t^us^_m^HGE%fo2-A. M&skJ_t~ firstvoumwwmm HOUSTON, TEXAS ^^gvS^SE. £jj j^&hjg-- S_ AUG 0.7 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE :&Jkc^VL,^£ML^^^.$ ___ £km&__m_^Jy__^^ HSa__ __d_Lb CtAi_. cvWtp^5 >r V-jo. \^_Coop__-^ o- "\W£V. ^eXoW I\_g__ W_vn fcj__ V>Ci5 sVaV, ryic^ VejeA-al Loocvs&X A&v\\&2p L-\r*N.cA a Q>M-_^\rpiiy Q__£___V^c\. 3L. ^_\n\_r \_touS VxcWa^eA cxvc\ \\Vp\cA^, ot-oces>r__\ \N bJ_S CotvScJMV ON lWJ\ 23, £0V5 Vc/y NWsYo^ Vo\\'cg_ Q^ciAwn-^.V Q_Sk__I __i___i__^__ OuV O^v <~cxcvg->nrv p»nd ACscrtm'i- :c_M___ _ig____K \acVfcc\ U__Bk_i_ wc\5 ^ttxyiW^ SaarcWcA CoiuY, nS^crr^mr^ 'uJ\Wdo\ SeuroV loaTTcvnY r^of C&^-sopsh , i\tTAS ^fisvYN \\sywi ca-y^ oqNmc>vl \aiOvWi/Y v>ogv>rsrcix\>r s^T >>\NSdrLV. &£\cx\tyr ^t-y>\^ \d 5(pvy> Cg>pj5S^Jtlj&tD3a nxo>cg_ :)T\a Dg&SCMI ^J^XpcTQl-, &Q\a\or yarn's ^brcoA Yo o*7Q,v> W^ Yuone- d**>r a^-Ve/r Q3k- r.iQ- oSM&M1S w*u^nT Vv\cX VW daor vn tt^l Vv\\), Wig. \^W- o>Wr C\5cf\. C-oiV> kw>fcC\CWN5 VxLAKo^ .O^^OiA. "\V>L O^VceTJ \>frV>Acu¥ved xv^ _3£, &rv^W P^vvo>eo.Vo\>Aa\orvA Vc jipor ^°A Myj ^ ^o>^ V>a>rA\ovviyVY\c:a. ^c,qot\ Ward a>nc\ C^oxuW) 0JM_ •f1 :^sl> -^.MAQt-TC ijavVitT £or ex VNr^uvV |£KbbaV\Q cotuse ^y>A\vS(7v XWs Tg^PtaA- u*kvs v>d\ ^t\\\^ WpWe, ^.^ 'SU.^i.y gyicl fi-gvA 7ni^a)5' 5-ffsV "ouyV f\ agwTcAY> rj. av\A VTS ^Cm)o,v> Yc ^po. Vrpt>p>coi.\lLr\ txw) o^V av> a%Pry^o\ \m ^vre,c)r cxVXo:cvn^ ^o ^onQv^T-o^)cvVe- ex (ofnPa>bV rxxusa. 5 Coi\V> .3SLJD^T&V NvJjaor^GAAL £igfl^n,.5^JL^i^^ &ApAoc oV^oAs Y> Y^eSo. Yluo \^A((Y-(^t^Y^T&;c^ji^jA- J ^S VI r «\J QwsV p| 5".o?a ^C\"vQ>v^ OtV>c\ 55 %o^ YWs -^Y\Vr^ VrAe_aV (t\A. VU5\ jJXlAL MSA. 3^asfl»ja>^^Wi ^6 0cAier_s>. AYcacW\ t rooV^VN ~W V^q-mo. ^\b ^o^C&a^^Z^a. ^r\V ft? mc\w\q^o^ _SsB5£aJ^a»g&_ft5 •^aasa^A. ,v> A ^>' Cause No. 1465862-A )th EX PARTE § IN THE 228m DISTRICT COURT § OF LESLIE FOSTER, Applicant § HARRIS COUNTY, TEX AS STATE'S ORIGINAL ANSWER The State of Texas, through its Assistant District Attorney for Harris County, files this, its original answer in the above^captioned cause, having been served with an application for writ of habeas corpus pursuant to Tex. Crim. Proc. Code Ann. art. 11.07 § 3 (West 2013), and would show the following: I. The applicant is charged pursuant to the complaint of the 228th District Court of Harris County, Texas, in cause number 1465862 (the primary case), where on April 24,2015, the applicant was charged for the felony offenseof theft. The applicant filed the instant application for writ of habeas corpus, cause number 1465862-A, on June 23,2015. n. The State denies the factual allegations made in the instant application, except those supported by official court records, and offers the following additional reply: The applicant fails to invoke the proper jurisdiction of Article 11.07 for the instant application. Article 11.07 establishes procedures for challenging final felony convictions (other than where the death penalty is imposed) by writ of habeas corpus. Tex. Crim. Proc. Code art. 11.07, § 3 (West 2013). In the primary case the applicant has been charged for the felony offense of theft, but has not been convicted. Since the applicant has not received a final felony conviction in the primary case, the applicant cannot invoke the jurisdiction of Article 11.07. Accordingly, the instant habeas application, cause number 1465862-A, should be dismissed. in. The applicant raises questions of law and fact, which can be resolved by the Court of Criminal Appeals upon review of official court records and without need for an evidentiary hearing. rv. Service has been accomplished by sending a copy of the State's Original Answer and the State's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order to the following address: Leslie Foster SPN #00994213 - Harris County Jail 1200 Baker Street Houston, Texas 77002 SIGNED this 16th day ofJuly, 2015. Respectfjilly submitted^ Baldwin (Unm Assistant District Attorney Harris County, Texas 1201 Franklin, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77002 (713)755-6657 Texas Bar I.D. #00783823 Prepared by: Joshua Vincent - Intern Certificate of Compliance as Required by Tex. R. App. 73.1(f) The State of Texas, through its Assistant District Attorney for Harris County, files this, its Certificate of Compliance in the above-captioned cause, having been served with an application for writ of habeas corpus pursuant to Tex. Crim. Proc. Code art. 11.07 § 3. The State certifies that the number of words in the State's Answer is 438. Cause No. 1465862-A EX PARTE § IN THE 228th DISTRICT COURT § OF LESLIE FOSTER, Applicant § HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S STATE'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER The Courthas considered the application for writ of habeas corpus, the State's answer, and official court records in the above-captioned cause. The Court finds that there are no controverted, previously unresolved facts material to the legality of the applicant's confinement which require an evidentiary hearing and recommends that the instant habeas application, cause number 1465862-A, be dismissed because the applicant has not received a final felony conviction in the primary case, and therefore cannot invoke the properjurisdictionofArticle 11.07. THE CLERK IS ORDERED to prepare a transcript of all papers in cause number 1465862-A and transmit same to the Court of Criminal Appeals as provided by Tex. Crim. Proc. Code Ann. art. 11.07 (West 2013). The transcript shall include certified copies of the following documents: 1. The application for writ of habeas corpus; 2. The State's answer; 3. The Court's order; 4. The complaint and docket sheets in cause number 1465862; 5. The Court's Findings ofFact and Conclusions of Law; and 6. The State's and Applicant's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (if any). THE CLERK is further ORDERED to send a copy of this order to the applicant Leslie Foster, SPN #00994213 - Harris County Jail, 1200 Baker Street, Houston, Texas 77002; and to counsel for the State, Baldwin Chin, 1201 Franklin, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77002. By the following signature,the Court adopts the State's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order in Cause No. 1465862-A. Signed on this day of ___ , 2015. JUDGE PRESIDING, 228th DISTRICT COURT HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Cause No. 1465862-A EXPARTE § INTHE 228th DISTRICT COURT § OF LESLIE FOSTER, Applicant § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned counsel certifies that I have served a copy of the State's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order in cause number 1465862-A to the applicant on July 16,2015, by mail as follows: Leslie Foster SPN #00994213 - Harris County Jail 1200 Baker Street Houston, Texas 77002 B^aldwinChin' Lssistant District Attorney Harris County, Texas 1201 Franklin, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77002 (713)755-6657 (713)755-5240 Texas Bar I.D. #00783823 Prepared by: Joshua Vincent - Intern v,y$m U:S. PU& Wf»i-^ ,*£_ tlHOU^cso w?'™ .::SZ"""~ OS MJG ':lS ZIP 77002 $ _ "02 1" 179AU6 /w« 05 2015 feMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE JAIL PM 5 t 000137417a RECEIVED Houston, Texas 77002 FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS • AUG 07 2015 CHRISTOPHL*• h(
in Re Leslie Foster
Combined Opinion