Rigoberto Monrroy v. State

CHRIS DANIEL 4Sk HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK 01-15-00644-CR FILED IN July 22, 2015 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS JANI MASELLI WOOD 7/28/2015 2:20:18 PM ATTORNEY OF RECORD CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 1201 FRANKLIN ST, 13™ FLOOR HOUSTON, TX 77002 Defendant’s Name: RIGOBERTO MONRROY Cause No: 1445254 Court: 228™ DISTRICT COURT Please note the following appeal updates on the above mentioned cause: Notice of Appeal Filed Date: 7/17/15 Sentence Imposed Date: 7/17/15 Court of Appeals Assignment: First Court of Appeals Appeal Attorney of Record: JANI MASELLI Sincerely, Stocks S. NORRIS Criminal Post Trial Deputy CC: Devon Anderson District Attorney Appellate Division Harris County, Texas LISA MILLS (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) This is your notice to inform any and all substitute reporters in this cause. 1201 Franklin P.O.Box 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-4651 i X Cause No . tf-fLfj THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 to / h District Court / County Criminal Court at Law No. _ Harris County, Texas _ . NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: On i /n/2o>* NOTICE OF APPEAL of his conviction. (date), the defendant in the above numbered and styled cause gives The undersigned attorney (check appropriate box): MOVES to withdraw. ADVISES the court that he will CONTINUE to represent the defendant on appeal. Date Attorney (Signature) . A-.. Attorney (Printed name) District Clerk JUL 1 7 2015 State Bar Number Time:. Harris County, Texas P-3o. To CONTINUE as presently set. DENIED and is SET at No BOND. (Felony Only) DATE SIGNED: cfh ws JUjXjE'PRESIDING, DISTRICT COURT / COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW NO. HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS http://hcdco-intranet/Criminal/Criminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal Forms/Notice of Appeal (3 pages-w Affirmation).docx Page 2 of 3 06/01/06 Cause No. THE STATE OF TEXAS _ Harris County, Texas _ district Court / County Criminal Court at Law No. flffc/Di __ _ OATH OF APPOINTED ATTORNEY ON APPEAL I.|j| i\)o-»_ t Attorney at Law, swear or affirm that 1 will be solely responsible for writing a brief and representing the appellant on appeal. If 1 am not able to perform my duties as appellate counsel, 1 will notify the Court immediately so that the Court may take the appropriate action as deemed necessary. odTVwrJicntJhÿ Attomey-aMJaw (Signature) BAR Number / SPN Address City /State /Zip Phone FAX SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ON By Deputy District Clerk of Harris County, Texas http://hcdco-intranet/Criminal/Criminal Courts/SOPs and Forms Library/Criminal Forms/Notice of Appeal (3 pages-w Affirmation).docx Page 3 of 3 06/01/06 PAUPER’S OATH ON APPEAL CAUSE NO.: NU,S 251/ OFFENSE: pÿ5 u AirPg-ÿ M/* ( THE STATE OF TEXAS rzgg DISTRICT COURT VS. OF Rltj oloZ'tiJ-Q fV)orvraUj HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: 'Zÿ NOW COMES Rtgrtbe/io _, defendant in the above styled and numbered cause, and states under oath that he is without funds, property or income. The defendant respectfully petitions the court to: (check all that apply) 0 , Appoint appellate counsel to represent him. d Asks the court to order that a free record be provided to him. GnJ)p v4n hAn'nvv'V 1/ DEFENDANT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this. day of A.D., 20. DEPUTY DISTRICT CLERK TZÿLSjflSTRICT COURT HARRIyCOUNTY, TEXAS ORDER On the court conducted a hearing and found that the defenaanÿ&jÿmÿÿÿÿ' The court orders that is appointed to represent defendant/appellant on appeal. The court reporter is ordered to prepare and file the reporter’s record without charge to the defendant/appellant. It is further ordered that the clerk of this court mail a/opy of the onjeftothe court reporter: lOA 1 L4J3 _ , by certifipdÿraul return receipt requested. Assistant Public Defender CTiv) i /Y)a The State of Texas Date Notice Of Appeal: . OFh