Donald Gene Shelby v. State




T`r¢e ~Qurt of .L\ppeals - _T_ n F’LED IN


_`S;ate _Qf Texas
L{E t'.'.§ w t:

vth ni.¢~:§rlr'f




5 . .~ CWH or Appeals

Last Name:
Suff`ix: FU: j
Appellee Incarcerated? E/Yes [:| No

Amount of Bond: [2, 00 0
Pro Se: @/


l Middle Name: l , ' 1 l
Last Name: l

Suff»<: t:;:i

l:l App°im€d |:| District/County Attorney
E Retained [:] Public Defender




Firm Name: [ l
Address l: l " l
Address 2: l _ ' ' . ' ` ‘ . ' l l
City: ` 1 ' ,1 l
State: [l`exasM Zip+4: {::::::
Telephone: [::::_:F:MW____~I ‘
Fax: l , ` l

Email: l . , " ' ` v ' l,,. ,.
v l § Add Another‘Appellee/ '
SBN: l l l `Attorney













l V,j »‘-Perfection`Of Appeal, Judgment And Sentencing

/ .



Nature of Case (Subject matter t . _
t ‘DW


or type of case):

Was the trial by: l:l jury Or lE/non-jury?

Date notice ofappeal filed in trial court: l j ‘ ' ~ `.




Tyr>@ Of ludgm€mf LDLL);\§W..LLMMMM

If mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed :

Date trial court imposed or suspended sentence in open court or date nw la7;§°~T 5:


trial court entered appealable order:





1 Punishment assessed:l /§VM(`S 773€ .A/QN Aqq l


Is the appeal from a pre- -trial order? [j Yes Mo


l Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity ofa


Offense charged: l ` b\k/I_'

Date of offense: f:::§;%}ol& l

Defendant's plea: l 7 1 " [.,u¢‘[{\'/

If g ilty, does defendant have the trial court's certificate to appeal?

Yes |:] No

statute, rule or ordinance?

es |:]No



VI; Actions Extending Time To Berfect Appeal


4 Motion for New Trial: MY s [:] No Ifyes date filed “'
E/e lfyes, date filed: l . ‘
Ifyes, date filed: l v ` ' `

Motion in Arrest of Judgment:- Yes [:l No

Other; [tes [:] No
If other, please specify: f '


VII. lndi§en§y OfParty: (Attach file-stamped copy of motion and affidavit)


Motion and affidavit filed: {:] Yes [:| No
Date of hearing: E::`::“W““:::j
Date of order: L::"“::”:_Mj

Ruling on motion: [:] Granted [:] Denied


Ifyes, date med: l::::l

If granted or denied, date ofruling: l l ` l


Page 2 0f5





County: ” v


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:

Address 1:
Address 21

Clerk's Record:

Trial Court Clerk: [:] District
Trial Court Docket Number (Cause no); C. 2 iaa~"/‘/B.B-A Was clerks record requested?

'I`rial Court Judge (who tried or disposed of the case): If yes, date requested:

If no date it will be requested: m

Were payment arrangements made with clerk?


[:] County
l:| Yes E No


[:] Yes [:| No [:\ indigent


Reporter's or Recorder's Record;
Is there a reporter's record? |:l Yes l:] No

Was reporter's record requested? Mes []No
Was the reporter's record electronically recorded? E’{es [:] No


If yes, date requested:

Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder?

[:] Yes [:| No ndigent


[:] Court Reporter l:] Couit Recorder
m Official [:l Substitute


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Address l:
Address 2:






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Signature of counsel (or Pro Se Party)

State Bar No:



Printed Name:



Electronic Signature:



The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court' s

order orjudgment as follows on




Signature of counsel (or pro se party) ' Electronic Signature: k '
. (Optional)

State Bar No.:


Person Served:
Certit`lcate of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must

State: (l) the date and manner of service;
(2) the name and address of each person served, and
(3) ifthe person served is a party's attorney, the name ofthe party represented by that attorney



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4 l ,Sl;
Please enter the following for each person served:

Date Served:_ -


Manner Served:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Law F irm Name:
Address l:
Address 22






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