FILED IN PD-0072-1 COURT OF CRIMINALAPPEALS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL AUSTIN, TEXA July 24, 2015 Transmitted 7/24/2015 11:17:16 Af Accepted 7/24/2015 11:32:37 Af ABELACOSTA, CLERK TQ THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ABEL ACOST, CLER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS JAMES LEMING Appellant a\6 V. § CASE NO. PD-0072-15 TRIAL COURT NO. 41799-B THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee § MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE CORRECTED RESPONSE TO STATE'S BRIEF TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: Comes Now the Appellant, JAMES LEMING, by and through his counsel, Clement Dunn, and respectfully seeks leave to file his corrected Response to State's Brief, to replace the Response to State's Brief filed in this cause on July 21, 2015. The corrected Response to State's Brief contains corrections and clarifications only; it does not differ in substance from the previously filed Response to State's Brief. No additional issues or arguments are set forth. This counsel respectfully submits the filing of the corrected Response to State's Brief is necessary to maintain the standards of professionalism and appellate representation to which the Court is entitled. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, //ss// Clement Dunn Attorney for Appellant 140 E. Tyler Street, Suite 240 Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-7071 Fax (903) 753-8783 State Bar # 06249300 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE As Attorney of Record for Defendant, I do hereby Certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was this date provided to the Attorney for the State. Date: July 24, 2015 //ss// Clement Dunn- Attorney for Appellant TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS JAMES LEMING Appellant CASE NO. PD-0072-15 TRIAL COURT NO. 41799-B THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee § ORDER BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the day of , 2015, came on to be considered the above and foregoing Motion for Leave to File Corrected Response to State's Brief. After consideration of the same, it is the opinion of the Court that Appellant's Motion be: ( ) GRANTED, and the present cause is hereby extended until 2014. ( ) DENIED, to which ruling the Appellant excepts. ( ) SET FOR HEARING ON THE day of ,2015, at o'clock . SIGNED: JUDGE PRESIDING