McGinty, Samuel Duane v. State

XAITHE Couri oF c^mwctl f\Ppe<»[s ORIGINAL r / HFs Trf TF Of TPxflS ^4Fpf^ JUW 10 2015 F&otv\TlnC Court of OPPtals **** Asosta, Cto& ^ihe f/GHTK O/5-fnc-f of Tfxfl5 CQOie ,uo. o*-13-00 a 17 c£ ^eT(T|0^ Tor ^iscrctioiUQr-; *£T *4^J /6 ^ _ - .^ _,. ^,^ .y^\lj5 j * *» piy STATeMfA/T of THf CfiSb SflmoEt QvaAj? mtG,ejt/ ftffElfi/ot Here \aj aa>0 P\t*d A/bifc GmUi i<> tKe ckrOe i^Oidme^t j^ ccxuie ajojCMMU to tkfc d-ffe^/e of Cg/ji/AJUousd Sequel ab$JSe of fl cl,(J ^(leJ6^J to Kciue bee*; ca^V*,f+eJ Azov/. (ttWS) fHKs) See flft^df.V 6 0*fc*" 1