2/19/15 Court of Appeals District Cadena Reeves Justice Center 300 Dolorosa Suite 3200 San Antonio Texas 780205-3037 Honorable Judge Little John is \ m - . ■ ■ co From: Maryann Castro Pro-se Appellant ~ ' i ■" Court Of Appeals Number-04-14-00785 Trial Court Case Number-2011-CI-15957 Motion to Dismiss the Contesting the Affidavit Of Indigency Counsel Joseph Appelt and Client Manuel Castro are Discriminating against a disabled persons rights due to a disability and the spouse became disabled within the Marriage and hid the disability from the court on Oct 30. 2013. Here Comes Maryann Castro Appellant and Pro-Se pray for the Court to dismiss the Contesting of Affidavit of Indigency. Appellant Maryann Castro became disabled within the Marriage and Counsel Joseph Appelt and his client Manuel Castro are being prejudice, and discriminating against a disabled person's right for aide. Maryann Castro is disabled there is nothing to contest social security statement Please stop Counsel Joseph Appelt from wasting the Courts time to just to prevent Appellant Maryann Castro her right in Appeals Court to Contest the Agreement for Final Divorce to be heard and Served Justice due to Fraud. Maryann Castro prays for justice Maryann Castro pro se Appellant 1501 Olive Jourdanton Texas 78026 830-496-0133 Pacattitude2014@gmail.com 1 T In the Matter of the Marriage of NO.2011-CI-15957 In the District Court 45 JUDICIAL DISTRICTS Manuel G. Castro And BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS Maryann Castro Motion to Dismiss the Contesting the Affidavit Of Indigencv Coun^l Jnseph Appelt and Client Manuel Castro are Discriminating against a disabled persons rights due to a disability and the spouse became disabled within the Marriage and hid the disability from the court on Oct 30, 2013. Here Comes Maryann Castro Appellant and Pro-Se pray for the Court to dismiss the Contesting of Affidavit of Indigency. Appellant Maryann Castro became disabled within the Marriage and Counsel Joseph Appelt and his client Manuel Castro are being prejudice, and discriminating against a disabled person's right for aide. Maryann Castro is disabled there is nothing to contest social security statement Please stop Counsel Joseph Appelt from wasting the Courts time to just to prevent Appellant Maryann Castro her right in Appeals Court to Contest the Agreement for Final Divorce to be heard and Served Justice due to Fraud. Maryann Castro prays for justice Maryann Castro pro se Appellant 1501 Olive Jourdanton Texas 78026 830-496-0133 ■k rn Pacattitude2014@gmail.com rv CO -i _p .. . Your New Benefit Amount VS NAME: MARY ANN 0-577.0 W r s=%si ^^s Beel pj^giEf ©? j«sr seB«fit amoast 10 receive food. sss£W sac*** Jwap »»fe Sbsssc or for other business. Keep this lener with your Kssb Muda Will T Get And When? • ">biir rTiCnthh" amount (before deductions) is $1.148.90. • Tne amount "we deduct for Medicare medical insurance is $104.90 ill you did not have Medicare as of Nov. 20, 2014, or if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) • Trie amount we deduct for your Medicare prescription drug plan is S0.00. (I: you did not elect withholding as ofNov. 1, 2014, we show S0.00.) • !>e' Hznount we deduct for voluntary Federal tax withholding is 50. (K) I: vcu did not elect voluntary tax withholding as of Nov. ZO. 2014. we show $0.00.) • .-„-.=: " e take any other deductions, you will receive $864.00 Jan. 2. 2015. I: •. cu disagree wiih any of these amounts, you must write to us within 60 days from the date you receive this lener. We would be happy to review the amounts. ">>-u ~av receive your benefits through direct deposit a Direct Express* card, or an Electronic ■^ns-4 Account If you still receive a paper check and want to switch to an electronic ^* ^$ E^ of ihe Treasury's Go Direct website at www.godirectorg. %; ■; v
Mary Ann Castro v. Manuel Castro
Combined Opinion