STATE OF TEXAS SEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS AMARILLO, TEXAS 79101-2449 INRE CODY ALLEN JOHNSON CASE N0.07-15-00280-CV MOTION FOR MANDAMUS § 22.221 GOVT CODES ART. 5§6 TEXAS TO THE HONORABLE COURT: COMES NOW CODY ALLEN JOHNSON, WHOM IS INCARCERATED, MONEY, MATERIAL WEALTH NOR INCOME FROM ANY SOURCE TO PAY FOR FEES, COSTS NOR FOR ATTORNEY TRCP 145 TRAP 20.1 NOTICE HIGGINS 257 SW3d 684 , ~ESS STRIGENT THAN FOR ~AWYERS ERICKSON 127 SC 2179, FRCP 8,12 SEE GOVT CODES §51.204 C~ICK 867 SW2d 406 TRIA~ #4447 TRIED 10-21-2009, FOR AGG. SEX ASST/CHI~D. PRIOR ~!liGATION UNDER TCP&RCODES §14.004 AS PER ~ETTER I RECEIVED DATED JUUY 9,2015, ON, JU~Y 14,2015, AS PER §11.051, I HAVE NO PRIORS, CIVIU NOR CRIMINAU, P~EASE SEND ME THE ENTIRE RECORDS UOG AND THE PO~ICE REPORTS, ENCUDSED YOU WI~U FIND A COPY OS MY INMATE TRUST FUND ACCOUNT. §132.003TCP&RCDDES I DECUARE UNDER PENA~TY OF PERJURY THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT CODY A~~EN JOHNSON #1761851 HIGHTOWER 902 FM 686 DAYTON, TEXAS 77535 CC SHERRI JONES 7/17/15 DISTRICT C~ERK P.O. BOX 528 WHEE~ER, TEXAS 79096 CSINIB@2/CINIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 07/16/1,5 HI05/DWE9509 IN-FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA 10:03:23 TDCJ#: 01761851 SID#: 07559270 LOCATION: HIGHTOWER INDIGENT DTE: 03/17/14 NAME: JOHNSON,CODY ALLEN BEGINNING PERIOD: PREVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: CURRENT BAL: 0.00 TOT HOLD AMT: 0.00 3MTH TOT DEP: :6MTH DEP: 6MTH AVG BAL: 6MrYJP ~~: MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS MONTH HIGHEST B ~ ·~TA~Efr)jiTS J!!L c:: 2010 IJj) PROCESS DATE HOLD AMOUNT ~~~~ _~~~=~=~==~~ NO BANKING ACTIVITY ___ SEVt~~~~~~g~~.o;L~~~EALS WITHIN THE PAST 6 MONTH PERIOD. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF ·L\teJ--h I ON THIS THE ll£ DAY OF Ju.!LL ?iii.:!) I CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS A TRUE, COMPLETE, AND UNALTERED CcWit MADE BY ME OF INFORMATION CONT~~ THE ·- COMPUTER DATABASE REGARDING THE OFFENDER'S ACCOUNT. NP SIG·=--~~N PF1-HELP PF3-END ENTER NEXT TDCJ NUMBER: ·' OR SID NUMBER: -~_,.,r d---- ·_.::.:.. :.\ TEXAS DEPARTMENTOFCRIMINALJUSTICE RECORDS RELEASE reIf a.. 1L 201~IE U!Jrm JilL 2:. A UTH 0 RIZA TI 0 N .SEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS VIVIAN LONG, CLERK I, the below named and numbered offender, hereby authorize the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to release records pertaining. to my trust fund account, as requested by C!nud of ,g,feal~ (Identify Court, Attorney, or entity as defined in Rule 3 9 2 1-Special Correspondence Rules) I, offender C~'dv -;Jdh n .so Yl , - TDCJ# _ ___:./_7_(p__:./___,~~o=-----_/_ being presently incarcerated at the _ _!L~V~_JIL,1-f;:_LI_,:·cf)~h.._fc'--=--"w=-'"'-r _____ UniUFacility of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, in L 1• btr {y County, Texas declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed on this the / t day of =::ru.:\ '"i 20~ By~~,.,~l Witness ... _\-"'-""J5.-=:::..::~'----=----"'- _---LbQ_---"""""--=- CApproved-Witnessing Authority Signature) INSTRUCTIONS: 1 The offender completes above information, signs and dates the Records Release Authorization in the presence of the approved witnessing authority (Access to Courts Representative) 2 The witnessing authority identifies the offender by ID card or records and, upon verification, witnesses the offender's signature by signing the Records Release Authorization, which the witnessing authority will maintain 3 The witnessing authority prints out a copy of the offender's "TFBA" computer screen, certifies it, and retains a duplicate copy for their records 4 The offender is required to have an addressed, stamped envelope prepared for mailing The witnessing authority then places a copy of the certified "TFBA" printout in the addressed and stamped envelope and the envelope is sealed and placed in the outgoing mail • ~ ATC01 -Authorization No. 1 (10/01) ··.j \1) -· ~-
in Re Cody Allen Johnson, Relator
Combined Opinion