Morgan, Larry Joe

^Au££ A/ d. d^-5^ £> -dH&Lf2Z - /J4 1 3°! 5" ~A- V£. A tCOUftT Of C/ZtMJNAL. StATe oT T£*/4s $ APPEALS OF Texas RflOTOOM DENDED * ^^ L _ l ^ TAilplksiT £gumTY<> fY)oT/Qiv T& CLam P&L £E.que<>T tlaP/BS. aE TRIAL. CaudT RE£.&/z.k£ ~T/LA>jS£.iZIPTs ^TATe-WuZk/T PHoT& G,£APH$ ETc *»~ £T£. AFTbr. F/ajAL £. & *j\/t c.Ti a m Ar4 * HO.QCJ Se.C /3 VAC C P / T&X . Pga/OI . Code .. Aui\j £ aa.oi •Comes, A/olu LakrH "Joe /V?a/zc,Arv ^APPLiclanT" P£a-SE AwA Layman atr^d £e.£p>£*L-t fully /770vei Th-e. Court UNdtLr flr- +i£lc ^A^.CL.P. and Maice.s b,'s Ma-rU*j for D/s£ov^ry (A Si a iNif»££,f/aw ifm.£,Tiai>j a F ah anv a my atjcl all Lour~t /rial records of Th-eL. final k li po Si'+fa m of Cause. NO. JXLl/i3^5D AncI i A/ 5fa+e.S Cora £-f~i+uiio*j At-iicl-e. (l) <>a.ctiN and Pre.5e.rvcd and U-r'i l"ii-e. d Prior +e> or clur'uug -the. TV1 a. I for th -e. I i\id \ c trv\€.hrh and -Fu\ift / Convic-r to/v I ki -fA-e_ abd)i/e. /or£me(vfiowe.d Cause- AJumber . q e 9 111 ( r\PPLiCi\Ml ') CaNna+ prepare, th-c Ne.ce.5 S. ar \j facts -to S ucc ess-Full y brave, by Prepaid er - aNce, Ctf ejvi'd e.hjce- +hat -the. terrors cZaAwrr IL u+ e, d -fo h 'is C om v ictio w 9 ( APPL i CANiT J kaS Illegally beew dB.taie,d ac*Le.s.s to th-t. Cour t o Th-c Spate's ai-ior^e-y 'is uu i+khal d/n g A* ,A h fLrt, ii\j I'/vfarwo-fia/v uuhtcln h?*jde.r&d \_APPLi c AsiTJ from clai^q his (Trav&rse. aPPidavits ,a/vd Mo +ia/vsj i'tv Pursuant To Brack/ VS* /Y) ary Iai\j a'S S u>pp res s /'o/w of Eviacwce. ' Tft-e- Suppress fa/v by -rA-c p raseci^-ffoAj o-F 61 S/'t cL&mc e. -favar able- -ra at^d reque-sJ ed by a ki accused Vtalates due. pr&ccss -fke e.\sic/e.AJc€. is JY)n-f&rial Either to qu/f-f or -to p u/uisA /wfiA/f irrespective oF the. /aoad faitk o r> Lad -fa t-tt\ o-f -the. pro Securio tv . All prlQP re,Card iiKit^ 'trsiclu direct tt p pitc*xj\j Fx Saw^ MoTto** -To Com pec Foe. LakkY MO/Z.&A/* P<9« "^ P Q.Auct 1ou Hearing *7 // Callers , /3a/c/ Appeal hearing ^u/dicii •£. £Fa + e use A as. derjce. -Fa G.S"ta.b\\SW Sat A Ca/vVi c+io/vy * V11 £P£CIAL REQUESTS' CA^ All inhouse- audio's and Video's of Said Trial fthta bo^A rcaocfioM hearii^a a t\i d ry\o-riaiv -For Kt e lu \r\c\l hear'noa* fXu Ii\j S uppor-r h e-rca f -the. appl!c oh\jt lkjUI £Aouj th-e. Court that Pra duc-ti m^i oF ii\iFor ma-tioM QT ~th-€- fore,qoi/^i a, /-few i Is aj ec e.s£a ry -Fa //\iSure that th^e. (^ APPLICANT J Catv adequately proceed /aj Im s auest to prave. his iNt>jace/\jse., l3J The- "ttev^i. are. itsi -fA-e_ Exclusive, Possession C ustody , ai\id Control o-F -hh -a. S-ra-rc. of Te.*.aS by an A Through its agents , Fhe. Police, or- /A-e. Pro secu-litMc, a-t+ar meys office- , a a, A Fh-e. 7~ria.J Court /V; UjI^'icU Applicant LUaS Coisivic-re. d, vnii A&CSumenT Anis AuTHOfLiTl&l MoTio^i To Com PEC Fon. LA'CkI MOX-GAm P«9C 3 The. items rcuues-tcd are. a u-fh or- +a *tk-c applicant by Lauj /v/of braviding a p&\ica *>-r cuith Flier* is a V'id la t\o.Kj of" hit fcu-e. Process riqWts fau rtee.Aj-tk arv\esiA\v\eK,t ta tke. Utui-tcd S-tmte. Co/s/Stitutian *. T h-c farcc^aisjg irufar-ruMution an A Evidence. uu CLS Ut'iLi-2-^-d to eis-tabi/sk applicants at uiit Thus tk-e, (\\z± Sent of £>uck- i i^tfor ma.+ ian uuil\ auto tMatlc ally Vi'sia+e. -tk-e- a^ift«A.+ r\ak-t unde.*~ Article. "s'HJU.CC^P. f\rt\cle,(±) Z^tiai^ 0^ a<"d £/qj oF tke. Constitution of th-e- Stat-e- of Tex as and TA-e. fiftk Si\fk a/\jd Fduvtecntk Ai^ie.iwclm'fi.ju-fi -fe> tke. un ite-d Staters C ons. t itu tia m* F u K.+L-e- v-rviare. y a f poujcrful/y A rtt"ct-t lc*.tcd fn J2 e.h'eve. tkcut tk-e. Apalic e. abk to de.manStrat'C. •theK-t k~c i£ Confined i 11 e,a*.tty and is eZn-titl-ed to re lie.P it IS tk-e. (j\uiy of tk~c Couiz.t\ to pravi de. tk-e- nec.essa.ry -tad11 ties and Procedures •for cm tad eau ate. inau'ry St^ck Pre.hea.rin £j foisLo\s dr /S aA »/o cat e-d Lki LUagMtr VS. US. ul8 f,T-d 6IS.&1I. iN addition ln, Plain es Vs< JCenN fir -the. Supreme. Court Motion To Com PEL Fo/<. 1-Aen.H Mo/L&fi* P«*ge H -T ht£ statz of Texas ^pp^m wo. &md.:x-mi3kC£. VS.- ' ' " V ' U^TB£l.37#T£6 y -•• ^v — - *ww* ^ lig£MilL comer: J Qqu&z o \5i£jLealz.h miTKUsr $ PflTTg* L\OUMTY*„J 2 q£„_Tflr?Ffl/WT rcumfV 0 I -Ty\fl state or Te.K .\uc\TUte flPPLICATiOM Fnt SU(3PC\£nA Di)fFS T'Ffum (CQfttES A/QW: 1 flivi / 4PfYTop AWfcrtA^. ahid I am t"h-e, de.-ftJ^dant -In this frlotiCA/. Iaw\ ov/dr i¥ years) of aq& CiJucl CorY\pe.te.Nt fo Make, -this WlttieiMe^ I havt ptrSoual K-wou? /Ccifl ft. of -;f'to C -&CtS /A/ -fto /5 /W oVVo a/? l-d/r.y Vtyoffir* prA <:p_ f htrt aiuA msuj C)e.m(w^ that Charges be, hrouaht aqaiMSf Tarrahtt County "5H67ti "LTOOICIAL- D-/-5T£/cr COURT; There, has faeeu a -total breakcLouim !n Its 3asfitt Syst-em neJTtLiN &s •PotloujiNcj! Tt.l° ~5'udqe. George &®lia^ke,r aiiatoe-cl MrpavtA Ha^rnAaN Tampe.riNU aJlfh of^f/catQde.fh.AjdaNtjCQurt' "fraNscripts «• . f$XaUaqht.r a 11olu e A(^de.fhN dahitJ Primary de.-Pe.MS e. he. re/via ve. "fl-am °tU Trans c r /p ts , :#'3, Tudflfc' Gdorat GaMntjht.r- ailoV^^'/fts^Pro-Seed^r] •.'_ Lxjhom uuas remove from Case, because, of CONfUcT Of j iNteurtst *ta wiakle he,r 'preS'e^F KnoujN dariNa p r t\V&r Se.d tk-c Csts+rt'ct Court decision and aFFirmed tkut Applicant t niust be. hjse*jd VS S&',\i si 2. U.S. yt.93.3/9, 2*3 D*CT Tk-e. SuptCm-c Count afFirfa-e-d tkctt Applicant WluSt be. ($i\/e,N tke. ap p or tun it y ta p re. Sent ottt-cr test imon iex I and Esacum entary Svide/^ce re\le.vant to di s pute.d issues. F/isially Applicahjt u~> I11 e\nciose- his JYlChttcr S of Coyy\ p\al M-e,da T/v?\ Con CL uA<2- S Ab>pi;e.ethj+ Wd+l'aM, LaJ here, for-e, App li'da^t prays that- tkc Court /oolCS upon h is mcj-^faiNj ta Compel Trio,,! Cour r t& r ct-co. s e. tkc fore.aaU\tq FSOc.utMe.nts. atud £tra.i /„,„v -r ^ LAiCK.1 3o6 mc>X-C#Ai tola s,HwYlain lH^au&h ukiit cbii a-i-is~& FT.srock.+a>* T* VfJSX Do Q O ?-0 "J -It 6 O d&tZ.Ti PlCATE of SPJLVICE Thin, is ta CerfiP'Y tke^t om October- 79 -Ik fXo/±,^ County> Texas> verify and declare under penaltyofperjurythat the foregoing statementsaretniearidcomet Executed onthis "he (%-rk day of QcToRen 20 /T'