Bolivar, Randall

743 @¢I~ 02)03 Randall Bolivar #71719379 Ellie Unit 1697 FM 960 Hunteville, Texae 77343 June 1, 2015 Texae Court of Eriminal Appeals _ Abel Aoosta, Elerk of the Eourt ' Vla CEFtlFiEd Mail No. P.U. Bo)< 12308, Capitol Station ' ,/p/q 05/0 ODD/ U/_S» /éSS Auetin, Texas 7B711 RE:Dooumente For filing with the Eourt REF: MR-79,35&-03 Dear MI‘. Ac:oata, REC£ ElVED lN §\'DU Enoloeed For Filing with the Eourt, please find my REALTUR'S MUTIUNT$H:CRMWNALAFPEALS CDNSULIDATE EUSE NUS. MR- 79, 354- 02 AND MR- 79, 354- 03; AND AUDPT THE FILIN§§Q 1()20¥5 FRUM THE SAME, in accordance with your normal prooedures. Thanl< you For your time and efforts. Eod BleSS Vou! n "\@@¢HCGS§E Cg@gg€ Reepectfully Submitted, MW/ oo: Chief Staff Attorney, 13TH EUA Cameron Eounty D.A.'e Uffioe 54¢§¢ ?Fps¢c»JHNS A*¥=rnzj EAUSE N0. MR-79,354-03 IN THE TEXAS CUURT 0F CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAB RANDALL Bm_'I\/AR, § Realtor § Relief Sought From: § CUA NU. 13-1#-00157-ER Vs. . § CDA ND. 13-11-00397-CR § THIRTEENTH CUURT UF APPEALS, § TI. Et. ND. 09-ER-ZBE9-A R§spondent § "`) \ 4 REALTUR’B MOTIUN T0 EDNSDLIDATE BAUSE NUS. UR- 79, 55#- 02 AND UR- 79, 35#- 03; AND ADDPT THE FILINBS FRUM THE SAME TU THE HONORABLE JUDGES 0F THE EUURT DF ERIMINAL APPEALS: Comes now Randall Bolivar, Realtor pro se, and respectfully moves the Eourt to consolidate the causes of action and their filings in cause numbers UR-79, 354-02 and wR-79,354-03, filed in this honorable court. In support of this request, Realtor respectfully shows the Eourt as follows: FAETS: 1. 0n September 15, 2014 Realtor filed his Motion For Leave and Petition For Issue of writ of Mandamus in this 00urt. 2. 0n 0ctober B, 2014 the Eourt "denied without written order motion for leave to file the original application for writ of mandamusd" 3. 0n November 1B, 2014 the EDurt, "Pursuant to Rule 79.2(d)U dismissed the Motipn for Reconsideration/Rehearing. 4. Matters raised in the filings made by Realtor in UR- 79, 35@- 02 were based on Respondentis abuse of discretion as it related to EDLLATERAL ESTDPPEL, and the ministerial duty to act under well-established law. 5. 0n May 13, 2015 Realtor filed a subsequent petition requesting relief from denial of Respondent's ministerial duty to act on a matter related to the pro se access to the appellate record. AREUMENT: Realtor argues that this honorable Eourt may have mistakenly dismissed his Motion for Reconsideration/Rehearing pursuant to a rule that is inapplicable to the filings of extraordinary matters. RULE 52, TRAP. Because RULE 79.2(d), TRAP, does not apply to the facts and circumstances in this case, Realtor is entitled to have his petition reviewed, and the merits addressed, by this Eourt. Furthermore, Realtor argues that it is in the interests of judicial economy and the fair and proper administration of justice that the,matter be addressed (1 of 3) / by this COurt before Realtor will be forced to raise this matter to the Federal Courts. It is, of course, also in the interest of commity. Additionally, Realtor argues that the judicial determination in the first proceeding is in CUNFLIET MHIEH DESTRDYS THE VERDICT of the second proceeding. Realtor further argues that the Respondent's latest action is in CDNFLIET 0F 0PIN10N with the rulings of this Eourt as set-out in AMADUR V. STATE, 221 SMZd 666 (CEA 2007) and KELLY V. STATE, 436 SMBd 313 (CCA 2014). Realtor has no remedy at law, and mandamus is proper. Even if, "[i]n some cases, a remedy at law may technically exists however, it may nevertheless be so uncertain, tedious, burdensome, slow, inconvienient, inappropriate, or ineffective as to be deemed inadequate." SMUTH V. FLAEK, 720 SMZd 784, 792 (EEA 1987). See also GREENMALL V. EDURT 0F APPEALS 13TH JUD. DIST. 159 SMZd 645, 640-49 (EEA 2005); IN RE SUSAN REED, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 10093. Because any further proceedings would be deemed inadequate relief, it isjust and proper for this Honorable Court to consolidate the two causes of action, a and adopt the filings from UR-79,354-02 into this case. _ PRAVER FUR RELIEF Mherefore, premises considered, Realtor prayssthis Homorable CDurt will grant the motion and 00N50LIDATE EAUBE N05. wR-79,354-02 and UR479,354-03; and ADUPT the filings in the same. Respectfully Submitted, MM Randall Bolivar§ Pro Se Realtor Ellis Unit, TDCJ # 1719379 1697 FM 900 Huntsville, Texas 77343 VERIFIEATIUN sTATE oF TEXAs § § couNTv oF wALKER § l, Randall Bolivar, being presently incarcerated at the Ellis Unit, located in walker Eounty, Texas, declare under penalty of perjury, without the United States, that the facts stated herewith are true, correct and complete pursuant to Title 28 usc 1746 (1). _ ' 7(c;éazcg5¢§,_» Executed on June 1, 2015.' Randall Bolivar, Affiant (2 of 3) ft CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Maria S. Rey, certify that a true and correct copy of the above and fore- qoing documents were served on opposinq counsel for`the State at: Cameron County District Attorney's Office Chief Staff Attorney 964 E- HarriSOn St-_ 13TH Eourt of Appeals _ v ' l 901 Leopard St., 10th Floor Brownsvllie' Texas 78520 Eorpus Christi, Texas 78401 Service upon counsel was made by fa First Class Mail, Or hand-delivery. SIGNED AND SERVED ON THI§§?bAY-OF l l 2015. Maria S. §ev (3 of 3)