RECEIVED .'N 94 1 l _ l COURT OF CH!MINAL APPEALS d@;£m\oe.(\"\ 1396 §§ L9j((j/7U/ . 02 103 353 18 2015 v Aam_ ALOSTA mem » Ab@'Acosta,crc-.»rk COU\?.T_D_P_CR;£N_\_H_)._ A.AW_ 9 ` § 9 Q>E>_\L___\§_§_‘D :8_ _C,A?I¥:\L$ $‘\~q¥\`er\ Au$%:r\ 'Tua,< *1<37\\ y …_\§e.”-__l\,£\»e Qe';, Am\~\o,~l\/ C,CA !\lo \_/\[R~ bj,&n _‘ O\`;~Oa 0\'\{\;()"\ .`_T_V_c\`Q-_\__CQQH Cc\<@ »>\0.&#\51% ~ A z -'@M§ ~c bear "(V\~r‘ M§e,\ A<,os\c~, I' \)Jc,\r\\’ ‘\O '\'\nq`,r\\'_a“\\_.>;°\) per '\~\§\2, \¢\Q,\O cd\r\ \n£v)/ N\¢C\Mer\ \`pg“__§fov\&v,¢>a_ _C__x~¢\€» fd_l§{.\o\~)_\§‘,&t>\§ ) `I. C,DN\€. "'D \lbu \\va QQ'\' 0¥ m§€/ £/._b§.g."c~§?;\.of\- `S, c~w\ oJ\ `<\d_`\ e,_¢>.\_'__\.o`>.(t¢_\w\m\/v_.;,. _~_I_§zr :__.\.\.r~.>'\:.\'€c\ 3 l 1 Q(:Q.PD.S.€>_\L>.\&..X'AW \'\\Q.Co\m lru~/\Q, 9 1 am unob\e. ’\'o ct,\¢\ ..4._.¢ CL\_€_Q\, A;_~O`€ 651 ‘_5\;0\§;\€ fm_\ 6c £GF m\l S\'\'\j¢\*'\nf\ l 1 \A) ___O\>.__C_o c\v\ `<.i\ e,c\_ao€__a.(§g:)£¢¢v_€\ \e._c§,__\lo!>\o._ex \'_._.:X \J\€. 64__0\;\_¢,.._.\/;1_\:\\'\.\!.\&\¢\ saw ecq\o\ e._mé;r&~;m u>. <\Q<\_‘Q_ c\\r~ X° ¥\r\e, ~\r\`\@\\ ¢mr¥ g;1;~>1` _C_€;=S_€.£A;L\_<;z\_:} 1 l'\'/ e Cr\ c\.\:>_bs¢_<);¢_»_c_e_§)_`\\_<>_g__*i\g,__mr§ :\A cére_ mg m,\\ §§ 4\,\¢, "c)§>;~a;o.\»" 5%4:0,\ 04 44\:3 mur¥$' 44“,1;,\35 4\\&44 \4,444, 4\\b MO;,\AQ4Q, :_ \-WL \,`M\U'_\;¢Q(\ ¥\rm x\\qr~\s m aueg¥ m\. ' ` _\`\r\e, ~\-<\§q\ mur\ r\‘A r\oJY e\A\\e/re, '\~0 5\-\¢\0, @x¥\` diem - w 444c mwm¢ m 45 954~'\~@44 nw 1454 404 MM.4 ~\'\r\e, b(`bd mu<\\, w\~\(\\ `\Q/\¢\_`_\\_'C_B_(__w\q _~_c>__r_\___‘\`p._\;£_,._ CDHS:c\eNr\ \)b. "\')f\© \ul`u, 1 su\ocv\ "\-\el\ mq ‘cu\\ araumu\'\' w\\'\,\ my \o::) “\'0 $Jnm~\t“\' \r\ (`,CI\ ms \/~IP~ b"l é>\]__ Ar\¢\ ‘\' was C\e/n\-QA/ 4{\(`€, '\`\\er€, dn\ll. dv€n¢cx csc (`e,\le:€ o_\vq:\c;\">\¢.’\~o Mé lp_"' 43sz M§ r\+?~, `\ouf lr‘\~\_e ml oj_‘rg>ic_w_`~`s__@£e.q¥r_\>/_QH no reAcAa(\ ¢) v\ `\"\\S N\o;"~'\?.(`. 3\ \\GP,<`€,\L `J',. A£/V\=_€S'/ A~mo N\l )v\AkE$ ;HSSO&% ¥Q(`a\_;‘><-m(\ \)r\:\' y d \o\\ac> 555)%@\{3 N\ 3me “<\;, 752522\ .'o© TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Alistin, Texas 4 MANDATE §_ §"_THE sTATE oF TEXAS § § roer 3111) I)ISTRICT CoURT oF ANDERsoN CoUNTY _ GRI;ETINGS Before our COURT O_F CRIMINAL APPEAL'S, 011 MAY 19, ZQI(), the cause upon an Application for tXirit of Habeas Corpus styled: §_ l b § § _ EX PAR'I`E ANTHONY MARES _CCRA No. AP'-'§7§6,219 Tr. Crt No. 24__5__73- B _ Was determined; and therein our said COURT OF CR§IMINAL APPEALS made its order 111 these Words: “This cause came on to be heard on the Application f01 W§r1t of Habeas Corpus, and the same being considered, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that HABEAS CORPUS RELIEF IS GRANTED, in accordance With the Opinion of this Court, and that this Decision be certified below for3 9 Observance." WHEREFORE, We command you to observe the order of our said CO§URT OF CRIMINAL mr M 5 § ' 1 1 ;~ .;.4: ' § " 14 § _ WITNESS, THE HoNoRABLE sHARoN KELLER_, Pre§siding Judge{ y ` . of Our said Co_URT oF CRIM_INAL APPE~ALS, o with the Seal thereof annexed at the City of Austin, onr\tbis dd¥/ June 14-, 2010. `1 *1 ,P A§i_zsoN, c1erk § / , §Chief Deputy Clerk 9 5 , 1 The withheld evidence does not exonerate applicant of his participation in the robbery,’ but had the state timely disclosed Yao’s statements,'as -required'by- Brady, the statements coul'd`have ., § . s y . b been used by the defense to p%rsuade -the_j;lry that/applicant was not the shooter. ln light of all the ‘. w evidence,l including the highly favorable disposition of Whitlock’s charges, the§absence o"f the withheld evidence undermines confidence,in the jury’s determination of punishment Because criminal trials are bifurcated, we may grant rie_lief._b‘y§ord§ering'either a new trial or a new hearing on § §§ punishment only. Ex parte }1’1`[!§,'52~8"8'.`\/‘§\/".~2<1'12‘5‘,'"127(Tex.\'Cri`rn".~*/X*pp?€""§l"@?§)`.‘"'We grant applicant l relief in part and remand the case to the trial court for a new punishment hearing x ,Deli'§ver@d; May 19, 2610 Do not publish
Mares, Anthony
Combined Opinion