ACCEPTED 03-15-00186-CV 6243495 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 7/27/2015 5:26:32 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK M.lRrnxs, ToDD, LnoN¡.no, Tnylon & Aulnrcn A GpNpnar PeRtNptsuIp AvruvonG. TAYLoR JANßS F, MARTENS. 301 CoNcnEssAveNUE, SuIre 1950 RECEIVED IN KpllrH. Tooo AusrrN, T¡xes 78701 DANIELLE V. AHLRICH 3rd COURT OF APPEALS Lncv L. LEoNARD (st2) s42-9898 AUSTIN,ALLecnnD. TEXAS HILL Attorneys at Law FAx (512) 542-9899 7/27/2015 5:26:32 AttomeysPMat Law *Board Certified in Tax Law JEFFREY D. KYLE Texas Board of Legal Specialization Clerk E-MAIL : ataylor@textaxlaw. com July 2T,2ors Via Electronic Filing Court of Appeals, Third District of Texas Attn: Jeffrey Kyle, Clerk Price Daniel Sr. Building 2o9 West r4tn Street, Room rot Austin, Texas 787ot Re: Court of Appeals Number: og-1S-oo1B6-CV Trial Court Number: D-I-GN -L2-oogg2o Glenn Hegar, et oI. u. Stoteuside Materials Transport, Ltd. Dear Mr. Kyle: that I will be out of the ofñce for a professional Please be advised commitment from October t2-tg,2o1S. Accordingly, I respectfully request that the Court not schedule oral argument in the above-referenced matter on October L4, 2o1S. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Third Court of Appeals Júy 27,2015 Page2 Sincerely, By: Amanda G. Taylor AGT: san cc: Douglas D. Geyser, via electronic mail Charles Eldred, via electronic mail
Glenn Hegar, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas And Ken Paxton, Attorney General of the State of Texas v. Statewide Materials Transport, Ltd.
Combined Opinion