TDCJ Offender Dctails Page 1 of 2 :H§,tp?$‘i » 05 TDCJ Heme n uaw enemer search 'F““ z .TE_XAS,» D;E.|?ARTME_NE? OF CR_|MINALZ.JUS~`I;’|C..E offender lnformation Details _\ S|D Number: 02541337 TDCJ Number: 01506620 Name: l W|LSON,TRACY LYNN Race: _ W Gender: M DoB: 1961-10-03 Maximum Sentence Date: 2027-10-16 current Facility: ALFRED HuGHES Projected Re|ease Date: 2027-10-16 Paro|e E|igibi|ity Date: 2017-10-15 Offender Visitation E|igib|e: NQ The offender is temporarily ineligible for visitation. P/ease call the offenders unit for any additional information The visitation information is updated once daily during weekdays and multiple times per day on visitation days. SPEC|AL lNFORMATlON FdR SCHEDULED RELEASE: scheduled Re|ease Date: Offender is not scheduled for release at this time. Scheduled Re|ease Type; Will be determined when release date is scheduled scheduled Re|ease L°cation; Will be determined when release date is scheduled is Paf¢l¢: Re.\!.i¢w lnt°rmat`i<)“f; Offense History: |Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Sentence (¥Y-NlM-DD)'action?sid=025413 3 7 7/9/201 5