‘ _ nlCHOLl'-'IS RnD BH|IDEDH, P.C. AT|'ORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ROY R. BARRE.RA, SR.* ROY R. BARRi-:RA, uR., P.c. ‘ ESTABL|SHED l 957 ROBERT J. BARRERA, P.C. *BOARo cERTlFlEo - chMlNAL l_Aw CHR|S K_ GOBER, P,C_ TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPEC|AL|ZAT|ON M|cHAEL A_ (TONY) REYES, P.C_ _ - MAR|SSA BARRERA MORALES, P.C. ANTHONY NICHOLAS* 1'l 926~20| l AN AssoclATloN oF )NDlvlouAL PRAcTITloNER$ ` 0ctober 7, 2015|\/| :l;'r:`be"`°“' ' iaE@i:lvi§@ iii Court of Criminal Appea|s of Texas COURT mg n“""*~`»°lll\../lll\l/;'\_l_ APPEALS P.O. BOX 12308 §§’- >) Capito| Station ed 1 " 2015 Austin, Texas 78711 q _ belac@§ta,©lerl< _ Re: Juan Torres Trial Court No. 2012-04-12006-CR WR-83,781-01 Dear |\/|r. Acosta: l am confused by the dismissal of my application for writ of habeas corpus reflecting as its reason that the conviction was not final and that no mandate had been issued at the time the application was filed in the trial court. _ 4 ' | filed the subject application after the Court denied my |\/|otion for New Trial. | did not file any appeal of such judgment and sentence, whereupon the Court heard my factual and legal presentation on the Writ and denied it. lt is my understanding that a mandate would issue from the Court of Appea|s, if an appeal had been taken and the appellate Court had overruled it. l\/|y initial pleading to this Court as proposed was an "appeal of the denial" of my writ filed therein. The rule that is referred to in your cited "Exparte Johnson" contemplates a Judgment appealed from and denied. That is not my fact situation and | respectfully would request a reinstatement of any appeal in your Court, or that l be advised respectful|y, ”where do | go from here?" Thanking you in advance for your attention and consideration, l remain Sincere|y, R`oy R. Barrera, Sr. 424 E. NUEVA BY LA VILLlTA TEL: (2 l O) 224458| l - SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 www.nicholasandbarrera.com FAX: (2 l O) 224-5890 =_Q_or£ 25 §§m§_. 1b >._.J`OI.ZM._. F><< >Z >MMOO_>H_OZ 01 _ZO_<_OC>F wOrO VD>O.:H_OZMDM ANA N>M.~. ZCm<> U< _l> <__l~\:.> wr: r:~O:_O. ~mxnm wm~om .QBZH§@YG § § . t .. _ §§ _¢mwb£pm§mm#§ne §§ . ,m®©na §§ § c w EH. Eomw woomdm~ gme Oocwd om GH§H §§ ow _H_mxmm m.O. wox HNwom ammng mdmgob >c.mdwb~ _H_mxmm §qu , aM'...m_§§cm.a~§~=m_?}§~ ~¢we