NO. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, TEXAS JOSE DIAZ PEREZ Petitioner, RIMINAI. APPEALS 1 6 2015 v. Ab§f testa, Gferk THE STATE OF TEXAS ON PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW FROM THE TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS, COA#12-14-00116-CR, TRIAL COURT THE SECOND JUDICIAL DIS TRICT, CHEROKEE COUNTY TEXAS, NO. 18373. MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULE Petitioner especutfully request that this Court will suspend the Rule and allow Petitioner to file the original of his pleadings without the number of copies normally required by the Court. Peti tioner access to xeroxing or copying services. Dated: June 9, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I mailed a true and correct copy of the for egoing to the Cherokee County District Attorney, West Sith Street, Rusk, Texas 75785 via U.S. mail. Dated: June 9, 2015
Perez, Jose Diaz v. State
Combined Opinion