Alexander, Walton John AKA Alexander, John Walton

gm/+ oF 0/'».;»»4/ /4/»/»€¢//: - , W#a/) ']M/) A/exdm%r /}¢/§ +//) / Téxag 737/7 ' l 099 6/@'» R¢se, H 57‘9//’€” V/// 51 7_@)<¢0' 7¢)’¢@/ '@5» 3(1/’1 '03 /QE.' $mfc of'];)ws V, A/exawé/;`Caa;e /Vv, /€27'6'c /19/ hed/'/f)q #mr mm o`/a'ere/ +l:e D/sr'v‘)'¢f [m/‘f '/’¢ cma/em ' / has fee/1 a/me,' 6'?- 163 f hope +lm' wm w/'// fake h@hée ` cf Me m%ef w/I?f! of 6/'/0/‘ W/'/'/) 7"/»& hew/y d/.'¢c¢va»eo/ ev/'a’eme' N@ / 2 w/+h sqpp@/~r f}m ex/z;£/r #/3 . 771/s /': made Maf ivy mqu ¢q/,$@¢rizf@/ +/w/ 0773»/)¢)/, /?7/‘, k'//)¢ V/é/q¢'e/J¢vf€ Bd/~ Ku/e$ of B~;?‘éSs/md/ C#»Arc+/’ K¢/¢_/¢ /w‘? €mmqo/'aar‘w//[q) and d'€/)le¢/ hoc Coh$rl HI!VOIM/ /'/dAf»’ ocam{ml '/'0 fmzf/fw*/M ¢r_/ dm€h//n€/)fs ¢F’ 5`/ d»/‘#"§ . I :l»als/C [Y¢g //‘ /V£w‘ ms/V¢°¢afi@@. .M¢M _ `Da'fe hrg//e¢/ 5'// /5` KJNG LAw oFFlcEs, P. c. W# /z/MW%M/L RUSSELLW. KlNG 19211S.U.S Hwy. 377 DUBL|N, TEXAS 76446 PHONE : (254) 968-8777 Mailing Address: King Law Off ces P C FAX : (254) 445-2751 P. O Box 772 ' E-MAIL : ` Stephenville, 'I'X76401 m le Walton J. Alexander #799196 Bill Clements Unit 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo, TX 79107-960_6 ’ RE: State of Texas v. Alexander, Cause No. 10295 Dear Mr. Alexander, The best plea offer that the District Attomey made in your case was 30 years TDC time. That offer was made alter the hung jury in the first uial that resulted in a mistrial. I believe that prior to the first trial his best offer was sixty years TDC time. Very truly yours, {,./ Russell W. King RWK/cm