8/~ Ln -i:rt'cl~ltD.ItsefoZ)). ~~~ ~~\:.~~~~ ~\n \:~ \~~"·~"~~ilur\._~~\:6..tr-vl~or ',~~ ~,\\~ \a'dS~ ~ dld ~ \.s~c..~ Dt"dor lu.fu.\ ~ llotd.oo;S'-fhntr\r.l.l\ tho. 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" , ·. l' 8 Rev. 01/14114 Rev. OI/14114 ---,.~....;,;,.,.......:..--~ ········---· GROUND THREE: FACTS Sl.JPPO.RTING -·' • ..... ,,. •' GROtJ'Nfi .,. ... / .. ··•·.·THREE:·- . . . ' .- .. Jd Rev: o'tli41l4 lJ Rev. Ol/14/14 GROUND FOUR:: 12 Rev. OlllMl4: 13 -----------··--~· 14 Rev. Olh4/14 .. 15. Rev; 01/14/14 \\'llEJUiF()RE~ APPL.ICANT P~YS tlt\t TUE COURT GRANT APPLICANT: RELIEF TO WHICH I:IE 1\1AY BE ENJltL.P:DJN ']"H(S~PRQ~~I:tilNG! VERIFICATION This application must be v~rified orit will be di?rnisse.d f()r n()n:-tQII1plil.'tnce, For :verification pUI])bs¢'s, . an •appiicailt is a,persoh filiriRthe.application on his ot ~er own behalf. A petitioner is a persqn filing ~he. appti_c_a.~h:>n:onhe)la:lf ofaJ1isreptesented by a: h9C~lsed.. ~ttomey,,the attorney may sign the ''Oath Before a.Nbtary·Public'' as p~tifjgl)_er and ihen.complete "Petiti(rper'~~·rnfotm,ati()n/'' A Qon-iiHJlatq a,pplicant mustsign.the "Oath Before . a Nptacy Public"'before a notary: public unless he is repr:~~~nted.by a,li_c.en.§e4 ~ttQrn.ey, in whiCh c~st; ih.~ fittom¢yrnay sUtn the verification as .petiti'oner, · A:noh.;.inmatc non-attorney pctitiof}(!r tl11JS.t ~ign the' ''Q(lth a.~fore. a:N.otacy Pubiicr; p~fore !l·notary_puolfc.aiid must also:complete !~Petitioner;s Informatio_J), ·~ .An' inmat~·petjtjQ!J.~t; '.must: sign eitherth<;: ''Gath 'B.~fow~'a .N9tary })ubH~·; befm:e a:n6Jacy public' at the ''Irimate:'s· 'b¢clarati6n" ·wlthouta notary·public. and•ro.ust:~lso ¢9tl1rii~ty:the .apptijpriilte. ''I'etidoner's Infon:nation;"' · · , · OATH BEFORE ANOT.ARY P'OBLIG STATE OF TEXA$ COUNTY OF ~------ ----,--c:c--:---:--------:-"---:,..,.-:-------'' being duly sw. o o • ~~ ~ h.\·-s • '· f ~- \-~,~ ~ •• ' 0 0 0 ~'~~ ~-1 . ~. "l:'f\9. .\J:)m\N.).i%\'-\iSt-ON\~~-t:tDr 1~ A.~~n_\et.\ to~.J_n~Q_\ lirJJ.i'ai\~ T~Fir~ \\~~l~~fl\~~t·~ ~~~ ~)_\.r~~-f\\.~t~ ~>~r'l..D.1ha:Fost-~nvlt:tiM\ ~'~~~6.>..~~- ~~~'\- ~ 0 0 .. ~ '~-~~ ~o' ~\l~.r-, o ••• ~ \t>. ~~~~~ ~o.s~~\,~<\ ~ '! '!9 ~-~~It: ~s~\.~~l,~~ .\J~ ~\}L.~. ~~. o ~\\ • \\~~·~d.~\.\;. c~\.\c.s1~Ji) t_\l'IA.!U"\~ hi\.,~\"~' ( (';.\.~\'\,h\n~l\w~~DI'\; b~~,,~\~Ab,,SP.d), ., • \• ~~.():t\~\!.t\~'-"ji~J\1£.~T~ \J.~~~S.Ii)~.EA ad ;.us!8~ S.\.t.\\~~(\~to~). ~~- 4 anA\{). ~~~£~~ t~}a·A'- ~\\~ ~.\0. ~<\ 591 (J~)(.~;r~~.\\~~*cl.D\~) ~ ~~ca~.Jp ~ · ·~,¥:i·\£,..\~ut. ~ ''-\\.~\10~.~-~\~~ ~·\t)• ~"\ liSOl. 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Valier, Nkrumah Lamunba
Combined Opinion