Jonathan Ray Shepherd v. State

FILED IN 6th COURT OF APPEALS TEXARKANA, TEXAS 5/1/2015 3:16:55 PM DEBBIE AUTREY Clerk _t)V\ ~r'i 1 2.1, Z.ot~ T ben..~ ~IJ{ Vl.~-- . I I I i I i I . .i L I i THE STATE OF TEXAS vs § JONATHAN RAY SHEPHERD § FORMAL NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Now comes the Defendant, Jonathan Ray Shepherd, wljto by and through his court appointed appellate attorney, makes and files this his For~al Notice of Appeal I :r as follows: I I. t I I, Upon the Defendant's plea of not guilty and subsequent jiliry I trial, the Trial Court i · sentenced the Defendant after the jury found him guilty of the!. the offense of capital murder by kidnapping or attempted kidnapping on Apri121, 2015~ This was a non-death 1: '· penalty. case and therefore the punishment assessed was as a niatter of law the term of II life. without parole in the Institutional Division of the Texas - dI·epartment of Criminal 1 ,I Justice. ll. I . Sentencing occurr~d on April 21, 2015. The appellant's ~ttorney for this appeal was appointed on April21, 2015. 1 . . . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----··· III. ,· Notice is hereby given for the appeal of this felony convi~ion to the Texas Court of Appeals for the 5th Appellate District at Texarkana, Texas. 'i :! i ! :1 PRAYER I WHEREFORE, premises considered, Defendant prays th~t this Notice of Appeal ) be filed and acted upon as required by Texas law. Respectfully Submitted, Dwight A. Brannon Attorney at Law P.O. Box 670 Gilmer, Texas 75644 Phone: 903-843-2523 Fax: 903-843-6014 State Bar No. 02894500 APPELLATE ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I A true and correct copy of the above Notice of Appeal was hand delivered to the !I office of the Criminal District Attorney of Upshur County, Texts at 405 NoCh Titus Street, Gilmer, Texas, and to the Defendant by letter on thi~ the ;}. t day of &\~ ,2015. ~Q,L- Dwight . Brannon : 1. :I ! 3 CERTIFICATE TO BE FILED WITH NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE COURT OF APPEALS TRIAL COURT NO. 16,605 I JO.NATHAN RAY SHEPHERD * IN THE 115TH DISTRICT CO,URT I vs. * OF I THE STATE OF TEXAS * UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS! I I The Record of my office reflect the following information in this case: I I DEFENDANT WAS CONVICTED OF: Capital Murder by Kidnapping or Attempte~ Kidnapping PUNISHMENT ASSESSED: Life without Parole Institutional Division TDCJ I WAS THIS A REVOCATION OF PROBATION? _ _ _ _ YES ___.x_I_No I DEFENDANT IS: IN JAIL X_ _ __ OUT ON BOND _ _ _ _ OUT ON PROBATION _ _ __ ' IF ON BOND, GIVE AMOUNT:$ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE BOND WAS POSTED:-------- SENTENCE IMPOSED ON THE 21st DAY OF April, 2015. I 1 IF NO SENTENCE, ORDER APPEALED FROM WAS SIGNED ON: _ _ DAY OF-'-'_ _ _ __, _ __ WRITIEN NOTICE OF APPEAL WAS FILED ON: 21st DAY OF April, 2015. I MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL FILED __X__ NO YES, IF YES, DATE FILED _ _ _ _ _ __ I *** IF MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL WAS FILED AFTER NOTICE OF APPEAL, PLEASE GIVE WRITIEN NOTICE TO THE COUT OF APPEAL IMMEDIATELY. PRESIDING TRIAL COURT JUDGE: Lauren Parish TRIAL COURT REPORTER: Deanna Drennan ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 1052, GILMER, TEXAS 75644 WAS DEFENDANT DECLARED INDIGENT? _ _X_ _ _ _ YES ----+----NO DEFENDANT'S COUNSEL IS: RETAINED _ _ _ _ _ APPOINTED __X_,____ PROSE _ _ __ DEFENDANT IS REPRESENTED ON APPEAL BY: ATIORNEY'S NAME: Dwight Brannon BAR CODE NUMBER 02894500 ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 670, Gilmer, Texas 75644 STATE IS REPRESENTED ON APPEAL BY: ATIORNEY'S NAME: Billy W. Byrd BAR CODE NUMBER 24034354 ADDRESS: 405 N. Titus, Gilmer, Texas 75644 IF TWO OR MORE CASES WERE TRIED TOGETHER, LIST CASE NUMBERS ONLY: I IF COMPANION CASE, LIST DOCKET NUMBER AND DEFENDANT'S NAME: ****SEND SEPARATE CERTIFICATE FOR EACH CASE APPEALED DATED THE 1st DAY OF May, 2015. KAREN BUNN, DISTRICT CLERK BY: MELISSA CHEVALIER, DEPUTY CLERK