PD-1389-14 Ah. Ol~ lb~ OQSP& ~ CJl In% Ciouri Of CrMcw\ typwfe Of CJn%>() /jgg fa&d?} fetitloner ik Th£ 3«tse Of lgx/3&y- fe^n^^of Pgtif/on in (W /bo. 19^569 fr& 9feftf(O0 fer D\^aret' RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS 03 05 2315 AtoelAGOSta,QteTk- mbk Cf foMPM9, Ircflfl Of Qirifociii£& &> ^memt Vv>/pc/P,;m Opf UfflAMtf &*>*&' 1 Sttrmn Of 7to. flase ^3^^^>. t3: ffl&fiati Df ?(nd&Suuni til^cf ^£. £»>&> 5>n Ox YPO'ieA e> Swxpmm Of foofe- 4 (offM/fl tor fe>&> O^ ^ 3fr?te^ Mohan -to QdljM&rtai-A Qj'M lDos XeoaWu iQ- Irs Q£if-(^efen£g ib'itn* 7fe -tn/il Quarts c etiX&rI).(%tae, °S folriin.W/'jflc .frier)-Qfl> Wb\*jS kt-Vib o. (~*i\t»o hav*. w) 0.5. i (ym ^ & 9 o g» 4 hj((t> 0. Sfc-fep cto 5-U). M ^b/W^riin.Qpp. Rss) ^kxfctyfl p.Sfrfe.199 3U&£ #W/V^%~ lk^[ls*Dit>fT) Adds; pgf. rg^ Duown i).\). S^t£^|S.l0^5WX£A^^ Oao^o " • : Ste^/&.£rio%lgff %eesp, n.Vte&n]mf> 0.5.' 14 W) #«~tf &€t*a> Ma-D-State, ^g? g>.U>.&fi gkOfeklom.%. lo ce, [^ioshfi^O O.S. y&mK ti&^c o. Stete3 94 S.O,£*fl &L ^^9nacCr/y)% £x» Sfofe fey.Qri £m£> ffloQaio i). Stefe;aa t>.(0.ftg iffl/1%. Crin.Qfl?. sax> ff)offllg& o^fe. £&0 3U3(gj(7gK. griff)%. ffiati) 3 Icftbif 0. W.qffl5,10.^ d9olTJ*.Cx\o. Qfj>. 1^93.) «s> » • 3 _j M Dulll(feD.Sto. rem fo\z>\v\tcfadmf(h& ~"fe> Wh 6 'Mf^uVA Tern [ktih b&tehlGrfk "foflsiferifli <^% "^fe fau.l ^5fe .OlgDggw-oSIS Dirp^foX3&) 3 X Ijyzaa ikmi_(Uk ymiirm&bT^ Tetf£> itetelCpth tp.Ql, •GOG>, Tem> ^.Q&gJsBf&xO 3 ~&@X %cg{ &£& §tt) <3 ''(fl.CQfDetfdOifc) <3$ZX)dfc(C( cdbua2?> £fets QODn, eotb (m.)QK I. b&SefrJ.ixxr) P(0&idd; CfiMMJ QracUce awQ 9rQ) Pf/Y^ice rVyimivrat ^xftae ^ Hzflaafe ?5l.t?&. (?xfZ&£.MQ) hues, tteseacch (U^ntortton fall finabfiiSj 7Ja< M. &. £84, QPdT / §i(Qocn "7&«3a Gafeon Cflcnim «-& artUOM Tfrm (to n£Q$rtlrt£ Vicasfb £f.5 T&&& G*(& m ft'mtvA Vc&j8&m£ ± S*0m®t ty&r^c&m Oca\ Qrgmnaof Xo -fW eoesrt Jblz* .petition i^ Qrarks^, jh^ thu ofcu-ndM -fcr ceoieiD d&pzn<& & (Q&Hi\ecQ fgxpbra-tioO aPtho-k^h to question thjz. pactt&z r^yjrcQln^ -their pOo\ TiOQ s 8tate iolth oc&l. LX&ri\c& fnote than 4ous~ a gimp* aocQ l^s -fter) tax)-baod2^ gtarn^/Ji^V) intent -to (QeWcec H. Do enban<3£(f)e-f)ti^ i^er&- •to a Ql&sk ]por^lnJ Tine Petitioner pk<£ U\\ti^ to -the. &tn&CGp-toe W tcue iHe- Tam Dfmr^^m- r£ Pm\ca.\ cXstiaz. Q (Potion ^fer (IK) fri/3.1 i.y&-Q\ird2 on Qprilg>,9Pi3. iCb T\\Q.,\utdlmr^-t ni- ^tlorfA ne>ooictioo ur?> 6i0m[ QV> fitnp,\ii -ff ta£. Qflbfon 4or£tiL)Tria.\ lias. an uop/?r)Uirtton "m -/h/'?, L&. ^7^Ai(n.Q(yJ^g)Q))(fe(fefe|rl^e6.0QSr).o4 -/fee. jCti6 Pfcggfife.Musg #s stated in (hnbeoos feio^Qae^a-(; State, l5^r?U^QcQ,a05(^Aiffl,to.^^' ^g^rnu. Okaiguij ^po.b.^n(m)lplazbfo. "aim, y& (mooJole nf^2fooo& (fdtoqjifla dil^rioS^^ ^ht&E0r> tell in W&CcM&l&sb p.Sfctfe^a i&Jic'itn.s&vMy fj^C/isn.^m>) Q'bLYJl^ rM>/iS63 dcfaxtrJ2 (gfmjl lAffislriiniral foldfri^saig OiWSh^m \\ifi\aA rhseddsc- (Dddfe So Kaater u Sf-dfg, agq 5.u.stf flfcOjSW (ifcKffb rVitn.Qft?. &>)?>) ftfcfioa-tjm -torguote Yfri ibaii QndZ (T^os-to-f&ff -fomtoffluOi-f^ 5^p4rufei A ftvQ rtQ artier /iftftfflJasifff 4be, Stated ftoiioo to MjA&cai^ Su'ilt efoocM? be -m. nee&szacQ ~^Mme^ Of foc& Ctttrte? fl%frto> % ^inphiftt>f io fte pr^^Hd^g^" h^s b^o a reqabr mstenrkr #f P&x&s Lcuo^-Gr otitA &x to eeoeo (j&ifr. Io ^ Lpan? teat m ho^ hp&£g reflation oifh -f/ig to^ er<3.&goi^fi^t^ o£ i^h^>s> oi&it& -fo 4hi tor ce^utterU io h;rrT ^tp-fhgr'mg^gr Gasforngrs, -he QUtfb that U)o(£- Qx <^/)&^f heh^ bBgnasto-fc tous
Reed, Jason Lee
Combined Opinion