ACCEPTED 04-15-00286-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 11/16/2015 11:42:20 AM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK Mattheww E. Vandenbergg (210) 228-2463 (Direct D Dial) FILED (210) 242-4671 IN FFax) (Direct 4th COURT mvanden OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 11/16/2015 11:42:20 AM Novem mber 16, 20115 KEITH E. HOTTLE Clerk Via E Electronic F Filing Fourth Court C of Appeeals Cadena-RReeves Justice Center 300 Dolo orosa, Suite 3200 3 San Anto onio, Texas 78205-3037 7 Re: R Noticee of Withdraawal of Requuest for Orall Argument, No. 04-15-000286-CV, CCity of San n Antonio accting by and through Cityy Public Serrvice Board ((“CPS Enerrgy”) v. Tom mmy Harral Constructio on, Inc. Dear Hon norable Justiices of the Court: C On O June 29, 2015, Appeellant City of o San Antoonio, acting by and throough City P Public Service Board B (“CPSS Energy”), filed its brieef in the aboove-referencced matter. AAppellee Toommy Harral Construction filed its brieef on July 15 5, 2015 and tthen, in respponse to thiss Court’s ordder of July 22, 2015, 2 filed an a amended Appellee’s A Brief B on Auggust 5, 2015. After A reviewing those materials m andd in the intterest of exppediency inn this acceleerated appeal CPS C Energy y will not file f a replyy brief in tthis cause. Consequenttly, becausee this interlocu utory appeal is an expediited matter, and in keep ing with thee requiremennts of Texas Rule of Appelllate Proceduure 40.1(b), CPS Energy y requests thhat the causee be set for submission oon the briefs at the t earliest possibility. p Sincerely, Matthew E.. Vandenbergg g MEV:ecg cc: Chad C William ms Viaa Electronic Filing Manaager JW |SAN ANTONIO 112 2 East Pecan Stre eet, Suite 2400 • San Antonio, TTexas 78205 | | Member of GLOB BALAW™ 15115932v.2 103119/01974 4
City of San Antonio, Acting by and Through City Public Service Board ("CPS Energy") v. Tommy Harral Construction, Inc.
Combined Opinion