17,LW * t %> av Cause No. 58,097 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE 1B1ST District Court US. § In And For Reginald Connon § Potter County, Texas OEff^l Defendant ?}§ ©0UBTOFCRHWIWAL/WI Defenant Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal AUG 26 2015 To The Honorable Judge Of Said Court: Nou Comes the Defendant Reginald Connon,by and Through his Pro Se and Filed this Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal; Defendant Respectfully Show the Court the Following: 1 . Statement Of Facts The trial court imposed Defendant Sentence in open court on -T3^&s«Jiei 10 ,2011 . 2. Your Defendant then filed a Notice of Appeal On June 18,2012; As of this date of the Defendant Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal Counsel to Represent the Defendant in this Criminal Cause. 3. Defendant Request that this Court Order a Hearing on this Majion ao -d <==> -< Q s; O To Appointed a Appeal Attorney to Represent the DefimdarHH io^ 3> •J3 O ~o this Notice Of Appeal that uass give on the date ^un^1 8^0 V CD IXJ -^~ Defendant Cannon in the Underlying Case. m —!-25rn 3 oQd CD =i$S Page 1 No Waiver Of Rights Nothing in this document should be construed by the court as a ; Waiver of the Defendant Rights Under Te.Code Crim .Pro .Art .1 .1 4 , The United States Constitution or the Texas Constitution. Defendant does not waive any rights afforded to him as provided by law. wherefore ,Premises Considered ,Since Defendant have Establish Necessary for Entitlement to Relief,Defendant Requests that Upon Consideration,For Hearing on this Motion To Re-In-State Notice of Appeal be in all things Granted. Defendant Further Requests any other Relief to Which he May be Justly Entitled. RespectfuLij^ Submitted, o. Reginald By« Reg: Connon # Beto One Unit 1391 FM 3328 Tennessee Colony, Texas 75880 Page 2 Ce|r't!if icate Of service I, Reginald Connon,do hereby Certify that a true and Correct Copy Of the above and Foregoing Defendant Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal has been Served by Placing Same in the United States Mail on August 10,2015, Addressed To: 1.Justin Sander 47th District Attorney's Office 501 South Fillmore. Street, Roam 5A Amarillo, Texas 79101 4s*n^rT*QrtTJ^ B^:Reginald Connon#17k8612 Beto One Unit Page 3. 1 APPEARANCES 2 3 COUNSEL FOR THE STATE: MR. JUSTIN SANDERS 4 SBOT#: 24035957 47th District Attorney's Office 5 501 South Fillmore Street, Room 5A Amarillo, Texas 79101 6 806-379-2325 7 8 COUNSEL FOR THE DEFENDANT: MS. DIANNA McCOY 9 SBOT#: 24026865 112 SW 8th Avenue, Suite 301-1 10 Amarillo, Texas 79101 806-373-4025 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 (Beginning of requested 2 excerpt.) .3- MS. McCOY: Your Honor, at this time 4 Mr. Cannon would like to give notice of appeal 5 and would like the Court to appoint an attorney 6 on appeal. 7 THE COURT: Okay. Very good. We'll have 8 him fill out that information and get him an 9 attorney. 10 And, Reginald, you've been— you've been 11 incarcerated this whole time. Right? 12 THE DEFENDANT: Uh-huh. 13 THE COURT: So — okay. Then I have no 14 problem finding that you are indigent, and 15 we'll get you somebody appointed. 16 MS. McCOY: Thank you, Your Honor. 17 THE COURT: All right. Thank you. 18 THE DEFENDANT: Thank you. 19 (End of proceeding.) 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 2 COUNTY OF POTTER ) 3 I, Lavonna Stater, Acting Deputy Court 4 Reporter in and for the 181st District Court, County 5 of Potter, State of Texas, do hereby certify that 6 the above and foregoing contains a true and correct 7 transcription of all portions of evidence and other 8 proceedings requested by counsel for the parties to 9. be included in this volume of the Reporter's Record, 10 in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of which 11 occurred in open court or in chambers and were 12 reported by me. 13 I further certify that this Reporter's 14 Record of the proceedings truly and correctly 15 reflects the exhibits, if any, admitted by the 16 respective parties. 17 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND this the 21st day 18 of November, 2014. 19 20 21 LAVONNA STATER, CSR 22 TEXAS CSR NO. 2237 EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/2015 23 P. 0. Box 8649 Amarillo, Texas 79114 24 806.676.8465 25 Cause No.58,097 THE STATE OF TEXAS §: IN THE 181 ST District Court US. S§ IN AND FOR Reginals Cannon >§ Potter County, Texas Defendant Order Be it remembered that on this daycameon to be heard Defendant Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal. The Court aftere Considering the Pleadings of the.partie Filed herein, is of the. Opinion that the Following order should issue . it is hereby ordered that defendat Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal is hereby in all things Granted. Signed.on this the _^ day Of ,2015. iv otrtj? UNSmm »«•»«,*«., Judge Presiding Page k. Reginald Cannon#1748612 Beto One Unit 1391 FM 3328 Tennessee Colony, Texas 75880 August 10,2015 Caroline Woodburn,Clerk District Clerk Office Patter County P.O.Box :9579 Amarillo, Texas 79105-9570 501 S.Fillmore-Suite#1B RE: THE STATE OF TEXA US . Reginald Clayon Cannon Cause no. 58,097-B Dear Honorable Clerk: Enclosed please find the Defendant Motion To Re-In-State Notice Of Appeal in the above referenced matter. I am forwarding a copy of the Defendant Motion to the State District Attorney Office. Copy File Sincerely , R/C/C/ <424%&032r ly: Reginald Clayon Canno.n#1 74861 2 Beto One Unit CD O CJ~1 O ZD CZZ C73 ZJ3 —i:— ro C" CD O >o O n rn cz 3 CO •#&FZ&—" ftUKm TEX&S 1XFSDC Reginald Clayton Cannon#1748612 OftiLASTX:7S0 Beto One Unit .••:• 1391 FM 3328. Tennessee Colony, Texas 75 8BTJ" Legal Mail Caroline Uoodburn District Clerk Office Potter County P.O. Box 9570 Amarillo, Texas 79105-9570 SA/^-qj/^ort J3i0595~070 ll'M'»l'll'rfl^ll»"l»»H»ll^lM»j|'»Ml»l'»'l'l»»'|lH»!
Cannon, Reginald Clayton
Combined Opinion