Ronney Earl Williams v. State

SHERR\/ RADACK le:F JusTlcl-: TERRY JENNlNGs CHms'roPm-:R A. PRlNE CLERK or THE CouRT w` ~ ¢ JANET WlLLlAMs EvELvN stcs \\ ,, CHu~:F STAFF ATroRNEv LAURA CARTER HIGLEY `"“/ JANE BLAND P : 713-274-2700 MchAEL MAssENGALE Court Of Appeals F::FE 713-755-8131 HARvEY BRowN ° ° ° REBECA HUDDLE Flrst l).lstrlct RussELL l_.LoYD 301 Fallllln Stl‘€et ~'“S“°ES Houston, Texas 77002-2066 May 27, 2015 Ronney Earl Williams TDCJ #161744 3602 County Road 45 Angleton, 'I`X 77515 RE Court opr'pealsNumber= 01~15~00§51-CR Trialcou"rr caséNumber= 74312 Style: Ronney Earl Williams v. The State of Texas Dear Appellant: The clerk’s record was due to be filed May 26, 2015. From information currently available, the trial-court clerk has not filed the clerk’s record because you have failed to pay or make arrangements to pay the clerk’s fee for preparing it. See TEX. R. APP. P. 37.3(b). My records also indicate that you are not entitled to proceed without payments of costs. See TEX. R. APP. P. 20. This is NOTICE that the Court may dismiss an appeal for want of prosecution when the appellant has not paid or made payment arrangements to have the clerk’s record timely iiled. See TEX. R. APP. P. 37.3(b); 42.3. The final deadline to submit written evidence from the trial- court clerk that you have paid or made arrangements to pay the clerk’s fee for preparing the clerk’s record is 5:00 p.m., June 26, 2015. If you believe you are exempt from the paying the clerk’s fee to prepare the clerk’s record, please file a detailed written explanation by the deadline stated above. See TEX. R. APP. P. 20.1 (establishing indigence). A written response is required, even if you have previously claimed you are exempt from paying the clerk’s fee. If (l) written evidence from the trial-court clerk that you have paid or made arrangements to pay the clerk’s fee for preparing the clerk’s record or (2) a meritorious response that you are exempt from paying the clerk’s fee is not received in my office by the deadline, this appeal can be dismissed without further notice. Sincerely, C…¥i;. » .\ ~. w iv ,_ _ w n _ Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of the Court By Noemi E. Hernandez, Deputy Clerk cc: David P. Bosserman (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) Jeri Yenne (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) J ill Friedrichs (DELIVERED VIA E~MAIL) Judge 412th District Court (DELIVERED VlA E-MAIL) Brazoria County District Clerk's Oftice (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) ., , ~ ,.. ., } .“ 1 ` . . y .. 7 ~¢\-.é~¢.§;mmm~s mmmmo-am: nmf$mou OP me>Lzudmw\rm7séhvm ...s"_..§ a §§o_@%w 31£-5 .oz mwmomm m_.ON wm >4EWOFNNMFOGD mm: m._.<>_¢m QET.OQO moog a~_m m_OLwD..§/_mn_ lll|li|lii §§ QQEW,…@%§ ww__som_ >wz:n_ AAm@