THIRD COURT OF APPEALS ***** CLERK'S REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE CLERK'S RECORD Appellate Case Number: Q?tl2-QQ~4L/- CJ<. Trial Court Number: {)3- JQ{p(J- /L-l& VS. sne,K· of rzws Phone: ------------------------ l, , District Clerk, am unable to file the clerk's record in the above styl d case by , ljj_ for the following reasons: --~--~- Appellant has not paid or made arrangements to pay for the record. Appellant has only made a partial payment for the record. Appellant has made required payment and has fled a written designation, but due to work load, I have been unable to complete the record. Other (specify) I estimate the record in this appeal to be approximately ____...___ volumej with each volume being no more than two inches thick. lt is respectfully requested that an extension be granted to: (date) ' . June sol 10 j 6: LISADAVID ~~Cd.AA - _ ·gn urefL·, ........J Address: District Clerk Wtlltamson CountY .. P. 0. Box24 GIOtQOlOWtl, Texas 78627 Telephone: (512) _943-1212 ______ Fax: (512)_943-1222 _ _ _ _ _ __ Additional information reflected on back ***PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL TO COURT OF APPEALS~ DO NOT FAX*** Third Court of Appeals, P.O. Box 12547, Capital Station, Austin, TX 78711-2547
Gregory Michael Klapesky v. State
Combined Opinion