FILED IN CASE NO. 12-14-00253-CV 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 11/2/2015 11:12:03 AM JERRY WEAKS and § IN THE COURT OF PAM ESTES JOYCE WEAKS, APPEALS FOR Clerk TWELFTH COURT OF APPELLANT APPEALS DISTRICT OF TEXAS § V. § KATHLEEN JEANETTE WHITE, § APPELLEE § CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE TO THE HONORABLE COURT: This will certify and confirm that the undersigned attorney for the Appellants has forwarded notice to Ms. Jane Parreiras-Horta, the attorney for the Appellee, in regard to the Appellants’ motion for extension of time to file the motion for rehearing. Thus, the undersigned has attempted to confer with opposing counsel and is awaiting a response from same. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Aubrey L. Jones, Jr. ___________________________________ Aubrey L. Jones, Jr. Attorney at Law State Bar No. 10859100 P.O. Box 168 106 W. Tyler St. Weaks v. White Request for Extension PAGE 1 Athens, Texas 75751 Telephone: (903) 675-7990 Fax: (903) 670-3424 Email: ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANTS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This will certify that a true and correct copy of the above Certificate of Conference has been served on Appellee’s attorney of record, Ms. Jane Parreiras-Horta, in accordance with the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. Signed this __2nd____ day of November___, 2015. /s/ Aubrey L. Jones, Jr. _________________________________ Aubrey L. Jones, Jr. Weaks v. White Request for Extension PAGE 2
Jerry Weaks and Joyce Weaks v. Kathleen Jeanette White
Combined Opinion