` 161 . iad ~U~¢ w 101 CLERK 0F EUURT 0F CRIMINAL APPEALB HONORABLE ABEL AEUSTA P.u. an 12303, EAPITAL sTATIoN .;% ,% AUSTI'N, TE):\s 73711 _ HE@[L;UV[:® UN '~ ' ' @@U§W oeo@mnumal appeals INRE: Ex PARTE RIEKY LvNN ADAMS, #1764301 . a du mR-79-104-04 ~ '@CT 05 get wR-79-104_06 ' ' mP479-10u_07 ab@!lAc@Siia,©frewv< lN THE Brd DISTRICT 000RT FROM ADERSUN CUUNTY EAUSE #'5 26169, 26160, 26167 - SPET. 30, 2015 Dear Mr. Aoosta, 0n June 12, 2013 the 00urt of 0rimihal Appeals issued an order that the Distriot 0ourt make "Findings of Fact and 0onolusions of Lau", and placed my writ in abeyance until the Distriot 0ourt did its duties. Sir, l have never reeieved the Final Answer from the 0ourt of Erminal Appeals oonoernihg this order or issues.- Sir, could you please send me the‘FINAL 0RDERS issued on these writs by the Court of Eriminal Appeals. lt would be Very much appreciated aa 1 await nam far Tmo(z) vEARs AND FUUR(A) MUNTHS. THANK Y00 FOR YO0R TIME AND YDUR ASSISTANEE IN RESOLVINO THIS MATTER Respeotfully submitted, RICKY LYNN ADAMS #1764301 - ' STRINEFELLUM UNIT 7_" 1200 FM 655 . Rosharon, TX. 77503