Robert Alan Queeman v. State

Thdmpbdn Salinas Ridkers & McDermdtt. llp 8140 N. MOPAC | WESTPARK 4, SUITE 250 | AUSTIN TX 78759 MARSHALL A, THOMPSON EMILY S. RICKERS CARLOS G. SALINAS JAMES GERARD MCDERMOTT. II , , May 7, 2015 -< - Fourth Court of Appeals Cadena-Reeves Justice Center 300 Dolorosa, Suite 3200 -- ^T - San Antonio, Texas 78205-3037 • C/7 CO Re: Robert Alan Queeman v. State of Texas, Cause No. 04-15-00015-CR Dear Appellate Court: Enclosed please find three blank CDs and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please send a copy of the court reporter's record to our office at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions please contact us at (512) 201-4083. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Res&e James G. McDermott, II Attorney at Law ^ JS MAIN LINE 512.201.4083 I FAX 512.298.1129WWW.CENTRALTEXASLAWVERS.CO,W