ACCEPTED 03-13-00228-CR 4555190 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 3/18/2015 5:47:30 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK March 18, 2015 FILED IN Mr. Jeffrey D. Kyle, Ms. Angie Creasy 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Clerk Assistant District Attorney 3/18/2015 5:47:30 PM Court of Appeals for the Third District Travis County, TexasJEFFREY D. KYLE P.O. Box 12547 P.O. Box 1748 Clerk Austin, TX 78711-2547 Austin, TX 78767 (512) 463-1733 *delivered via email* The Honorable Lisa C. McMinn State Prosecuting Attorney P.O. Box 13046 Austin, TX 78711 *delivered via e-mail* Re: Cause No.: 03-13-00228-CR; Trial Court No. D-1-DC-12-200761, Gary Noria v. State of Texas Dear Mr. Kyle, This letter is to certify that I sent Gary Noria a copy of the opinion and judgment, along with notification of the defendant’s right to file a pro se petition for discretionary review under Rule 68, sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to the defendant at his last known address. A copy of the return receipt is included. Sincerely yours, /s/ Lisa Marie Mims Lisa Marie Mims P.O. Box 141218 Austin, TX 78714-1218 Tel. (512) 417-8357 Fax: (512) 532-6683 .. , -: \. ( USE postage 1$ $1.12--\ 0125 Certified Fee .,. $~.30 03 postmark Here Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) $2.70 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $0 .00 Total postage & Fees L$ $7.12 103/1712015 San/To / l/ O/_':4 (\ / *I ~}J-';]:!...~ft:::".- «/ LJ a I_1) ?r- ~ ::L. f I------------ SV' \ . ~ sireef&APi:No., /.-.- 1 i\j ~ f6 \ ~,=;",,-~W.i.-t--~-~--'\~2; _tOJ_~-----:-- Q"I :-:.c:Hun
Gary Noria v. State
Combined Opinion