05-15-01493-CV Filed: 12/4/2015 9:32:08 PM Shelli Miller. County Clerk Rockwall County, Texas Angela Endicott CAUSE NO. Cll5-070 FILED IN CAROLINE D. COOK, IN THE COUNTY COURT 5th COURT OF APPEALS PLAINTIFF DALLAS, TEXAS 12/7/2015 12:17:12 PM vs. ATLAW LISA MATZ Clerk MICHAEL GAY COOK, DEFENDANT ROCKWALL COUNTY, TEXAS DEFENDANT'S NOTICE OF APPEAL COMES NOW, Michael Gay Cook, Defendant in the above styled cause of action, which he, as appellant, desires to appeal to the 5th District Court of Appeals. Defendant hereby gives notice of appeal of this court's judgment and files this his Notice of Appeal. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted this the 1st day of December, 2015. Kerry L. Prisock Kerry L. Prisock State Bar Number 24082005 Post Office Box 1051 Rockwall, Texas 75087 Telephone: 214-632-3823 Facsimile: 469-252-7496 kprisocklegal@sbcglobal.net ATIORNEY FOR DEFENDANT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served upon opposing counsel by electronic means. Kerry L. Prisock Kerry L. Prisock State Bar Number 2408200S Post Office Box 1051 Rockwall, Texas 75087 Telephone: 214-632-3823 Facsimile: 469-252· 7496 kprisocklegal@sbcglobal.net ATIORNEY FOR DEFENDANT C\l ~I ' ' >. ( It 'i-\170 C.\RUUl\1: r>. coor.;.. !'\ I IH· Cul'!' l Y CUL RI Pl.:\ l'.;Tl Ff \'S. \'11CI J.\l:L. (j,\ Y COOK. DF I Tl\ Di\t\ I RUl. I'.\\ \I l ( I 1t \ I Y . I 1-\. \ "i s 1..\l L 01" l"FXA-.. CUL7\ IYO!· Rt >CK\\ ·\I L Lkt\.irt: m.:, th~ 1111dcr:.i~11\·d ,nHhllril~. nn thi' d;:~ p<.:r"•n;iJ!, .1r'p...-;m;d \11~:ha..:l l1::t.\ C11ok. "hl' uftl'r \-l~in~ .!t1. -~~irn:-oil)1:ub ~1•1k~ tl1i: ll•r<:h!•'i1ii; s1:1tl.'m..:nh ;ir~· 1q1h111 Iii~ 11r h..:r p .\\D "\\ (IR'-: 11• this 4th di!> 11t D1:1.:1:111~1~Ol5 ,, ~ . ·' \~-. -R;;hi~ St.11..- 111 I ,.,.1.., I f ..... _ .....
Michael Gay Cook v. Caroline D. Cook
Combined Opinion