01-15-00707-CV on 8/19/201510:26:18 AM OFFICE OF STAN STANART FILED IN COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 1st COURT OF APPEALS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT HOUSTON, TEXAS 8/19/2015 10:29:00 AM August 19, 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT Trial Court Docket 1065114 Trial Court Number: Three (3) Style: EDNA L. HUBBARD AND ALL OCCUPANTS VS. NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION APPELLANT(S) APPELLEE(S) Judge: LINDA STOREY Unique Green, Pro Se Cole D. Patton, No. 24037247 3129 Elpyco Street 1255 West Street, Suite 1060 Houston, Texas 77051 Plano, Texas 75075 Phone: N/A Phone: (214) 291-3800 Fax: N/A Fax: (214) 291-3801 E-Mail: N/A E-Mail: N/A Unique Green, appellant, filed a of Appeal on August 17, 2015 from the Final that was signed on August 12, 2015. The Clerk’s Record is due to your office on or before October 12, 2015. /S/Joshua Alegria Alegria Deputy Clerk P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 77251-1525 (713) 755-64211>.o. 1525 I TX I (713) 755-6421 1 1 1 1065114 ESTATEOFEDNAL. HUBBARD, § COUNTYCOURTATLAW UNIQUE M. GREEN AND ALL § OCCUPANTS Plaintiff, § Number3 v. FEDERALNATIONAL § MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION§§NOTICE OF APPEAL Notice is hereby given that the ESTATE OF EDNA HUBBARD, UNIQUE GREEN AND ALL OCCUPANTS appeals the final judgment signed August 2015, the evicting all occupants resident at 3129 Elpyco St Houston, Texas 77051. The plaintiff requested a Jury Trial and PRO SE COUNSEL didn’t receive it, also plaintiff feels Judge was bias and ruled in favor for attorney because they know eachother.The Final Judgment order was signed in Cause No. 1065114 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Vs. EDNA L. HUBBARD AND ALL OCCUPANTS 3129 ELPYCO ST HOUSTON TEXAS 77051 THE PREMISES in the County Court At Law # 3 Harris County, Texas. Res ectfull submitt d, ProSe ..J L.Hubbard ofEdna Estate andallOccupant 2 · PLAINTIFF_HEREBY DEMANDS TRIAL BY RY CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE I hereby certify that on the day of August 2015, a copy of the foregoing was served on the following pursuant to the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure: ColeD.Patton StateBarNo. 24037247 LanceJ. Erickson StateBarNo. 24072509 1255 West Street, Suite 1060 PlanoTexas75075 ATTORNEYFORPLAINTIFF 3 1065114 NO. FEDERALNATIONALMORTGAGE § COUNTYCOURTAT LAW ASSOCIATION, PLAINTIFF, § V. § NUMBER 3 OF L.HUBBARD ANDALLOCCUPANTS, § DEFENDANT, § 3129ELPYCOSTREET § HOUSTON, TX 77051 § THE PREMISES § HARRIS TEXAS FINAL JUDGMENT CAME FOR CONSIDERATION on the Forcible Detainer Action by FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Plaintiffappearedby and its designatedrepresentativeor of record. L. All Occupants of 3129 Elpyco Street, Houston, TX 77051,appeared/| in person|. reviewing the pleadings and hearing the of the parties, the Court concludesthat Plaintiffis entitledto the reliefrequested. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION is entitled to possession of the premises located at 3129 Elpyco Houston, TX with the legal of: THE EAST 59 FEET. 79 INCHES OF LOT (15), IN BLOCK TWENTY FIVE (25) OF REED WOODS, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 42; PAGE 71 OF THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. 1 2 N0. 4 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT if to vacate the Premises by shall beentitled to a writof orderinganyConstableto said SIGNEDthis dayofAugust,2015. JUDGE PRESIDING APPROVED ASTOFORMANDSUBSTANCE - LLP State No.24037247 Lance J.Erickson BarNo.24072509 1255 West Suite 1060 Plano, Texas 75075 Phone:(214)291-3800 Fax: (214) 291-3801 ATTORNEYFORPLAINTIFF At the . foundto be for best of or etc. All ' 2 2 MH N0.TX-15-54443 5
Unique Green v. Federal National Mortgage Association
Combined Opinion