FROM (TUE)DEC 15 2015 1It5/ST. 8:54/No.7500000342 P 8 NO. 16,-'i07-1000 FILED IN STATE OF TEXAS 6th COURT OF APPEALS § IN THE DISTRICT COURTTEXARKANA, TEXAS § 12/16/2015 10:56:34 AM vs. § 402ND JUDICIAL DISTRICTDEBBIE AUTREY § Clerk t NATHAN LEE BURNETT § WOOD COUNTY, TEXAS i ~\ .--(... '..~ NOTICE OF APPEAL --:?o~ ~z -)if'y TO T~ HONORABLE JUDG~ OF SAID COURT:]?~ ~ ' " _J'r'h gives . • . , lOW c,omes N~than Lee B~~ett, Defendant in the above styled and num~~red caUS6~~';. th~fi wntten notice of appeal, to the Court of Appeals of the State of 1exas from ~~~ l . ~J ~e <.. "Po I f l sentenc~ herein rendered against Nathan Lee Burnett, . jUdgmen of conviction and Respectfully s\lbmitted, I r t t SMIlH & SMITH LA WFIRM r 300 Oak Avenue Sulphur Springs, TX 75482 I Tel: (903) 439-3000 Fax: (903) 439-3110 f , Ry:_ _ _ _ _~~~_~-~_~~ Phl] Smith I " State Bar No. 18664400 Attorney for Nathan Lee Burnett I 1 ~ CF,RTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on Drcember 14, 2015, a true and corrcct copy of the above and I foregoing docwncnt was served o~ the District Attorney's Office, Wood County. by facsimile transrois ion to 9037635105. I 1 f Phi] Smith
Nathan Lee Burnett v. State
Combined Opinion