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Box 4005 ` ' y - Huntsvi\le,TX 77342-4005 (93_6) 437-5203 September 16, 2015 `Noei Andrade-TDCJ`-I`D#S5'7698 ’ West Te-z':as IS`F ~ Luu/. Larncsa Hwy ' _ Bl‘Oanl€ld, TX 7_9316 ‘ Dear Mr. Arldrade: ' Our office has received your request to investigate the possibility of receiving credit for “street time” which you feel that you may be entitled to. Upon investigating your case it appears the Board of Pardons and Parole held a revocation hearing and it was decided to transfer you to an ISF instead of_re_volcing you. Your maximum discharge date should revert back to the same date you had upon your last release from TDCJ. ln addition, we ~ have no way of knowing the length of time it will take to complete this process. lf, however, you do get revoked later contact our office again for further investigation '(Q(il$` /- .. ' i* " '\' \ w l Your “street time” has been credited to you from your last revocation dated 120-20-2‘01'4, u?:o¥:€\istddy time is still reflected, causing your maximum discharge date to push out to vl l-l6-2015 from lO`-fO`€-`Z(’fl$ due to a prior release, which is the difference between the date the blue warrant was issued and the date you were arrested for ' this violation Records reflect Cause: CR-97H-08'1~ expired 06-29-2015 d +""=_§'? 6 w Cause: CR-96K-136`expir'e!d 06-205;015 -#~*\ 7 _ Sih<>er@ly, . .QR.'[??I' l;l;l l ~ * '" m : `~ Douglas Kim, Chief Legal Services Section l\/l. Thornton, Legal Assistant . ' ' '- j §`l$`»§`i' 961(' 0 U"(i’ T/D C\§ , Legal Ser\/ices Section n _ l il _ . cc: File Becml¢_q ' " " __/1 % »- ~ . 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Andrade, Noel Valdez
Combined Opinion