Enderlin, Eugene Dale Jr.

OFFICIAL NoTlCE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS OFF|CP ,"-Q' ._BQ,'XJ§P.S€ E’YEO'B¢,, STATIO `}' AU¢.S;' l_Na=.'B§‘._/\SJ§?FI’DSTAGE>> PlTNEY aowEs STATE OF TEXAS w.f" §§ ' g EL,:J:: ._4 1 . . PENALTY FoR . t§§'?§j ’ 452 PRlvATE usE ’ Wg§ “”°~. : . §'.§§,?,7°1 § ©©)©.275 . AT§_;;R§ §~§,_R - 000140162335P, 02. 2015. 8/26/2015 m §>§:§'§“:§§/h§ §§ ; _ ENDERL|N, EUGENE DALE JR*$ - Tr C§§~._"`Jo§o1114973-A WR- 82, 683- 02 § This is to advise that the Court‘has“‘denied without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus on the findings§`of theit'ria|¢é{ourt without a hearing. Abel Acosta, C|erk EUGENE DALE ENDERL|N JR. @\SC ' / § -TDC #1490997 \< qse'v?aze