IN TOE FODRTe COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TE5CAS ABELAKDO G- GONZALEZ 1622682 § > ^ crt § COA No. 04-15-005^^ ^ oQ :rtO^ 5r> § ^ j— vs. §s COA No. 04-15-0053l-C^ev, . O ^_o Oo!^ z-'iO J r* _ mSi . 9-i' THE STATE OF TEXAS § COA No. 04-15-0053 ffT! Appelle § cn o AMQIDIENT TO COURT OUSRED REPLY now COMB'S Afcjpellant ABELARDO G. GONZALEZ, pro-se in the above mention proceediny's and file's this Amendment to appellant's filiny dated Oct. 03, 15 entitled COURT ORDERED REPLY. I- AMENm^ Appellant reserved the riyht to amend his filiny of Oct. 03, 15 on paye 4 VIII. AMENDING REPLY and thusfor sufccnitt this filinq to be incorporated and considered for all purpase's toyether with his prior fifliny of Oct. 03, 2015. II. EXHIBITS The followiny exhibits are being introduced that where refered to in his Oct. 03, 2015 submission among other's: 3, Judgment of Conviction by Jury Sheet 657?COA#529 5, Request for the Preparation of the clerk Record 11, Letter from coa Clerk showing Appellants wrcny address for case 531 12, Letter from coa Clerl showing Appellants wrong address for case 529 13, Letter to Trail Court Clerk date 10-5- 2015 to sut^lement the. CR Tcecord 1/8 III. COURTS JURISDICTION Appellant's state's for the record/ that he has [N]Or seen the Trial Court CLERK RECORD, after requesting the the record fron both the Trail Clerk and the Appellant ClerK SEE Exhibits 7, 8/ 9 and has been prejudice, since with out veiwing he CAN NOT do what the Appeal's court want him to do on the CSIDER by the Court to submit a letter to the Trial Court to file a supplement reco rd, but nevertheless has filed the followiny Exhibit 13 with the trial court clerk. Also Appellant state's the following on the v^uestion of this court's juris diction: That it appears this court has jurisdiction since che appeal beiny sought is from the SECOND MOTION TO RECUSE, which is appealable under T-R-Civ- Pro. RULE 18a(j)(l)(A) from [final judgment]. A final judgpient as been entered in the three proceeding's since a conviction has been made on Jan. 15, 2010 SEE Exhibits 1, 2, 3, Judgment of Conviction sheets, and thusfor has jurisdiction SEE the following: McKnow V. State, 915 S.W. 2d 842 @161 (Tx.App.-Fort Worth 1996) Ex parte Shumake, 953 S.W. 2d 842 @844 (Tx.App.-Austin 1997) citing Mcknow Wright v. State, 969 S.W. 2d 588 @589 (Tx.App.-Dalias 1998) citing Ex parte Shumake Ex Parte Silva, 963 S.W. 2d 945 @946 (Tx.App.El Paso 1998) citing Workman v State McKnow V State, Ex Parte Shumake Courson v. State, 996 S.W. 2d 348 @349 (Tx.APP.-Houston[14th Dist.] 1995) Ex parte Culver 932 S.W. 2d 207 @210 (Tx.App.-El Paso 1996) Workman v. State, 170 Tex. Crim. 621, 343 S.W.2d 446, 0447 (1961) U.S. V. Truesdale, 211, F.3d, 898 @905 (5th Cir. 2000) citing n.7 Firstier Morgage Co. 498 U.S. 269, 273-74, 111 S.Ct 648, 112 L.Ed, 2d 743 (1991) @651 iTjhe above mention Courts of Appeal's, Texas Crim. Court of Appeal. Fifth Cir. and U.S. Supreme Court authorities among others [g]ive jurisdiction to this court to rule on this matter of the Denail of Appellants SECOND MOTION TO RECUSE z/8 ALlERNATELYt Appellcint asks the Honorable Court/ clerk for there assistance which is available under Tex. Rules of Appellant Pro. RULE 34.5(d) DEFECTS OR INACCURACIES Which state's in part: [] if the clerk record is defective or inaccrate (the appellate clerk) must inform the trial court clerk of the defect or inaccuracy and instruct the clerk to make the correction. IT IS IMPORTANT TO STRESS THAT APPELLANT HAS [nJOT SEEN THE RECORD FILED/ BUT JUST KNOWS ITS OVER 1000 PAGES LONG IN TWO CASE"S AND CLOSE TO 1000 PAGES LONG ON THE THIRD/ thiia is not what appellant requested to be filed SEE Exhibit 5. IV- PRAYER Appellant PRAY'S this court not to dimiss the case's but to more forward since this is [N]ot a interlocutory appeal since a conviction has been had and futhermore asks alternately to assist PRO—SE Appellant since he has not veiwed the trial CLERK record can can not ask to correct somethiny that he does not seen thuefore does not know whats wrony. Respectfully subrKitted, ^7/ Abelardo y. Gonzalez 1622682 C.T. Terrell B-3-40 1300 F.M. 655 Roaliaron, Texas 77583 Appellant/ Pro-se 3/8 Case No. 2008CRR000657U1 Count i & \ ii iNCIDKiVr No./TIIN': 9!2730:}tlfi5;j The State of Texas § In the 49TH District § V. § Court § ABELARDO GERARDO GONZALEZ § WEBB County. TkX:\s § ST,\l-K ID No.; TX0r>0!)5C2!) § Judgment of Conviction by Jury rri>9iiiliiii: IION. JOSE A. I<0FEZ _ . _ _«-Jiiiltjim-Iit _ r-jl'invil 1/1.1/2010 / / , r .Ariiiint y liir Sl;ilr SERCjIO I.OZANO ..x- .and Aii i>fvi (JSC .AK rr..\.A, SIk blAVARI) NOIJCN / OITi-iisi- I'm' x^ich ni'rt^iliiij.t / .AtRniAV.ATKD ROBBER\"f/J-COUNT I AND {/ ENGAGlNGJN.ORa\NIZKprjRlMlN.AI^^^ / '• ChiirKiiiig Instnimi'nl: SjjilMlf for onimsf (irOITtlllitv njf _ Di'Er«:i" nf.Qfffiiujf _ j./jf. I'joiLf" QO'".!!""';jj . - - 1ST DEGREE FELONY _ _ NPT.<'y".i''Y_ _ // _ . . Wnlirl iif.liirv I'Olihiji;s itjj Oriiilll VVr.tliWr (lUlLTY N/A* '/ Pli'ii to I'= Knh.'iiK't-ini'iil Plt'Jt to 2'"' Kiih;iiici;iiii»iityH:iiii(ii:il I'iii;tKra|ihj_ _ N/A_ _ . .. . _ _ „ . I'liutincs on !•' Kiihanivnifiii KmilmU-i oii 2""' PariiKfiipli; N/A KiihiinrKiiii'm/llaliUtial Pai.'iKrapli: N/.A l*uiii>liril .iaM's.atl. Sii.> .Sonli'iirt' Ininosinl; i'i'U; ."'latli-tiri' in C'tjiuiiii-ciir. .fy!lY_ _ 1 _ _ 1/15/2010 I'i.n..liimni at..) Plan- YEARS INSTITUTIONAI. DIVISION. TDCJ -FEK COUNT ul (.onliiu'iilfiil: _ . _ __ THI.S SKXTRNCK SlUl.t. RUN C.'ONCURRENTl A'. Q SKNTKNCK OKCONKINKMKNTSOSPKNOKU, DUKKNDANT l»l.-\CK.I>ON CO.M.MOM IV.Sl.'I'KKVISION KOK N/.A . I'nif CoiirlLCtifil.t lli'j.l_iliiiiiiiJ Ufsi iMil.iiiM (.'nya'"!''jo j 111 mm 00 PKlt COUNT $435.00 $ N/A C victim (m-i-1hJoivi jl! AtiKNCV/.VOKNTiM .. ImJi.w Sex Offrnder KcKistratiuii Requirements do not apply to the Dcrendani. 'IT:\ C' iDK Ckim Piiii'" rli.i|i(iir (i2 The .ace ofIlievifiimat the timeof llie offense was N/A • Uni'liaidiinxisjo scrvx-seji!unr!.'.li).'l'IJCJi enter iiiriiivvxi?!W'J J".t.i'kI-..iiit:hn)p(iliiiiii'..ii init-r I niiii 2/M/200K lo .1/M/200H Kimn 1/11/2010 -.<• l/I2/2tM» Kioni I/iri/20ll) n. l/l.-i/2nit) Kiiirii to Kriiiii to Kiiiiti :ii (Vediteii. IrlVtifQtlimi ISlii^yeru'»*iit|.|ii:e m inutlty jaii i.T is jjnen i.n'ili: i<.i.;oil liiie iiiiii • ifiit' i it i)> i n ilii. -I l» li » 32 DAYS NO TES: TOWARD INCARCERATION Alt tirrlinrtn inffirtiiaiiuii. inoiiri. aiiiIasMchiaiiriils hiiticAiril .ibriir are inmrpiirali'ii iiitiitlir laiiniiai;*' et ilie|tiili< vO • * • cco FROM: ABELARDO G- GONZALEZ 1622682 cn ••i —< Appellate / Pro-se XT -r,,/) RE: RBBUEST PC» THE PREPARATICW OF OBE CLERK RECORD FOR APPEAL Trail Cause's No.'s COA-.No/'s 2008-CRR-0657-D1 04-15-00529-CR 2008-CRR-0665-D1 04-15-00531-CR 2G08-CRR 0662-Dl 04-15-00530-CR DATE: SEPT- 2nd< 2015 Dear: CLERK OF THE COURT GREETING'S, Now Comes Appellate Abelardo G- Gonzalez pro-se, and respect fully requests from the District Clerk Office of Esther Deyollado for the prepa ration of the Clerk Record (CR) under T-R.A-P- Rule 34.2 AGREE RECORDED RULE to be presented in the above mention Appeals in the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio, Texas. Appellate is only appealing the denial of the SECOND MOTION TO RECUSE ruled on July 16, 2015 by the Honorable Judge David People's of the Fourth Adminstrative Judicial Region file with this Clerk on July 30, 2015- Appellate only request's the following item's to be included in the Clerk Record under T-R.A-P. Rule 34.2 AGE^E RECORD RULE. 1. Second Motion to Recuse Filed on March 1, 2015 2, ALL e mails I Filed on July 6, 2015 3- ORDER of the Denial of Motion to Recuse Filed on July •30,2015 Appellate request the CLERK APPELLATE RECORD be filed timely under T-R-A.P- 35-2 and its the Clerk duty under T-R-A-P- 35-3- If the Clerk of the court should have any question or concern's regarding this matter please contact Appellate which is allowed under T-R.A-P. Respec^ully sutxnitted, Abelardo Gonzalez 1622682 Please file stamp the C-T- Terrell B-3-40 enclsoed copy and return 1300 F-M- 655 it to Appellate in the SASE- Rosharon, Texas 77583 Appellatte / Pro-se Ey 5 5/8 *5 COURT OF APPEALS SANDEE BRYAN MARION FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT KEITH E. HOITLE CHIEF JUSTICE CADENA-REEVES JUSTICE CENTER CLERK OF COURT KAREN ANGELINI 300 DOLOROSA, SUITE 3200 MARIALYN BARNARD SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205-3037 REBECA C. MARTINEZ WWW.TXCOURTS.GOV/4THCOA.ASPX TELEPHONE PATRICIA O. ALVAREZ (210)335-2635 LUZ ELENA D. CHAPA JASON PULLIAM FACSIMILE NO. JUSTICES (210)335-2762 September 18,2015 Isidro R, Alaniz Abelardo Gonzalez Webb County District Attorney #1622682 1110 Victoria St., Ste. 401 3001 Emily Dr. Laredo, TX 78040 Beeville,TX 78102 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * RE: Court ofAppeals Number: 04-15-00531 -CR Trial Court Case Number: 2008CRR000665-D1 Style: Abelardo Gerardo Gonzalez v. The State of Texas Enclosed please find the order which the Honorable Court of Appeals has issued in reference to the above styled and numbered cause. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, KEITH E. HOTTLE, CLERK Carmen De Leon Deputy Clerk, Ext. 53262 // 6/8 COURT OF APPEALS SANDEE BRYAN MARION FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT KEITH E. HOrrLE CHIEF JUSTICE CADENA-REEVES JUSTICE CENTER CLERK OF COURT KAREN ANOELINI 300 DOLOROSA, SUITE 3200 MARIALVN BARNARD SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 78205-3037 REBECAC. MARTINEZ WWW.TXCOURTS.GOV/4THCOA.ASPX TELEPHONE PATRICIA O.ALVAREZ (210)335-2635 LUZ ELENA D.CHAPA JASON PULLIAM FACSIMILE NO. JUSTICES (210)335-2762 September 3,2015 Isidro R. Alaniz Abelardo Gerardo Gonzalez DistrictAttorney - Webb County #1622682 1110 Victoria St., Ste. #401 C.T. Terrell B-3-31 Laredo, TX 78040 1300 P.M. 655 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * San Antonio, TX 77583 RE: Court ofAppeals Number: 04-15-00529-CR Trial Court Case Number: 2008CRR000657-D1 Style: Abelardo G. Gonzalez V. The State of Texas The Clerk's Record in the above styled and numbered cause has this date been filed. Very truly yours, KEITH E. HOTTLE, CLERK Carmen De Leon Deputy Clerk, Ext. 53262 cc: Esther Degollado (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL) £x 12 "7/8 To; VEBB COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK OFFICE OF ESTHER DEGOLLADO ATTN: ELSA GALVAN, Supervisior From: ABELARDO G. GONZALEZ 1622682 Appellate« Pro-se Re: RBODEST FOR SUPPLOIENT CLERK RECORD under T.R.A.P. RULE 34.5(c)(1) Trial Cause's No-s COA No.s 2G08-CRR-0657-D1 04-15-00529-CR 2008-CRR-0665-D1 04-15-00531-GR 2008-CRR-0662-D1 04-15-00530-CR Date: 10-05- 2015 Dear Supervisior GALVAN Now Comes Appellant Abelardo y. Gonzalez pro-se in the above mention proceedings and respectfully asks this office to prepare/ certify, and file in the appellant court a supplement clerk record for each of the mention cause's containing [0]nly the following below mention item's. The appellant court has found a defect on the record or is inaccurate, the appellant court offered no guidance on whats the defect, this reguest fulls under T.R.A.P. RULE 34.2 AGREE RECORD RUiI!£« appellant had made a similar re- guest on Sept. 2nd and received by the clerk on Sept. 09. 2015- THIS ITEM"S ARE REQUESTED TO BE INCLUDED: 1. All judgment of Conviction Sheets Jan 15. 2015 2. Second Motion to Recuse filed on March 6. 2015 3. Reffetal Order in form of emails filed on ) July 6. 2015 4. CBDER of the Denial of Motion to Recuse filed on July 30. 2015 5. Cer. of right to Appeal The record filed by this clerk already was to broad. Respectfully submitted. Abelardo Gonzalez 1622682 C.T. Terrell B-3-40 1300 F.M. 655 Roshaon. Texas 77583 A^yellant/ Pro-se 13 8/8 . pobrth court of appem/t, Cadena-Reavas UuBtiae Canter 300 Dolorosa, STE 3200 T 32^ 78205-3037 San Antonio. coil
Abelardo Gerardo Gonzalez v. State
Combined Opinion