September 2, 2015 Paul A. Scales TDCJ-CID lt 0Jt+ctbf>95 Beto Unit 1391 FM 3328 Tennessee Colony/ TX 75880 Abel Acosta, Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin/ TX 78711 RE: WR-70t368-01; 02; 03t and; 04; Ex Parte Paul Anthony Scales. To whom it may concern; In the above-numbered and styled causes~ would you please send me a copy of the Case Summary? Alternatively/ would you please send me a copy of the final "white card?" Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely yours, Paul A. Scales C.c. file/ps RECEiVED IN COURT OF CRWINAL APPEALS SEP 10 2015
Scales, Paul Anthony
Combined Opinion