54 2419 /@§ JOSE MIGUEL vASQUEz,Jr. TDcJ-ID#789607 ELLIS UNIT 1697 Fm. 980 HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS 77343 DECEMBER 11, 2015 COURT OF cRIMINAL APPEALS, cLERK P.O. BOX 12308, cAPITAL STATION AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 RE: CAUSE NO. 734092-€/ WR-59,247-05 DEAR Mr. ACOSTA, I AM SENDING THIS LETTER TO THE COURT SO THAT I WILL HAVE MY RIGHT TO OBJECT TO THE STATE'S ANSWER. ATTACHED TO THE LETTER IS A LETTER l SENT TO MY ACTING ATTORNEY ON NOVEMBER 13th, 2015. PLEASE FILE THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. TIME IS IMPORTANT IN THIS MATTER. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! j駧é%§€¥§§é%z?&UEz, Jr. RECE|VED lN COURT OF CR||\/I|NAL APPEALS nec 17 2015 Abe\ Acosta, C\erk CAUSE NO. 734092-€ WR-59,247-05 EX PARTE JOSE MIGUEL VASQUEZ, Jr. C/.`/Jf[/> LETTER TO THE COURT COMES NOW,JOSE MlGUEL VASQUEZ, Jr., asking the Court to either order the acting Attorney to respond to the State's answer with an objection, or let the Appliéant file his own objection without it being a hybrid representation? The Applicant has tried to get the acting Attorney to respond to the State's answer and has asked for a copy of the objection, she was supposed to file. There is no communication at all. Attached is a letter that was sent to the Attorney. Acting Attorney's name; JANI'MASELLI 1201 FRANKLIN, 13th Fl. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77022 ' Applicant is not an attorney and is asking the Court to consider this and not hold him to the standards that a learned attorney holds. Without this objection the State's answer is more or less a one sided affair and will effect the final fact finding.v v , Respectfully Submitted, 4£/ /Uose MlgueB/Vasquez,Jr. DECLARATION I, jose Miguel'Vasquez, Jr. , declare under the penalty of perjury, that all the above information is true and correctéy SIGNED ON THlS llth DAY OF DECEMBER, 2015 se Mi gudl Vasquez,Jr. TDCJ-ID#789607 Ellis Unit 1697 Fm 980 Huntsville, Texas 77343 Mr. JCSE VASQUEZ TDCJ~ID#789607 ELLIS UNIT 1697 Fma 980 HUNTSVILLE¢ TEXAS 77343 NOVEMBER 134 2015 JANI MASELLI 1201 FRANKLIN1 13th FLOOR HOUSTON¢ TEXAS 77032 RE: RESPONSE TO STATE}B ANSWER/YOUB OBJECTIGN? ¢l ' DEAR MB- MAHELLI¢ v I am writing this letter in response to the State's answer that was filed on the 21st of October» 1 just received it yesterday| I want to know if you filed an objection? And if you did¢ I need a copy. The State did not properly address the violation of the Family Code addressing that the officers are to promply notify the parents. Every case that shows the authorities violated that code, was remanded back for a new trials Another thing is that the State only has 15 days to respond to a writ, or answer it. The order to designate issues does not extend that time for the State to answer the ll.O?"Appiication; According to the Statute the Judge is, or should I say, the convicting Court makes the findings of fact or approves the person "designated" _ to §aii tkim. The State has no more jurisdiction to make the findings of fact, because they are not designated to make it and the Statute does dot extend their time to do so. This makes it a one sided Government. This is the reason for the order of this Statute. l am sending a ease for your convienoe to promptly reply to this letter. If you are not going to object to this¢ I need to know as soon as possible. Thank you for timwl v Respectfully¢ Jose Vasquez %@Mz/ y