NO. PD-1071-15 IN THE COURT OP CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS DANIEL G. RODRIGUEZ FIRST COURT OF APPEALS Petitioner, § NO. 03-13-00778-CR V. APPEAL FROM 351st DISTRICT rTiHEj-^ffiATE OF TEXAS § COURT, HARRIS COUNTY TEXAS rILCIU UN Respondent, •% T.C. NO. 1380317 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS PETITIONER'S SECOND COURT OF CRIWAL APPEALS OCT IS 2315 MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE OCT 15 2015 PRO SE MOTION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW Abel Acosta, Clerk TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: Abel Acosta, Cterk COMES NOW* Daniel G. Rodriguez/ Petitioner in the above- numbered and styled cause and requests an extension of time to :fi-le petition for discretionary review. This is Petitioner's Second and last motion. On July 28< 2015/ the First Court of Appeals of Texas* en tered its memorandum opinion affirming the trial courts judgement. Petitioner's first motion for extension was granted on Aug. 19/ 2015/ giving Petitioner until Oct. 26* 2015/ to file Petition.The Court specifically stated NO FURTHER EXTENSIONS WILL BE ENTERTAINED. Petitioner respectfully asserts that extraordinary circumstances exist for the Court's consideration/ for allowing Petitioner an additional 3,0-days to prepare an adequate Petition for review. In this instance/ Petitioner* an indigent pro se litigant has not receive a copy of "Appellant's Brief" or a copy of "State's Brief". Neither appeal counsel/ the State or the Court of Appeals has provided Petitioner with copies of briefs. Petitioner has no materials (above) upon which to prepare an adequate Petition (PDR). Petitioner has made several requests to his appeal counsel/ the 1. Court of Appeals* and the State Bar of Texas* for assistance in obtaining said briefs. Petitioner has no other remedy and seeks an extension only for the sole purpose of awaiting a response from parties named above. This motion is not intended for purpose of delay. Respectfully submitted* Daniel G. Rodriguez #1869538 C.T. Terrell Uit 1300 FM 655 Rosharon, TX 77583 Certificate of Service This is to certify that a true and correct copy of the fore going motion has been forwarded to the State's Attorney* P.O. Box 13046* Austin, TX.* 78711, via U.S. Mail, first-class postage pre paid, on this the ^ day of Oct. 2015. Unsworn Declaration 1/ Daniel G. Rodriguez/ TDCJ-ID No. 1869583/ being presently incarcerated in C.T. Terrell Unit in Brazoria County, TX./ declare under penalty of perjury that the information stated herein is true and correct. So Sworn, on this (n day of Oct. / 2015. 2.
Rodriguez, Daniel Gonzalez
Combined Opinion