* RECE|VED |N Francisco Arzate #1821766 couRT oF chMlNALAPPEALs 3001 S. Emil Dr. . ~ Y sep 10 2015 _ Beeville, TX 78102 - September 7,2015 AbelAcosta,C!<-)n< RE: Ex?Parte Francisco Arzate/ Art.ll.07 Habeas_Corpus#l3l7247-A Dear Honorable Clerk, I am writing to find out what the status is on my original application for writ of habeas corpus. `I recieved service on the fact that the Clerk of the trial court submitted the`¢documents from the order as required by the Court of Crimnal Appeals. Would you please tell me when my issue will be docketed for_ t 'hearing? Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. espectfully, FraKEisco Arzate
Arzate, Francisco
Combined Opinion