ACCEPTED 12-15-00119-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 12/21/2015 3:10:09 PM Pam Estes CLERK NO. 12-15-00119-CV FILED IN 12th COURT OF APPEALS IN THE TYLER, TEXAS TWELFTH COURT OF APPEAIS 12/21/2015 3:10:09 PM TYLERTEXAS PAM ESTES Clerk DEBR¿.DENTLE.AI AIK/A DEBBIE D. LEAI, AND TANGO TRÂNSPORT, INC., AND TANGO TRANSPORT, TT,C. vs JAMES JORDAN Appealed ftom the 115ù District Court Upshut County, Texas Cause No. 588-12 Honotable Lauten Parish, Ptesiding Judge MOTION TO EXTEND TIME, FOR FILING OF APPELLEE'S BRIEF "Rust''Phenix J. R. No. 15908300 State Bar PHENIX & CRUMP P. O. Box 1005 Ilenderson, Texas 7 5653 903.657.3595 903.657 .3598 - Facsimile ATTORNEY FOR APPF'J J EE MOTION TO EXTEND TIME FOR FILING OF APPELLEE'S BRIEF TO THE HONORABLE COURT: Now comes Appellee,JAMESJORDAN, who makes and files this Motion to Extend Time for Filiog of Âppellee's Brief and for such would show the Court the following: 7. The cunent deadline for fi.ling Appellee's Bdef is January 4,2076. Appellant's Brief was filed on Decemb er 2,2075 and this date is calculated allowing fot additional days as the thirty day deadline ftom the fiting of Brief expires on Saturday,January 2,2016. '\ppellant's 2. Appellee requests the Court to graît a thirty (30) day extension. 3. Appellee requests this extension of time fot the following reasons: a.. Appellee's counsel has been unusually busy during the first part of Decembet with hearings and yeat end business; b. Appellee's counsel has a planned vacation ftom Decernber 24,2015 through January 4,2076;and. c. The staff of Appellee's counsel will also be vacationing during that time fot the holidays. Thetefote, Appellee's counsel will not have his normal staff avatlable to ptepare, complete, and file Appellee's Brief dudng the time from December24,2075 toJanuzry 4,201,6. 4. This is the first extension tequested by,\ppellee's counsel. This request for the extension is not sought fot delay only, but that justice may be done. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE Appellee's counselhas conferedwithAppellant's counselbyphone on December27,2075,and was informed that Appellant's counsel does not oppose the requested extension. WHEREFORE,PREMISES CONSIDERED,JAMESJORDAN,,{.ppellee,requests theCourt to extend the time fot filing his bdef in this mattet by thitty (30) days to February 4,2076. Appellee requests such othet and further telief to which Appellee may be jusdy entitled and for which Appellee will evet ptay. Resp ectfu lly submitted, PHE,NIX & CRUMP 118 S. MAIN POST OF'F'ICE, BOX 1OO5 HE,NDE,RSON, TEXAS 7 5654 903/6s7-3s9s 903 / 6s7 -3598 - FACSTMTLE BY: /s/ T. R. "Rustv" Phenix J. R. "RUSTY" PHENIX State Bat No. 15908300 Attomey fot Appellee, tames lotdan CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifir thatz true and coffect copy of the above and fotegoinghas been forwatded on this the 21"' day of Decemb.g 2075 zddressed/ditected as follows: Matthew Thigpen I-ADD & THIGPE,N, P.C. 235 S. Btoadwty, Suite 200 Tylet, Texas 75702 Facsimile: 903 / 7 05-7 221 R.' J. R. "RUSTY" PHENIX