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HEINTZ ()RDER SETTING HEARING le IS ORDERED that the above-styled and numbered cases are SET for hearing 0n: § Application for Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus for Monday, August 17, 2015 at 3:00 0'clock p.m. in the 7th Judicial District Courtroorn located on the second floor Of the Smith County Courthouse in Tyler, Texas. IT IS SO ORDERED. SIGNEDthiS 28th day OfJuly, 2015 ,.7"! 1 / " ” l j / 1 HO /BLJJKEli/RY L. RUSSELL/ ' Ju. 'ge residing ec; State Nicholas Heitz 22544 Hickoly Lane Mineola, TX 75773 FL LED L(Qjc ‘~/ HO‘\~N"RQ ;), 3 t{:"?fl§_ _"§;;_ \1 1"` `L:RK 2015J11.'29 ,;, 9 ,8 ` SMl f , owes 110. m\'nm:c~‘ m "‘ U"‘TY TEXAS ___ BY.\` sierra on nn J,<- m n- s reh armcth vs manner conny or ~>=- swan connr, mms NICHOLAS G . EEEINTZ 46 l~lUI‘ION 'I.‘O DISI'-ISS CRII-ENAL ACCUSATION 0 COI‘~BS l\IO`a-‘J, Nicholas G. Heintz (hereinai`ter "I"Ir. He:`c.ntz"), defendant in the above-captioned cause , who, pursuant to Articles 32.01 l and 28. 061 of '_Le:cas Code of Crimjnal I'rocedure, respectfully moves this Honorable Court to dismiss the criminal accusation lodged against him. Art. 32.0'| . Dei`endant In Custod;/ And No Indictment Presented» When a defendant has been detained in custody or held to bail for his appearance to answer any criminal accusation, the prosecution, unless othe:m-Jise ordered by the court, for good , cause sho‘\»m, supported by affidavit, shall be dismissed and the bail discharged, if indictment or information be not presented against such defendant on or before the last day of the next term of the court vfnich is held after his connnitment or admission to bail or on or before the lSOth day after the date of commitment or admission to bail, whichever date is latero \ Rr. Heintz was initially "detained in custody" and subsequently "held to bail", without an indictment, for his appearance to answer the criminal accusation against him, since 2 October ZOlh, 271 days (at conclusion of June, 2015). bhreover, it is his understanding that the "next term of the court" which was held after Mr. Heintz's "commitment or admission to bail" concluded on 30 June 2015. Art. 23.061. Discharge For Delay. lf a motion to set aside an indictment, information, or complaint for failure to provide a speedy trial is sustained, the court shall discharge the defendant. A discharge under this article is a bar to any further prosecution for the offense discharged and for any other offense arising out of the same transaction... A lawful indictment in the criminal prosecution of Hr. Heintz is unattainable. This fact is the reason behind the lengthy, Constitutionally excessive (271 days) delay. The failure to provide hr. Heintz with his Constitutional Right to a "speedy trial", and "to have his guilt or innocence determined soley on the basis of the evidence introduced at trial" (Taylor v. Kentucky, h36 U.S. h78, 98 S.Ct. 1930, 56 L. Ed 2d h63, 1978. (Id., at h69) (emphasis added)), can be attributed to the following irreparable jurisdictional_"missteps" which occurred at the outset of the case against Nr. Heintz: 1) the charged accusation of failure to register as a sex offender is groundless. Upon his arrival to~the state in 2012, dustin DPS made a definitive, legally binding determination that Pr. Heintz was not required to register in Texas. §§§. Exhibit "K" of Nr. Heintz‘s Application for Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus. 2) With a release date in Utah of 23 November 1999, the registration requirement under Utah Court Case No. 831916801, for the "reportable conviction" named in the Smith County Arrest Warrant, statutorily expired on 23 November 2009. §§§. Exhibits "A" and_"H" of Kr. Heintz‘s Application for Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus. §ee. al§g, Utah Code of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 77-27-21.5 (9)’(a) and Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 62, Art. 62.052. "The duty to register for an extrajurisdictional registrant expires on the date the person‘s duty to register would expire under the laws of the other state..." 3) notwithstanding the fact a) that the registration requirement for the "reportable conviction" charged had long since expired; b) that DPS in Austin had found no legal duty of hr. Heintz to register; and, c) that Nr. Heintz has a legal Right to a presumption of innocence under the U S Constitution and under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Title 1, chapter 38, ira 38.03 ana Ar»b. 11.11.3= _-__-~m~38';e3e»Pz-esumption»»c£~»nmocence. ~e~- All persons are presumed to be innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Art. 11.113. No presumption of guilt arises from the mere fact that a crimal accusation has been made before a competent authority. 'However, twelve (12) days following his arrest and confinement, for allege£y having failed to register as a sex offender, the Sex Offender Begistration Unit of Szrdth County Sheriff's Office, without jurisdiction ("reportable conviction" registration requirement expired), on 111 Oct. 201 h, went ahead and registered Mr'. Heintz --- without an indictment, without a trial and without a conviction. S_e_e. Ebrhibit "H" of Application for Extraordina:cy Writ of Habeas Corpus (third to last page). hHEREFOBE, defendant Heintz respectfully requests that the Court grant this motion to dismiss for lack of prosecution and reverse the wrongful, illegal requirement of sex offender registration in Texas. DATED this??`”‘ aayof;i;_r;.°., 2015. Nicholas G. Heintz , Defendant. 424447 ~£/ Nicholas G. Heintz, Defendant Without Assistance of Counsel 2251,\1; Eh'.clcory lane Fdneola, Texas 75773 (903) 638~t383 AFFID_AV I'I' I, Nicholas G. Heintz, being first duly sworn, depose and state as follows 5 "I have read the foregoing l’btion To Dismiss Criminal iccusation and swear that the allegations of fact contained therein are true and correct, according to my belief." DATE`D this gin day of Ju.ne, 2015. SU'BSCRIBED AND SWORN 'fO before me this g gm.day of June, 2015, by Nicholas G. I~Ieintz. F_,:_- " " usmmmns l \";:‘"éul`l?{" NoTorvl’ub\`\c,S!ote ot'Texos "o= t\/\y Commiss‘\on E):- m nn nn aunan vs. :f_` premier comer or lucaonn c. :~nnnz sierra com-nn rt dam lDTION TO DISNISS CRIMINAL ACCUSATION On this_____day of July, 2015, came to be heard Defendant‘s thion To Dismiss the Criminal Accusation charged against him; to Restore his liberty; Uhencumbered, and it appears to the Court said motion should be GRANTED/DENIED. IT IS THEREFORE GRDERED that the charge of Fail to Comply with Sex Offender Registration life/Annually be dismissed, with prejudice. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Defendant, Nicholas G. heintz,-is not required to register as a sex offender in Texas. Hol\rozusis' scenic L. messrs Judge iresiding