Albert Rodriguez Medellin v. State

oFFrcrAL NorrcE FRoM couRT oF cRIMTNAL AppEALs oF TExÀs FILE coPY P,O, BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 787I I '',*oo stlrzo1s ¡i. '.-l,l',¡' Gase No. l3-13-ooleo-cR MEDELLTN,ALBERT RoDRtcì.u-ÊZ''i;,.öi.-ry6,,.,6*_2011-1s6 pD_04a4-ls on this day, this court has granted thg Appeltantrs motion for an extens¡on of time in which to file the Petition for Discretionary Review. The time to file the petition has been extended to Wednesday, June-03, 2015. NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS wlLL BE ENTERTAINED. NorE: petition for Discretionary Review must be fired with the Couri of Criminal Appeals. Abef Acosta, Clerk 13TH COURT OF APPEALS CLERK DORIAN RAMIREZ 901 LEOPARD coRPUS CHR|ST|, rx 78401 DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL -