Burnet County Public Defender's Office 1008 N. Water St. Burnet, Texas 78611 (512)234-3061 FAX (512) 234-3579 April 17, 2015 15 April 2015 COURT OF APPEALS THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS POBOX 12547 AUSTIN, TX 78711-2547 RE: 03-15-00212-CR Michael Jude Pirie v. The State of Texas Dear Office of the Clerk: Thank you again for your previous assistance this past week. Since I last wrote we have filed and the District Court has granted a motion withdrawing us from representation and allowing Mr. Pirie to proceed pro se. I have included a copy of this order. Please feel free to reach me at 512 234 3077 (office) or 214 566 5635 (cell). Sincerely, Nathan KigHt c/c Michael Pirie TDCJ No. 0198 2650 Holliday Unit 295 IH-45 North Huntsville, TX 77320-8443 RECEIVED^ APR 1 7 2015 THIRD COURTOF APPEALS \_1EF_FREY D.KYLE CAUSE NO. 40555 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 33r7 424th JUDICIAL V. DISTRICT COURT MICHAEL JUDE PIRIE BURNET COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the H day of Marehr 2015, came on to be considered the above and foregoing Motion to Withdraw by Defendant's Attorney. After consideration of the same, it is the opinion of the Court that the same be: ( ) DENIED. (/<) GRANTED, IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the said " Attorney, NATHAN KIGHT, BURNET COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE, shall be allowed to withdraw as counsel, and is hereby relieved of any further duty, obligation or responsibility to Defendant herein: — MICHAEL JUDE PIRIE—--and, Attorneyr- ,—be—appointed—to—represent—the Defendani_who-has-previOTSl7~brerr~determ MICHAEL JUDE PIRIE is allowed to proceed pro se. <0 GvA pW«/. SIGNED: /U7 °l ,2015. Judge- Presiding "J a ^V -^——'PITN EY BOWES $ 000.48° J-Wrf: 00031 53866 APR 152015 Buvvi&t Cowrvty £2Sl1 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 78611 PufcLOc Vefevufar'y Office/ Burnet County 1008 N. Water • Burnet, TX 78611 P& g^y /Zs V7 /^37/V T-x -?$>-? // - ^^V7 ''S' :•" X 1 %'.?Sz:<--t f j.lijiljiiinidlj.ipii.nj.ilji.j.l.iii,,),,)!,,,).)!],,!!):
Michael Jude Pirie v. State
Combined Opinion