Iran Jay Hawkins v. State

/fayuxr zf/r z*-'s- tow v / ^ m! 10-11-00075-CR AUG 26 2015 COURT OF/gg^S 7^ 6/^6/sMY- 7V ./toy/3, 20/Sr r4$ ZT/y&i7fau&!> /a/ My jQ&&/a/s /j&m?st %/itib /s AJ£^4y»&fc& <&?rc&z && ^w //M/e^p/^e. j0/e£S£MF, £/2Z£S) &WT&&D Wf77fcU7- OO^S&^T 7® /& SO. 7%m£ Cm/S&fT /jfu/ /W?/4ES SUCtf &S772U A SBZ0W~£&p2E& /&/GAy /foftto^/^TTfcrMW/=# />/b A - ,~^~„^, w ^,«^ —„, ,,*^~ v.^tr,, ~r,^, /fy?^ 4 <%A/t//b AJ02 //y>//&>. /V/es. 6(M*7&v*=fc 77¥&//yamw/c& ^ZA/£>/E£Z>f 776S /fi?S g£E7lS ,faj @\fyO/A/t /Msr /)£p&)l£ M& €>/^/»y /)U& wfe7 J- MgoE you Se/Af 7ff/s /m/m tg A (Oa/ 7//B mmi/&w/)r (/V/tf7&V€&) JT a///dv/e&J e&w&s &^y>s)c/mm//& sz/3sz&£es wom/feEr/tov ?f) /&//htv Acetj/y?7i smm&8£& &u//r/& /M//?y?/A#? /^c&?meymr/z Am?/£%L ^/srypz. J5? sv//i&a/jf awav^ £Xtff(?&2/Z&> C/&/T7S. Ak/ /^/Z/bfATfr/ /?/r&e>V&W/>7&/>fr/ /)0C(//??6W3r•, /L/fift/AE: 7/fer <&W/>;/UW /A//>/C7W&tfr WJE7Z6T &) tuts c//fa /p/e /^//o^mis AMD /¥?&/!&> /tea// stytfy &o) ytsm?. jTAAc/a- Uo/x\m?*f^& />/& a?*/a) // td yMs jAO 7%&r &pQ&&7?77&(/r CU/rAttE: y&CA^/&/^ y^gAAa^> '^?ZV7D tTZfr Ms /TAA#/?ys tcm& ///oAZfivs. /^ ygA^cyi) £ao?j^AF7^> AfypAwmTv /t&ejt/yey am&z 0m, Sy' /Ws^sOy)£A?swJ/0v 7D /A/rfa^&l&Az jiuemz: /U&v, /<&&> /a/ avaaj/) -JeAk/J&v OxAAfTy / wo/ua?tfe£ri*&£ £y (/aiAiy^AJ i&}s //&jb^ /s^&^/fr /mump ^ f&zw/hfrf ss, 20// 7/y/i/m/&at tt/b^b <&-yc/ASf/ao -7^7/yo/y* M/zs: uJA/t&tf&z-/js eJ&wfy sy&o t&um/o/j (UmM/r/Gb AU /Mju/?/b/$ sfez;,, AUyLfijxs0=v//y w/7^oM/Af MiiPALilcmmm^^ _ \Zo/me^f^ 10 1 substances or exhibits? 2 A. They would receive the evidence. They would 3 generate a unique laboratory case number assigned,to that 4 case that allows us to track that evidence while it's in 5 our position -- possession. They would make a note of the 6 condition of the evidence when they received it. -Then 7 they would file the evidence in the vault until which time 8 we would retrieve it for analysis. 9 Q. Okay. Do your records reflect who handled the 10 drugs after Ms. Posey? 11 A. The analysis was initially done by Kay Davis. 12 Q. Who is Kay Davis? 13 A. She was employee of our laboratory. 14 She had retired last year. 15 Q. Okay. So she no longer works for the Department 16 of Public Safety, correct?. 17 A. Yes, sir, 18 Q. Okay. And in looking at the exhibit, can you 19 actually tell if Kay Davis handled that, both exhibits 20 actually? 21 A.- Yes, I do see her initials on State's Exhibit 22 Number 2 and State's Exhibit Number 1. 23 Q. Okay. Can you tell if those exhibits were ever 24 picked up again after Kay'Davis did her analysis? , 25 A. Yes.; The evidence was returned on December 17 of LUANN M. GILL, CSR, RPR *** 24 9TH OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER \Jb/tw&¥(> 11 1 2008 to a Brent Dickey. 2 Q. Okay. Do your records reflect who Brent Dickey 3 was working for? 4 A. The S.T.O.P. Special Crimes Unit. 5 Q. Okay. And was the exhibit ever again received by 6 the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Lab in u 7 Garland? 8 A. Yes, it was received more recently, on January 13 9 of this year. 10 Q. Okay. Do your records reflect who dropped it 11 off? 12 A. By Marshall Whitlock. 13 Q. Okay. Does it say where or who Marshall Whitlock 14 worked for? 15 A. The S.T.O.P. Special Crimes Unit. 16 Q. All right. Who actually received the exhibit 17 from Marshall Whitlock? 18 A. Again, it was received by Linda Posey, same 19 person. 20 Q. Linda Posey again? 21 A. Yes, sir. 22 Q. Was she fulfilling her same duties as she was 23 back in 2008? 24 A. That's correct. 25 Q. All right. And what happened next with the TiTTANN M. GTT.T, . P.QR T?PT? *** OAQTU n w r m 7\ T r'rMT'DT' nmnnnrm-m s„*~am}> Y. ^ r INDICTMENT 1&QPY—' Bond Recommendation $. No, _£imi2- IRAN JAY HAWKINS The Stateof Texas V. DEUVEEY Of ACONTROtLBD SUBSTANCE IBSSTHAH OK.GKAM Charge: Count 1- DEUVEKVO.ACONTROUEDSUBSTANCE1TO.GRAMS Count 1 - (ENHANCED) IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: , r i. en,*- nf Texas dulv selected, impaneled, sworn, upon Aeir oatiu presentin and to said Court atSald termthat IRAN JAY HAWKINS in the County and State aforesaid, did then and there: ™t*t tp AMcniER. TO TESSIE BATES, ACONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, ORDILUTANTS, AWTOSAIDCOURTTHATIKANIAYHAW^S^NUKAOU ^ ^ DIDTHEN AND THEES INCLUDING ANY ADULTERANTS OR DILUTANTS, ^r^»*WAnPAPH-ANDrriSFURTHERFRESENTEDINANDTOSAIDCOURT FEU INTENT TO DELIVER, Against the peace and dignity ofthe State. Foreman of the GrandJury •« !""53 >- /1 X •— o* / 55 -a- 1 LEO 1 HI G -> 5 ^l^t —•» Q \^ S3 **• / CD r^> ^ ^ til * * N