FROM Ma'tagorda Co. Di St. Judge 9792453478 , (THU)OCT 22 2015 151 18/$T. 151 18/No. 7522445224 P 2 §3 ’77/0 M,U asceon 111 '“ 435 COURT OF CR\NHNAL APPEALS OCT 2 2 2015 CRAIG ESTLINBAUM Abe\ Acosta, C\erk jui>Gl.-:, 130""‘)111)1€1.‘\1.Dls'i‘ltl<:'i'Cc)uirl' / l7OO 7lh Street, Room 317 @(` Bay City, TX 77414 Telephonc: (979) 244-7635 lionnic Cz\rlin Kayc Rc)llins (` SR (`,ourr (jo<)rdimimr (` ours licp<)rlcr \\ \“L \(. October 22, 2015 Mr. Abel Acosta, Clerk Via Facsimile |5121 463-7061 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas 78711 Re: Request for Extension of Deadlines Ex Parte: Rodolfo Garza Nos. WR-82,77 1-01 to WR-82,771-05l inclusive Dear Mr. Acosta The Texas Court ofCriminal Appeals issued a supplemental orderin this case on ]une 17, 2015. ln response, this court ordered and received a supplemental affidavit from trial counsel, ordered a bench warrant to return the defendant to Matagorda County, appointed an attorney to represent Applicant upon his return to this county and held a scheduling conference The attorney for the State and Applicant’s attorney have requested more time address and possibly resolve the issues raised in the ]une 17 order. Therefore, this court requests the Texas Court ofCriminal Appeals to extend the deadline for ‘ this court to resolve the issues to December4, 2015, with supplemental transcripts, the court' s findings and conclusions, etc, deadline extended to january 4, 2016. Thank you for your attention to and consideration ofthis request. Sin erely,W 2 Craig E linbaum ccc Steven Reis, District Attorney ‘ Via Email Craig Hughes, Counsel for Applicant Via Email
Garza, Rodolfo
Combined Opinion