April 29, 2015 01-14-00485-CV COURT OF APPEALS AT AUSTIN THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS NO.03-14-00485-CV TRIAL COURT CASE N0.259,941-C STYLE: JOHN REED JR. V. FARMERS INS. GROUP ET AL. MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE BRIEF > v PURSUANT TO RULES OF APP. PROC. ^ RECEIVED ^ APR 2 9 2015 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS JEFFREY D.KYLE y Appellant states the Deadline to file the Brief isApril 27, 2015 and appellant is requesting to extend that time to file his Brief is (1) one week after the Appeal C lerk receive the Supplement trial court Reporter Record and Clerk Record thatwas recently requested from the Trial Court. Appellant has previously filed three or four extensions. Appellant request that this Honorable Court embrace the body ofthis motion and grant all things. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED JOHN REED JR. 715 SO. 32nd STREET TEMPLE, TEXAS 76501 254 778 2558 cell 254 913 2358 APPELLANT HAS ATTEMTED TO CONFER THE DEFENDANTS COUNSEL BUT COULD NOT MAKE CONTACT.. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE il,John Reed Jr. hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing motion is being sentto the Appeals Court Clerk by Certified U. S. Mail return Requested Receipt and faxed to Defendants Counsel on this 24th Day Of April 2015. Sincerely John Reed JR, ft r •si H o m