THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.o. Box 12308, cAPIToL sTATIoN "]§ , @lg ~ @LU AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 ERIC DAVIS TDcJ-cID #1543230 RECEIVED|N 899 F_H_ 632 COURTOFCRIM!NALAPPEALS K`ENEDY,_ TEXAS 781].9 OCT 26 2015 October 21, 2015 ADEEACOSFH,CKBF}' Re: Eric Davis V. Stephen Williams¢ Case No: 9:14-cv-00002-RC-ZJH To The Honorable Judge Of The Above Said Court, Respectfully moving in the spirit of professionalism and good faith with integrity and loyalty towards the dignity of this court is Defendant Eric Davis< Respectfully, I was wondering if I could obtain a copy of the last filed motion within your court. I have went through technical difficulties upon this facility and my legal material had gotten destroyed during the annual unit lock-down. I would highly appreciate if I could obtain the last specific document that I filed please. I sincerely thank you for your time, effort, and prompt attention regarding this matter. Sincerely, Eric Davis CC/FilEd...
Davis, Eric Lamond
Combined Opinion