Turner, Ronnie

.IN Til£ C ot.~~r or c.f!..JI'1Ltv/l t:.. Afl''-:-4c.s ;z:N A usr '--: N rt~.X.t1s This document contains some pages that are of poor quality at the iime of im~ging. · )?. oNJJ..tf TuR tvcK C- J- o 1- c ql. -C.. 7- o 7 VIc .&f vs Tflf H oN,· ~ c-/.10 cAT/?l.I'II-Jo RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUL 08 2015 cov££.. L ,:-,-rc £ to: Abet Acosta, Clerk , D -o ~1 IVIJ c L c.e k o ;:- co"' tl r D$.A~ 0£;J4TY CL[J?-1< CJ/V 0 y UT~/.1 ~ oF C/l.J/7.1'/V/IL Aj9,PEAt.S: ENCLose/J pLEiJsE f'".t/-JIJ rHE F,l.C.t:."'-tt-.C (I) Tf/£ /1f',DLf('/11--'r j'"1ertel>-' F<./l Lt:/'1'-'c- rc. .~JL-"firtot.IJ~r(C) st. d./JCQc,~;-.1" '-fl,r .JT/1/'?jJ Fdtc·o c~/~)r·r Tt.v-o L£C/Jt LErrt'll ~lfc./7 Qfj)~Ty ctt."f(K C...l"f.--tJY 04TRAr L[G4C. Lc11'"c'A FfC "'" T/1£ A/'/l r c-~ 1--r.. (.,.2.) Tli£ 1'1/r''·l'~~r ""-/Clr o-/- /1/IIVOA'i'"'"...:• /. f-L 1:/1 s 1: -..S r 11 n jJ ~ /} 11 T E t1 /V tJ F, L ,.. 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A~:JLllc ./Ect; 'TliL j/o;V, l<.c6'1.3 C/lr/IL/IIJCJ /1/l.S yE/lr /c ..SJG/V A./V o/t!OL~ Fell T/IE O..t..sr...e.Jcr cLE/tk Te 17 v....-t.O£..-:/( /c /-ck/1/l() /}tV y ..A/VD /1'£._( LL£cC4L L)OC'q/1.L_:-/Vr rc Tff~'" ..LAnVO.cENi j/.£ 0 JE c r c-r TEX11s. .._sEc t9 T//1 C/1 /'-l£.:;AJ{ FeR Tt./t· Fo.t' /1 Co/V.S£/JT /c /ZEL.L:/J.s ..£/Vrc£/'1i1T;ctv / c T/1~ .£/\J.NCCC:iLT p,eo vEc.,r-/' Tf/11-TJ:S /.lTT/-Jc/./L:tJ /IT. 77IC E/VIJ oF 77'/I.S wll.rr o.r ;1/J/VIJI?/"1 tl s. ::#3 f, . ~ ' j. (... :A C Tut4 L _rt\.JNoct.".~Vr .J-., ct. f/1 /"7 (/If AjJJ?L I Ct·P TEK/I.S. SCi! ,[)0./c(]e.r(/ql /9-J..ftJ (81 t'/lt: A,,,I'L' CtfA---T If el-l"'- c C... 'T~~ IV<"-..C.. Cc~~.:s ,BIFFo..~C nl./ .. c..- /.../Q.J"'7 l'f~CJ TJ/J/I.·L . ~ j/!~So;t!. r.Jl' .Tc.. //I'} vi.' ..r- c~ /l.S Jttc .... 71'1£ i.. EG~I?C.. Oac~ncA..r ;e<."C:.~'.I'I.JF re.. no·· .;g:.N,vo c~~r ;P.ee.c.rec.r c.r -rEkt?.S 711/1·~¥~ y-..., .. w fl £ /!... E rc.,e '-: ;.e c 11 [ssrs /J~VLJ c c/1:' c.ro[ ,e n,,. . /1/.17(' C.;?l-..r f.Rily' !7111T TilE \.-v-.R..tT BC~ .G£/?..vrt:-1-J /}JL-1} T/f/?·r TNis C e-4/l r ..C..SJ4t.r: AAl CJ.£0 e/c_ A~rHc/f?../S4AJ~ 'Trlr t-1 c:;,jll ( ;./!.. e 11/J . Ct1 //1 '-4 ,v 0 r 0 ;2.EL {:/?J{" /7 /V :/ 1'1-J--tJ /1 (.. (. /f?.t.!:"Cc../i.Os _r JJ F c ;t 1'7.A r .t· c. ,..J r c.. 17-1 r ....;:-/UN c c e~ r //2 c J.c_,...c r o /- ;r;::-:.<·4 ..r (}~ ~ -=11:-;;?_l~oC/ ro/\JJvu::. tC//e/VL.r:/( '1f /] J'bo~'/ flt#<;"f/r UftnT ;'C.T-2 ncK C/'VCf" G4TC;S"t..nCL~'" T)(' 7~ S /J' .IN 1'111rt= UN.Swo,.f_AJ DECLE.RAT.toJv. ~ ** k ,IN '/It i' !Z: Y;/l,.r 0£_!Jr7 /Z r J'-1 fA-r- o ;.:- .Liv' C/1.( c·cK/'1 Tc L) Cf2_ff"l,,CtUr1L Jv..sr~ c E /1 .r Tilt ./? t eo 0.. p/ uGllr r/2 utv.+T i<-T.;_oL f3oX Lfl../cc £1v G/I/£'"SVtL( {.-' rc:=x·,?,s 7C >?? Do occ L/1./£ uJV/lcil ;:;t:IUA t:. r y o / jJE/l' J~,e Y 1 rl/1 t Tflt: /18 c v [ .STt1 T~' /'7 E .1-- T ..,..C.S J7L ~ c' _/1.1-- /J c c /{ /{ L'C (. EXE-c c., red o!u r;t.rs T/1 e /}/1 y c /-: cfl c If"' /( C>/'v/V( e ~~/LILli'/( 71- / j' 3 {;Q b.l /fvG/{~ UJ.-;J T ;e_ T- ,).._ J3 c)( {.{({C·.:o G t1 res(..., d.. c cr. rv 7 & S' ,-/ ·-~ cc~ r,rr.t ct<~r£ or st=!?.v' c c .. ' J ! ' Jr- .)(. t X .r. f/ £ !le 13 y c c .e T d' Y rtM r /1 rtz '""' ,4 tvLJ co ;e tU'c r c ~ f1 y 0 r Tf.l r F ~ /l r G c..!~ 9 0 c c . ,,i CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION _ I( /1RS ucNtv..rrL'~ 1'1-f~t._c._ C/?S[ LJ..IIelft: crQ By signing below, I authorize .IN IJ 0 c Lc/Vl PI< G uecr 0/-;:- rc~/'l.,S [insert nan:e.GJ clinic] (hereinafter "Clinic") its staff or representatives to investigate my case, communicate with my forn1er attorneys, prosecutors, witnesses, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, probation and parole officers, and all other persons or governmental agencies that may have information that the Clinic deems necessary in evaluating my case. I· specifically waive the attorney-client privilege existing. between myself and my forn1er attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, investigators and other representatives who worked on my behalf and grant them pern1ission to speak to the Clinic's attorneys, staff and representatives investigating my case. I authorize any and all entities to release to the Clinic or its staff or representatives, any and all records, files, reports and information .of any kind related to me or to any criminal case involving me; including police reports, witness statements, post conviction pleadings and correctional records, pre-sentencing reports and other documents in prison social services and legal files, legal papers, court documents, medical records, laboratory analysis, probation reports, attorneys' files and records, and any information necessary to the Clinic to work on my behalf. I also authorize the release to the Clinic or its staff or representatives any and all records and information in the possession of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Correctional Institutions Division, Custodian of Medical Records, Unit Classification, or any other state or federal penal institution, including juvenile facilities or mental health or medical facilities, rehabilitation clinics or centers, and any court or probation department, including juvenile. I authorize the release of any documents in the possession of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other federal, state, or local law enforcement agency. I also authorize the release of any and all military records. I further authorize the release of any and all information and records from public or private schools, medical or mental health institutions, or other such institutions, including all prison reports and records, all medical and psychiatric or mental health records, .notes, nursing sheets, hospitalization records, physician notes or prescriptions, or any other type of report or record maintained· by any of the above institutions, including records concerning substance abuse. I also authorize release of any and all employment records. I also authorize release of any and all records made by or in the possession of any and all attorneys. I understand that there may be statutes, rules and regulations that protect my confidentiality of some .of the records, files, reports and information covered by this release; it is my specific intent to waive the protection of all such statutes, rules and regulations-so that confidential infonnation can be shared with the Clinic. SCFO- TPIQ (Rev. 11/10) Page 18 of 19 ,' l ''. r . . -l I further authorize the Clinic to disseminate infonnation, other than confidential information, to other persons or entities as may be necessary to fully investigate my case or to assist me with receiving services from such persons. I authorize the Clinic to enter pertinent information into a network database that will be accessed by other clinics pursuing innocence claims. I understand that by conducting an initial investigation, the Clinic is not agreeing to represent me. I further understand that at any point the Clinic, at its sole discretion, may determine that further investigation is not warranted, and is under no obligation to continue to represent me or investigate my case. A photocopy of this document shall have the same effect as the original. By rny signature below, I represent thq.t this waiver is voluntary and given without any reservation. This authorization is effective until revoked by the undersigned in writing.· Date of Birth: /.2-1f- ~<;? Printed Name: RoJV~ te Tu!t/v[/( TDCJNo.ft Jf(;o~J_ Date: &(- ) ] "" I 5 Witness Signature: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Witness Printed Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date:_._ _ _ _ _ __ SCFO- TPIQ (Rev. 11110) Page 19 of 19 c- 3 -o/-0)-- ~ 7-0 7'1/0,_8 r c oul2 T 'Tuf:.J/IItr;"?c/--r cr C/£LrtL'/f..JAt :r~...;I, cc- AIVIJ rtl£·- .A~/'l'C/JA-T L...-A s rt.-!Eiv· .sL=-A.Jrc!Vcc..•/J o JV JV c u E /'7 /J t:-/l :2 1 iL c c- f . C ~ ..C/ - 'I C. o - 6:, ). .. I( • _£ f./ - J3 Tll [ /?f';1 L,. Cl"' ;...r /1flj?E/IL£'/) i-1 [ ...:r c c fl.-J \_,IC r (' t! i<...t IIV Tilt" st:CeA IJ c ~" ;t r o ;:- /1///J F"" l s- ..r /V r A 11 /lr?l'..... r cc " ,...., rY r t~ ~· /l..s ,A jJ,P [/I'- IV o.'#- 0),. - o S- Ll,).. 7 - C /t ,/1 Ff-'.rl( [/'10 OIL c c .:,/l r o/-:: C/lri'?.C/U/IL A/~E/7L o;V...JE/~T[17/.ft!A 1 c Til J)...oe9 c. C. A ~ t.......-IL /v c., C.. 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L.~ cL:CA-r ,P£~re--_r fu~tO.IA n A ..;,.; TC _R.ELE.ASt~ 'Tc TNE .f/V/VccE~r /),R.c JL-cr c./" TZ:'t::YI'I..r oR .:rrs .S71lr/ o.L ,€E,;fJ.RESEt07/17t vr.s I ,4/V/ /}~U ALL ~ECc/tLJs / ~LES/ ;f.E;:Jo,.tTs /J!'JIJ .IfvFc./ cF j/IL' Fo/l[ GcJ)J9 1"-1 aT..CoN w/9S J"-1/9./LLrl) To Tile 0 ../sT~.tcr .A TTo£/lJEy Sllri.Rc!V tA.,.tLSolv /1 r Lf 0 I wE...si8EL kN/l,P Jl'v F T ~· /er/1 "Jv T/1 7t./9C. 01\J ]7{./ S ·rf{E.. 7 0/1 Y C Jc-C Y" I fi ~ c/ 5 or _L //[£L=- 8 ) / cc-£r-I"FY l71('1T /} .,.-~c...-t:• /"}/Vi/ CoR.eL.'"c.r C~y 0 7 771 [ r- c ,.e[ G c_f jV '3 0 c <'c.,/( £: /V r W.A .s I '1 t1 j L ~ '1/ I G TN[ j-lo;v( Rc/.l~ C't4Tr?L/liVC rt r- 4t''c/ l.v B-t--L,k'/v/1_// //1 rr t.v c /i! 1?-~' r K '7 c 1 9 c 0 ;v r/·t .t s rr<~ ,:· 7 0/'1 / or: "J "' c. Y c:l. c I f"" r: )' tJ£w k v..r-oL~Nce '~-:~,:~·-' (' ' D£/·cAJ.SE \A...-..t"Tivt.'s .s u /Vfi V/l·C. J:/3Lr /1 T TU£"" r.,rt"7 L~ c,/c: r-,e.t·/l-L CASE NO. 0941085 EXPERT JENNIFER PULLINS A F F I D V I T MY NAME IS JENNIFER PULLINS, I AM OVER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE, A RESIDENT OF TARRANT COUNTY, AND QUALIFIED TO MAKE THIS AFFIDAVIT, ON APRIL 16, 2004 AT 5:30 P.M. I LET RONNIE TURNER, A PERSONAL FRIEND, BORROW MY DAUGHTER,S CAR TO TAKE A FRIEND OF HIS, HOME. MY DAUGHTER,S CAR IS A GREEN, FOUR-DOOR, 1995 PONTIAC "GRAND AM, THE WINDOWS ARE NOT "TINTED" AND .THE LICENSE PLATE NUMBER IS TEXAS K61-JNH. I HAD LET RONNIE KNOW THAT I WAS WILLING TO TESTIFY TO THIS AT HIS TRIAL, BUT HIS ATTORNEY, NOR HIS "·DEFENSE" INVESTIGATOR MAKE AN EFFORT TO CONTACT ME, EITHER BY VISITING MY HOME TO SPEAK WITH ME ABOUT THE MATTER, OR BY GOING TO MY DAUGHTER,S HOME ·To TAKE PICTURES OF''HER CAR FOR RONNIE,S TRIAL, NEITHER MY DAUGHTER NOR I WERE "EVER" ASKED TO COME DOWN TO RONNIE,S DEFENSE ATTORNEY,S OFFICE, SO HE COULD TAKE THIS "AFFIDAVIT" AND TAKE THE NECESSARY PICTURES OF MY DAUGHTER,S ''GRAND-AM FOR PRESENTATION AT RONNIE TURNER,S TRIAL, ADDITIONALLY, I WAS NEVE~ CONTACTED BY RONNIE,S ATTORNEY TO LET ME KNOW WHEN THE DATE OF THE TRIAL WOULD BE, SO THAT I COULD COME DOWN AND TESTIFY TO THIS MATTER, WHEN I FINALLY DID HEAR FROM RONNIE,S ATTORNEY, "MR. EMERSON, IT WAS TO TELL ME THAT A JURY HAD FOUND RONNIE,S GUILTY AND SENTENCED RONNIE TO FORTY-FIVE YEARS IN PRISON, MR. EMERSON TOLD ME, I NEEDED TO GO DOWN TO SEE RONNIE, WHICH I DID, BUT THIS "WAS" AFTER # ( 1.) after Ronnie Turner's trial was over. If Mr. Emerson had been in contact with me prior to ll-02-05, the day Ronnie was found guilty, I could have, would have been in court to testify as a witness to the details about my daughtSr's Pontiat Grahd Am. I believe that with my testimony Ronnie Turner would not have been convicted. I Jennifer Pullins declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing affidavit is true and correct. Executed on the L day of fj.() , 2011. ~~ N 0 T A R Y S E R V I C E Execu t e d on ...,_nls . . ~(\111-- th e CXJJ__ d ay I 2011. Signature of Notary - 2 - c_· ~ 3 - 0 I o .2 (. 7 - o 7 VIc J 5" RECE!VED C"/i i.t ..S L" J\) o. #a 1-' JN/).J~~eA.t 0 r / [J.-.;0(" II ' - .l L ( >'' c "' / L t' .- )"'c c.t/1 /tSJ'..t...;l/1;-·Ct:'·- ]A.l Tll.t J /1/1 rrL'"A .Is· G',.l t-;,; 12 >' /1)'1~~..1(' .., r(~- , j2 [JjPli r- rvrtl y· scdJ/1.rf?1) e4~;; ~;~ # /.i'JCaL'"c? li il Gill' u JV ('r ..e ;::.;,1 d .._.)( yt;<:'· G?T[J"i.JST. CLERK II"\ NT COUN I Y. TEXAS ,4 c Tu(1 L ~fL'IV o c. c·A..r C L. 1'1 ./ 17 JUN 11 2015 ~~·~E--;~~;~~~~~~-DE-P-UN- J_ ~ GF?L 0 o c '-" J"'7l:r-r .IN ;;:c../l 1'-f.t? r .t c: t .,..._r 1~.t''- c·o ;:::-e r.J' t< :"? ;L Y e._;- A /V :.--=--~--=--------- r ·" c L c- ;£ /<: o ,;::-/-c c c_~ r c S'-""" ;e. '-·c.'"' "r o T /-1 ;< o 4 C tf 'TN L T/l·..< /ft?-r--r c c "'A· ; · # ~ · /,.,..-..._ nrc· .r;JI'....rrrt.rcr &/Z.c-1'1./'.1'-/1 L 0 .ts-r?lr cr c c~./l./ /V ~" ~ A A.-·0 A rrc../lt'--C-/'_r cl~r< c:..cr.. ._ c.~ ' Tr4· ,< ;t (I 1- t C C!. q_ ,_.ry [dK tl.J ~ o I<'/1· y ._rN s..tDl.:- rt-1[ ,_;:-fv)\Jc cc.,It:. 6-' ~ ,sc.~·t..... r.(r:,1J C t ,..._ r- "' /1.' t.._r /De:!./{ 'r rf l-- /) o '-< rro/ t:: o .., c. c, 1'1 C' ,_,.. ~ rr c. /l /"---- ,:=-/ ...; /::-< c. L o /1- .fv 0 R'o (. .f IV f\J"r r.u R /I.Jl-~,e C /t.£1'1./ lu/l '-- tJ./..S r Cc t-,1(? vs .. /V'-'/"fdL'/( 7/1/l cc~~ 1 ;v Tli[ .srAT£ ol: TL'.XIJs "Tt'1£.tft?lvr Cc:.<-rA.TY rt.r;t.?v- TEXAS PRISONER INNOCENCE QUESTIONNAIRE If you want to make an innocence claim, you should first read Chapter 13 .of the Offender legal Handbook, Eleventh Edition. The Offender Legal Handbook is in your unit law library. If you think you meet the requirements and criteria for making a claim of innocence, fill out the Texas Prisoner Innocence Questionnaire (TPIQ), along with the. Consent for Release of Information, and send them to an innocence clinic. Follow the mailing instructions which you will find near the end of the TPIQ. If you do not know the· answer to a question, simply say "I do not know." Whenever you are given a choice for an answer (for example, YES or NO) circle the correct answer. You should not fill out the TPIQ unless you are innocent of the crime(s) holding you in prison. Courts require new, clear and convincing evidence that proves your innocence. "New evidence" means evidence that was not available at the time of trial and was not considered by the court. If· your case does not meet the definition above, no new evidence exists to prove your innocence, or the evidence available does not meet a c!,ear and convincing standard, the law school clinics will not take your case. Use your best hand writing. If they can't read it, they can't help you. If you run out of space, write "see attached." On a clean sheet of paper, write the corresponding number of the question you are finishing and complete your answer. If you need more than one additional page of paper to explain a question you are probably writing too much. Keep it short and to the point! · You may need to fill out mo~e than one TPIQ if you are claiming innocence on more than one conviction. Use the following examples to know whether to fill out more than one TPIQ: • if you were charged with the kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault in an incident that involved a single victim, fill out only one TPIQ. . • . if the conviction involves multiple counts· against the same victim (for example, . sexual assault of the same child on different days), fill out only one TPIQ·. • if you were convicted in two or more sexualassaults, involving different vi~tims who were attacked at different tirnes, fill out a TPIQ for each conviction. SCFO- TPIQ (Rev. 11/10) Page I of 19 .. _;. ' ), . •, TEXAS PRISONER INNOCENCE QUESTIONNAIRE I. APPLICANT CHECKLIST- Check."yes" or "no" for each question below as it relates to the conviction you are clai~ing innocence for. If you are claiming - innocence on more than one convic~ion, reread the first page to see ifyou need to fill out a separate TPIQ for;_ea.::h conviction. YES ' NO THE CRil\1E YOU CLAIM INNOCENCE FOR: / Was it committed in Texas? ~ Was it for an offense that occurred while in custody? / Is it a FELONY? / Is it a FEDERAL conviction? v-- Is it a DEATH PENALTY conviction? /' Is it a drug-related conviction? Did you plead GUlL TY, NO CONTEST or NOLO / CONTENDERE? / Have you exhausted your direct appeals? / Do you currently have a state and/or federal writ pending? •.... /' Are you currently represented byan attorney? ···· -· Have you ever been released to parole/probation on the • ~/ conviction? If you were released to parole/probation on the conviction, was ~- that parole/probation ever revoked? If your parole/pr&ation was revoked, is the innocence claim on / the underlying_ offense (not on the reason for the revocation)? / Are you currently incarcerated? I. PERSONALINFORMATION A. Full name (first, middle, last): Ro 1'-'N c e T(.f. (, J.._ B. Dateofbirth: [)£C · 17' Til jJC'f C. TDCJ number: # !13~c '-). D. Current unit and mailing address: fiU~/1[ E. Email address (if any): F. What was your Driver's License Number at the time of conviction (even if now currently invalid)? ;v /1 State of issuance: !J/1 SCFO- TPIQ (Rev, 11/10) Page 2 of 19 r. CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION By signing below, I authorize ..Z:fVNoc~IVT j:JI< o .TL"c r o-/::- /L/ras- [insert nbme of clinic] (hereinafter "Clinic") its staff or representatives to investigate my case, communicate with my forn1er attorneys, prosecutors, witnesses, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, 'probation and parole officers, and all other persons or governmental agencies that may have information that the Clinic deems necessary in evaluating my case. I specifically waive the attorney-client privilege · _existing between myself and my former attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, investigators and other representatives who worked on my behalf and grant them permission to speak to the Clinic's attorneys, staff and representatives investigating my case. I authorize any and all entities to release to the Clinic or its staff or representatives, any and all records, files, reports and information of any kind related to me or to any criminal case involving me, including police reports, witness statements; post conviction pleadings and correctional records, pre-sentencing reports and other documents in prison social services and legal files, legal papers, court documents, medical records, laboratory analysis, probation reports, attorneys' files and records, and any information necessary to the Clinic to work on my behalf. I also authorize the release to the Clinic or its staff or represent~tives any and all records and information in the possession of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Correctional Institutions Division, Custodian of Medical Records, Unit Classification, or any other state or federal penal institution, including juvenile facilities or mental health or medical facilities, rehabilitation clinics or centers, and any court or probation department, including juvenile. I authorize the release of any documents in the possession of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other federal, state, or local law enforcement agency. I also authorize the release of any and all military records~ I further authorize the release of any and all information and records from public or private schools, medical or mental health institutions, or other such institutions, including 'all prison reports and records, all medical and psychiatric or merital health records, notes, nursing sheets, hospitalization records, physician notes or prescriptions, or any other type of report or record maintained by any of the above institutions, including records concerning substance abuse. I also authorize release of any and all employment records. I also authorize release of any and all records made--by or in the possession of any and all attorneys. I understand that there may be statutes, rules and regulations that protect my confidentiality of sonie of the records, files, reports and information covered by this release; it is my specific intent to waive the protection of all such statutes, rules and regulations so that confidential infonnation can be shared with the Clinic. SCFO- TPIQ (Rev. 11110) Page 18 of 19 I further authorize the Clinic to disseminate infom1ation, other than confidential information, to other persons or entities as may be necessary to fully investigate my case or to assist me with receiving services from such persons. I authorize the Clinic to enter pertinent infom1ation into a network database that will be accessed by other clinics pursuing innocence claims. I understand that by conducting an initial investigation, the Clinic is not agreeing to represent me. I further understand that at any point the.Clinic, at its sole discretion, may determine that further investigation is not warranted, and is under no obligation to continue to represent me or investigate my case. A photocopy of this document shall have the same effect a:s the original. By my signature below, I represent that this waiver is voluntary and given without any· reservation. This authorization is effective until revoked by the undersigned in writing. Signature: {R ~ Date of Birth: I :2. -; 1 -C:, 5/ Printed Name: /? 0 /IJ /Vi e TDCJ No.:#=-13 3 ~ o&..J Date: d- - 4 - / > Witness Signature: ---~------------- Witness Printed Name: Date: . --~-------------- -------- SCFO- TPIQ (Rev. I I/10) Page I 9 of I 9 '/ )_ _ -. - -------~ - ---------------- ---------------·-----------------· Cf9,uJ~- IV ----------.,.-- r C- S --oi- c)...- C?- -------·---------~-- ----- - - - - - - D. cfi/c_g5" .·- ;. 1 X:-··r 7 ,I ;X-· L J vs i'--' '-' /7 vc...·l /2f- <.., lr.-41 ~z c-[ n,. Ttl t. ...sTa /[ c ,;= 1 c Y/J s T/olKil/?r--r Cc L-tl-t/ /t:'~/114-.J FILED TH9~k'HA~~gO~Y?'~~fA'-§RK APR 2.7 2015 TIME.. /. 'J".3pf1 BY ~ DEPUTY I( ol] 8 ../;uS fiv c i. c.sci/ rc 17li' ..r~vrc,-t /7/1- //1/:J'-".h ..r .CJ ...£/U o -1 c;·c:,.._, r· ...sc i. 0-- /l iJ o ;z £.1'7-Ss- L:-IV v [ L c-/./ 8/l c. /c r <- 7N ,-. cr;: [1'--'IJ[t< jZ c 1'-t<-. e T4- /C/;._f:A.. ('14... so_ pL<-~4Jie' ...SI/11''7/' 0/1-rr YJ,'-I.J /::,t:.r Til(.. /J8c:.'-'t-' L.J'...Jr c.t-:.. . .Oc c:C//?['';-r Tc Ttl/::~ Cc'<-/tr c. (I C AJ~rl Y /1'-.So T/1£ /lj'J7L•CI71-r LS /7 ...Ctl--OI(;;c.t0r c;=/~t:'i--/)C/1 /1/--0 r ,.J:/v ;vL·<[I} ..c. . cl· Tlit: CLc/t/<:: rl.Sf.ST/11'--cc-= .£/V TN.rs /il7r/l:--"-t., oN ;J£/I/1t- -::- 1 oF Jr/l" Jl'-'04 G:l"i- r o r/-cAl 0 C'A (A_,. c ~co )/co:,. /./~ (.-:-.-? ••rc:..;.. /:J/?c. Lr.z-O.cob? /) Cc/Y o/-- i/li LCG;/?i.. OcCv/7[/-r Tc 0../sT/lrc(/lT)-cd/vt!?,r ,S/1.-?_,i::.?c:::.N l.A.-ZL-Sc.-0 /l r 4''c f· '--"--' /sci./<: ,A...JI/) .,c·I'V rr· '-vc/l rl-t r.-* 7t:.le:4.J ~v{;::· 77Yc( /li'--'U r~ ""-4/tQ r-1 .S714fijl .J-'Lt:. L::. c cy:J v /.J/7 c "< r u /7 E /1 r 7//£: _./II]{},£L/7.Fr /Jt:.-=-t:.c~- ? _>,·c. t,-/( AS./JT/?A-Ci'- £A-r i?liJ-- /rar/tf':/i ...Ls ~;y/ /1- c /.-7 /C:' t>« - j-/ctC!Ic c.tJL,r /? r~;!.. /J'ct t/C/c--7 G4Tc.sv• cc [ TJ( 7 c 5' Y 7 IJ' I .J TARRANT COUNTY Thomas A. Wilder District Clerk June 18, 2015 Ronnie Turner TDCJ# 1336062 Alfred Hughes Unit RT 2 Box 4400 Gatesville, Texas 76597 Re: C-3-010267-0941085-M Dear Mr. Turner: The District Clerk's office has received your last five letters. At this time, we have not received a response from the Trial Court regarding your Motion for Consent to Release Information to the Innocent Project. For the District Clerk to send copies of your records to the Innocent Project we would need to receive payment prior to sending those records. A Bill of Cost was previously sent to you and I will include another_copy with this letter. Listed below are the costs directly for the specific documents that you have requested: Indictment - 2 pages Judgment and Sentence - 2 pages Copy of Special Issue on Court's Charge - 7 pages I hope that this answers the questions that you have presented to our office. Sincerely, &!A-.~ Cindy Lead A 401 W. BELKNAP, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76196-0402 (817) 884-1574 ;· . ......... .~ COU.!Il~·· .•• , .. _ • • :t-••• ~~-.~b~) ~~ ,~,I Cl1: I ...••..••:.-1:.:···· •. :· .. ..· ,..: o' .: TARRANT COUNTY Thomas A.Wilder District Clerk March 9, 2015 RE: Request for copies. DATE: MARCH 9, 2015 DRAWER NUMBER: NAME: ~R:;...;:O~NNIE'"::'-'::::~TURNE~""'· ~R~~--- CAUSE NUMBER: 09410850 ANDC-3- 010267-0941085-M Court records are available at $.35 per page not certified, or $1.00 per page certified, payable in advance. Please remit by money order, cashiers check or business check made payable to Thomas A. Wilder, District Clerk. X Your request requires 847 page(s). Upon submitting payment for copies, please return the enclosed copy of your request letter so that we can fill your order correctly · X Other. TIIE NUMBER OF PAGES FOR YOUR WRIT C-3-010267-0941085-M IS 145 PAGES. THE NUMBER OF PAGES FOR YOUR TRIAL COURT RECORD 0941085D IS 702PAGES. Contact the court reporter listed below to request a copy of the statement of facts/Reporter's record and the costs for same. Name: Address: Sincerely, Thomas A.Wilder District Clerk Tarrant County, Texas ~- Encl: Copy of request letter 401 W. Belknap, Fort Wonh, Tcxas76!96.o402 Revised: June:l.7, 2003 (817)884-1342 c- J-ct-o.J--~1- of'f/c.Jf" ... o.2 -os- '-1 :L 7 - ell * A )( X X /)/F.IO/J'vcr of- .LNDJGEiJCY _c ;< c/1-'/'"-' 1 e r.:..ut.;VI:.'A :#-- I J J (. o C..').. l]c.-::./f\J G C ~£/{c."'Air t_ 7' ..[,<.J C/fC£ CC/c/1 T£ iJ _c;v TilL Tcx'AS i)Ltp/1il r/-?C.~i--r a/:: C/l< 1'71/v/1(.. ,T4...sri c.r /J I rtlCfii;:-/t.c.~r} f). j.-?:/ ~~.::./t /(/.:.' 1 ..LtV v c..sr; c ~"' ,--; c ,v ,;2. c~/..?c... /t t- /t A-iJ c e- :.r _,., r c c-...J- r. .I vL~/2 r ~/ Tl'l-J/- TI-fC sr/fa.:=;-rt.~"'--r J{/I"Di.." ..C"'-' 17il's A/-:::1::~/.ht'--tr ...c..s r/Z(..(r /l r-O Cct(tt'[cr:._ c-A--t t71 r.s rN c~ ______ 1.) /1 / c r__ _ __ ;2. 0 /f f< of.-;1\..n: e. t4/l/V[/{ H/f j' C, C .i o f/4-' c ;:t c- u ~'--, r /2 T- ~ go I( c:;·q a·" G-4r£Jv-~cc{.-- rJC ?It'.>?';; . , IN THE • . b STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE No£ 17/fN DISTRICT OF TEXAS ET wo!.e T/1 rx:. DIVISION Ro;VtVr e Tui?JV[,i' #; JJt.c-Cc2 Plaintiff's name and ID Number Place of Confinement CASE NO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Clerk will assign the number) v. flc,V, Ji! 0 /.f/j C.-1F/1iA/o..JG APPLICATION TO PROCEED L/ c../ t-<...- /3[ i. ktt.-A_,i IN FORMA PAUPERIS Fr a..v ell rt 1 rt.. 7C.I fc: Defendant's name and address I, R o/-1 IV < c r~ t2 /V FA' , declare, depose, and say I am the Plaintiff in the above entitled case. In support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs, or give security therefor, I state because of my poverty, I am unable to pay in advance the filing fee for said proceedings or to give security for the I1ling fee. I believe I am entitled to relief. · I, further declare the responses which I have made to the questions and instructions below are true. 1. Have you received, within the last 12 months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or from self-employment? Yes 0 No ~ b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes 0 No []/ c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes 0 No w d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes 0 No 8' e. Family or friends? Yes 0 No w f. Any other sources? Yes 0 No GV If you answered YES to any of the questions above, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past 12 months. 2. Do you own cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account, including any funds in prison accounts? · Yes 0 No~ If you answered YES to any of the questions above, state the total value of the items owned. 1 *ATCIFP (REV. 9/02) 3. Do you own real estate, stocks, bonds, note, automobiles, or other valuable property, excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing? Yes D If you answered YES, describe the property and state its approximate value. IVt? I understand a false statement in answer to any question in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for perjury. I declare (certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (28 u.s.c. §1746). Signed tl1is the _ _ _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, 20 Signature of Plaintiff ID Number YOU MUST ATTACH A CURRENT SIX (6) MONTH IDSTORY OF YOUR INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT. YOU CAN ACQUIRE THE APPROPRIATE INMATE ACCOUNT CERTIFICATE FROM THE LAW LIBRARY AT YOUR PRISON UNIT. 2 1:rATCIFP (REV. 9/02) . " ..J. r.·---·· . ·- -· -----··· ----···· ----------·-7 I Tr+--'-.J;., I - . A ;:: . /'_} - _)': /....'';/ -,.. r- -------hj(· 7 -- . ·- . -·- - . -· -- - L C - 3 -c. I- 0 ).. - ' 7 r c 7 '-II c:. .t) FILED - £X ;J i ;:3 .r 1 C D~ _ o S" _. L/ .2 7 ·- - c Al:t~~~~b85~~~~a~RK L J k- . JUN 0 5 2015 k- &:~ _ __.::.__,.---- TIM:E~ BY ~ DEPUTY f{ 0 TuRlut:l< .J-N c I< .r /'-1 £;.:;;L ld .tsr 1vtvfC C ouler· jVLti'-1/.JL:c/e Tll-/et='- v.s Tile sr/1 rL:- o;::- TEX/I.s .£N r/l£1(/IJLIT c c~tA.;ry n -Sf ..2 L i..Jt:: lrLc,e_ /.3 i£,.cLc:J= ro c o~/er o4/.)c;~~ r11 L= oc;::z-N D~'~'"v r R L=-a "-~ c-s·r T//r.11r TN:tL"" c 0 r '--' /' ...("/-../ AL (. ,k!? .c~<: cd/)...r F< c:. <-<..r ;< E _?ell r J t"Jt'wV _c,vrcJ 0;: (l;--i.Y j<:,u~o ;t. E-/e o ,U;;Tr "fv /2 ~o/.:>c/l r S . /1 T ro .1<' J'vLC .,- FL~- /.}.i'v~ ,2.L' C' .,_rll7 ,/lfL'/.J /1/U y J;A--r-c /<' /''t./1 r(' c:. ;v tv EC' £ -..Jsf"//l.. )-· Tc ri'-IC Cq.N_tc ro I.A..-O,r.!/('.:;../1!-'\.). 1-tY /:JC/-1/It./C:.,·o..,v ;:(1y' ;L._g rr.t .;Lc::: If .I Tift- IJE rfr-/J/l;-r t-Il c.rc L. c- Fret'( t.3/trP/'.· Tc.. .r?l..l's Ce:.•dt/ .11._)---;.c~ ~ C' nlr tW C:c.~/tr Tc. [~J-/C.,<~.r-..~;_:_'{c. ??r'£··· .0£"/~c'/",-'J/lr._/~ 1.-.-K:/ T/IL ..OQ. c k r7 <•,..._r /lr1._r ;vc-1 ,i]~t:"""-- Fct..../l"·U.lc/.J '/"c:o. TN<: ,.?/V/Vc c.c.·,.._r- n/fc .;r£:-c,- c -~. • . ...- • • :- . ·• .,.- .:.. /" c;.; / £ X,? J, ./J,~v/) /lGt1.t#C' t'l'.f'IS Cc..t.r/Cr_ ;ER'· tJJ4,cC.J- ..- - ~-. -~""tJ~J_f J ·. \ ..... --------~~_._ _ _..,_.,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (i) This application cnm:ems {check ;dl that apply): (~ con vittion [J mandatory s.upenision r:J time tredit [J out-of-time i.lppeal nr pdition for discretionary r~view (2) What rllstrkt rourt entered the Judgmcn t nf the ronvktion ~·ou want rdid fn:tm·:• {Include the court number and coun::y.) (3) \Vhat was the case mtmber in the trial court'? ./ INiB02/CINIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12.17 /07'; 1 :-:i 50/BHA9479 IN-FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA IZI7 : LJ·1 ~ •t'::'.i CJ#: 01336062 SID#: 03276973 LOCATION: ALFRED HUGHES INDIGENT DTE: 06/11/15 ME: TURNER,RONNIE BEGINNING PERIOD~ QH /QH /1 ::i EVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: 00689840 00875965 RRENT BAL: 0.00 TOT HOLD AMT: 0.00 3MTH TOT DEP~ 105.00 TH DEP~ 162.40 GMTH AVG BAL: 4.90 GMTH AVG DEP: 27.07 NTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS ..... /1 ::'5 ;=~~3 ,:) ,::,. 1ZI3./ 15 38. 9:3 4Q). 00 .~, II 2'5a ~%~1 / 1 ::.i ..;:.c I .. 28 1 ~3a 81{) I:ROOO"'/ 6fZI • WIZI li)2/ :l ~=.:; /15 18. 80 2tL) .. IZI~~~ 1211/15 -;· 4Q) '-·'Iii CJCESS DATE HOLD AJ'110UNT HOLD DESCRIJ=:.TION THUE~